Directing Romeo Essays

  • Directing Romeo and Juliet

    1567 Words  | 4 Pages

    Directing Romeo and Juliet In this assignment I will be directing act 3 scene one lines 35-136 of the tragic play Romeo and Juliet I intend to use lighting, music, tone, and facial expression to affect the audiences emotions. Introduction ============ In this assignment I will be directing act 3 scene one lines 35-136 of the tragic play Romeo and Juliet I intend to use lighting, music, tone, and facial expression to affect the audiences emotions. I have chosen to use theatre rather

  • Directing William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

    1458 Words  | 3 Pages

    Directing Romeo and Juliet Being a director in a production such as Romeo and Juliet is no easy task, and I enter into this paper with that in mind. My goals are to be creative, and do things differently from the many versions of the play we have viewed in class.      Each of those directors took the original text, written by William Shakespeare, and turned it into a unique version of their own; unique in the sense that they changed the tragedy by taking out lines, conversation or even entire scenes

  • Directing William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

    2434 Words  | 5 Pages

    respond to the argument. This play Romeo and Juliet is set in the Elizabethan times, when Shakespeare was writing and producing plays. This particular play, ‘Romeo and Juliet’, is set in Verona, Italy. It is here; we meet the wealthy families of Capulet and Montague families. These two particular families have been feuding for generations upon generations. The Capulet family holds a masquerade party, where all are welcome except the Montague family. Romeo attends uninvited, and it is here

  • Directing a Scene from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

    5480 Words  | 11 Pages

    Directing a Scene from ‘Romeo and Juliet’ In this essay I will imagine that I am directing a scene from Romeo and Juliet. I will be discussing how I would stage this scene in both modern and Shakespearean times. Throughout the play there are strong scenes of violence between the two warring families (the Capulets and the Montagues) and the scene I have chosen to base my essay on is a prime example of this. The scene I have chosen to discuss is act three scene one. This is an extremely

  • Directing a Scene From William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

    1192 Words  | 3 Pages

    Directing a Scene From William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare is one of the most famous writers in the history of the English language. He was born in the town of Stratford-Upon-Avon. He wrote some of the most well known plays of which one of these is Romeo and Juliet. The story is set in Verona, Italy, and the main characters are, Romeo, Juliet, Tybalt and Mercutio. The story is about Rome and Juliet, two star-crossed lovers from two feuding families, the Montague

  • Directing the Party Scene of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

    960 Words  | 2 Pages

    Directing the Party Scene of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Throughout the scene there are social, historic and cultural influences. The social side of the scene is the party where there is a certain code of behaviour. Social etiquette dictated that the male would address the woman in a polite and civil way because there were at a masked party, which at that time was seen as socially acceptable. The historical

  • Baz Luhrmann's Problems While Directing Romeo and Juliet

    847 Words  | 2 Pages

    Baz Luhrmann's Problems While Directing Romeo and Juliet The problem that faced Baz Luhrmann when he was directing the new version of Romeo and Juliet was that he didn´t know whether there would be an audience for Shakespearean stories in a modern culture. So Luhrmann didn´t make this film with the old-fashioned, Shakespeare "purist" in mind. Instead, by using lively, modern images (swimming pool etc.) with a

  • Directing Romeo and Juliet: Act 2 Scene 2

    704 Words  | 2 Pages

    Directing Romeo and Juliet: Act 2 Scene 2 I am going to direct act 2 scene 2 from the play Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare. The scene is also known as the balcony scene. During this scene Romeo is looking up at Juliet on the balcony talking about love. The scene is going to be set in as historical environment the 16th century in Verona. Therefore the costumes shall also reflect this era. Juliet will be in her in nightdress (1) and Romeo will be in a party costume (2). This

  • Comparing Baz Luhrman and Zefferelli's Directing styles of Romeo and Juliet

    567 Words  | 2 Pages

    Luhrman and Zefferelli's Directing styles of Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in 1598, and since this time the play has been modified to suit many different directors styles and their interpretations of Shakespeares work. In the different versions of Romeo and Juliet that we saw there were 4 main contexts for us the viewer. The first context is n 1998 Baz Luhrman produced the film to appeal to a modern audience, but Zeferelli made his version of Romeo and Juliet in 1960 which

  • Directing Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

    837 Words  | 2 Pages

    Directing Act 3 Scene 1 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet In this essay I will be directing act 3 scene 1 in the illustrious "Romeo and Juliet" written by Shakespeare. This segment of Romeo and Juliet will be intended for a contemporary

  • Directing Act 1 Scene 5 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

    1440 Words  | 3 Pages

    Directing Act 1 Scene 5 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet In order to present Act 1 Scene 5 on stage I will divide this scene into seven sections and discuss the setting of the stage, costume of the characters, the movement of the actors on stage and the overall impact of these on the audience. In this scene Capulet welcomes his guests to the ball and encourages them to dance. Some of the ladies are a bit shy and Capulet teases them that if they don't dance people will think

  • Directing Act 3, Scene 5 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

    1088 Words  | 3 Pages

    Directing Act 3, Scene 5 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet In Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" Act 3 Scene 5 is a crucial part of the play. It is the scene in which we see Juliet abandoned by all of her allies: Romeo, her parents and, to a certain extent, her nurse. It is also a scene where many of the themes of the whole play, such as fate, marriage, individual freedom and day and night, are developed. The scene is hectic and contains numerous exits and entrances. It sets the

  • Directing My Own Version of Act 1 Scene 5 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

    2598 Words  | 6 Pages

    Directing My Own Version of Act 1 Scene 5 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet In this essay I will be instructing from the point of the director. I will be directing my own version on Act1 Scene 5 from Shakespeare's famous tragedy. The performance will be held in a theatre and must be accessible to the audience, at the same time showing my originality in setting the scene. Act 1 Scene 5 is an extremely important scene in the play; Romeo and Juliet first meet in this scene. In this

  • Casablanca

    506 Words  | 2 Pages

    CASABLANCA Throughout history, the film industry has seen many directing styles and techniques. The early part of the 20th century saw a factory style of film production, but as the years went by, director's began to employ new and untried techniques in their pictures. One such technique which these director's implemented was a new approach to the use of the camera and camera angles. "Casablanca," an Academy Award winning film of 1942 saw director Michael Curtiz manipulate the camera in ways others

  • Romeo and Juliet - The Movie

    743 Words  | 2 Pages

    Romeo and Juliet - The Movie The new release of Romeo and Juliet  is fun, fast and exciting to watch. It is a slick cinematic rendition of Shakespeare's work brought to the screen for contemporary movie-goers.  There is something for everyone in this movie.  A timeless story, a dynamic cast, a hip soundtrack, great sets and costumes and plenty of action.  From the beginning the audience is told," buckle up, this Romeo and Juliet  ride is going to be like no other Shakespeare you've

  • Fates Role in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

    605 Words  | 2 Pages

    Fate’s Role in “Romeo and Juliet” In William Shakespeare’s play, “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet”, fate plays one of the largest roles in the plot. In order to understand how fate plays a role it is important to examine how the story begins, when Romeo meets Juliet, and when Romeo fights Tybalt after Tybalt kills Mercutio. One reason why fate plays a big role is that the play begins by hinting that Romeo and Juliet will be affected by fate. The chorus begins the play by giving the general idea

  • Comparing Romeo and Juliet and Shakespeare in Love

    1781 Words  | 4 Pages

    Midsummer Night's Dream, and Romeo and Juliet. In this essay I would like to discuss the play and movie, "Romeo and Juliet", and also the movie, Shakespeare in Love. The play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is set in the fictional city of Verona. Within the city lives two families, The Capulets and the Montegues, who have been feuding for generations. One night there is a celebration held at the house of the Capulet's. At the party the only son of the Montegues, Romeo, and the daughter of the

  • The Value of Sex in Romeo and Juliet and Measure for Measure

    1251 Words  | 3 Pages

    Renaissance England often treats female sex and virginity as a commodity. Shakespeare recognizes this belief system in Measure for Measure and Romeo and Juliet. In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet's virginity acts as a commodity. However, it is not her commodity; rather, it belongs to her father. Capulet uses it as a bartering tool. In act three, scene four, he makes a marriage agreement with Paris. He says, "Sir Paris, I will make a desperate tender / Of my child's love. I think she will be ruled

  • Juliet's Feelings in Act 3 Scene 2 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

    646 Words  | 2 Pages

    Juliet's Feelings in Act 3 Scene 2 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet The act and scene we are analysing is a very important one. This is because of the way Juliet reacts towards the events that face her in this part of the story. This scene is the ultimate example to tell us how Juliet thinks, feels and reacts towards Romeo. Not only is it one of the most interesting parts of the story but it is the most exciting scene, truly we can explore how and why Juliet reacts in the ways

  • Act Two of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

    689 Words  | 2 Pages

    William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare, who wrote the novel, Romeo and Juliet. It was one of his most romantic and successful plays during his time. Act 2 Scene 2 was the most important scene that happened in the play where Romeo has declared his love to Juliet. After the gatecrash of the Capulet's party Romeo snuck back in the Capulet's mansion, for the reason that Romeo fell madly in love at first sight, with the daughter of his parent's rival. Romeo trespassed just