Digital Culture Essays

  • The Descent into a Digital Culture

    852 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Descent into a Digital Culture In this century our culture is changing rapidly. Just in the last 30 years alone our scientific understanding, technological achievements, and fragmentation of values has transformed faster than in the previous 100 years alone. With our express style culture change, one has to wonder what will be said about our culture another hundred years in the future. What is the one thing that has defined us as who we are? A section on our slow ascent into socialism may be

  • Philosophical Anthropology, Human Nature and the Digital Culture

    5116 Words  | 11 Pages

    Philosophical Anthropology, Human Nature and the Digital Culture ABSTRACT: Within contemporary Western philosophy, the issues of human nature and our place in the cosmos have largely been ignored. In the resulting vacuum, the various subcultures that have grown up around the digital computer (the so-called "digital culture") have been actively defining and shaping popular conceptions of what it means to be human and the place of humanity in the digital era. Here one finds an implicit view of human

  • The Importance Of Digital Culture

    838 Words  | 2 Pages

    The digital culture has clearly changed and impacted the ways of modern life by connecting most of the world’s population through various social outlets. These networks can intertwine creativity, politics, values, advertising, religion, personal connection, and the list can go on and on. In many cases the digital culture has made things easier in terms of communication and interacting socially or for business purposes. Certain platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have evolved from connecting and

  • The Influence Of Digital Culture

    1063 Words  | 3 Pages

    Mirror by Ty Burr, he expresses how digital culture has influenced our opinions on fame. He states, “There is not a public space that doesn’t have a screen to distract us from our lives, nor is there a corner of our private existence that doesn’t offer an interface, wireless or not, with the Omniverse, that roiling sea of infotainment we jack into from multiple access points a hundred times a day” (p. 32).” The point Burr is trying to make is that today, in modern culture, we are constantly bombarded with

  • Digital Culture And Post-Modernism

    2212 Words  | 5 Pages

    Post-modernism can be classified as a late-20th-century movement regarding the style and concept of many areas in life such as arts, architecture, culture, literature, philosophy, history and economics. It is generally a representation of a departure from modernism and at its core is a distrust of grand theories and ideologies, as well as a problematical relationship with any form of “art”. It usually features a deliberate mixing of different artistic styles and media, the self-conscious use of earlier

  • Hacking and Digital Counter Culture

    2382 Words  | 5 Pages

    Hacking and Digital Counter Culture Hacking was first introduced as a new way to embrace and utilize computer technology. Many of the hackers then saw the technology as a way to demonstrate their independence and aims to share this to the public and they used the computer to achieve this. In the last couple of years however, hacking has been given a new connotation. It became connected with criminal and illegal activities which is totally different from what the hackers had in mind when they initially

  • The Digital Divide

    3119 Words  | 7 Pages

    The Digital Divide A new generation is forming the way its members will be written into history books. These are the members of the digital culture, a lifestyle relying on the use of technology and the Internet as a tool of communication and information-sharing. Nevertheless, as with the generations of the past, some individuals are not participating in this new cultural experience. It is common knowledge that some citizens do not use the Internet. Many do not use the Internet simply due

  • Impact of Digital Technology on an Aspect of Contemporary Culture

    1086 Words  | 3 Pages

    Impact of Digital Technology on an Privacy Digital technology has been revolutionizing the world step by step over the past couple of years. The manner in which people interact, communicate and carry out their daily activities has been the highest priority of technological inventions. The internet, for example has caused major changes to the lives of individuals, corporations and the whole world as a whole. There is however some rising concerns over the effects of digital technology on contemporary

  • Digital Culture And New Media (Research Introduction)

    968 Words  | 2 Pages

    1- Digital Culture and New Media (Research Introduction) “For the first time in history, the media make possible a mass participation in a productive process at once social and socialized, a participation whose practical means are in the hands of the masses themselves”1 It does not take Galilean perceptions in order to understand the complexity of new media and digital culture and the evermore expanding cosmos of the computer mediated communications. But, it leads us in a vague, indefinite space

  • Facebook: Facebook Is Changing The Future Of Facebook

    1917 Words  | 4 Pages

    A. Introduction The today’s society is living in the digital era, where many companies have transformed itself to serve their customer better. This is an on-going phenomenon that scholars around the world are looking into in the past decades. Berners-Lee (1997) predicted that with the Internet, the most rapid growth would be in public information. He dreamt that someday we would be able to map out the relationships and dependencies that define how the project is going. However, in this essay, we

  • The Digital and the Humanities

    1012 Words  | 3 Pages

    1. Introduction: the Digital and the Humanities Computers, digital tools and the Internet have been radically changing the way scholars work, collaborate and publish their research and supported the creation, the storage, the analysis and the dissemination of data and information. While many areas of study within the natural, medical, and social sciences have a long tradition with these technologies, most of the humanities disciplines have been more reluctant and have found it more difficult or inappropriate

  • Manuscripts Essay

    1748 Words  | 4 Pages

    Gopalakrishnan, director, National Mission for Manuscripts (NMM). “A bigger number have to be catalogued. Many of them are rapidly decaying, and need to be properly preserved or they will be lost.” It was with these objectives in mind that the Ministry of Culture set up the NMM with a five-year time frame and a budget of Rs 350 crore. Since then the mission, tying up with various like- minded institutions, has set up 27 Manuscript Resources Centers (MRCs) to carryout surveys and awareness campaigns and 20

  • A Look into Digital Broadcasting

    3096 Words  | 7 Pages

    A Look into Digital Broadcasting Digital Broadcasting will have a fundamental effect on viewing patterns, popular culture and audience identity. This will be done firstly by looking at the history of the BBC and the original intention of Public Service Broadcasting. It will discuss how by John Reith’s successful approach to broadcasting, the BBC became a National Institution creating popular culture and a National Identity. It will examine how these first steps and ideas have major role in

  • Digital Technologies and Music Fandom

    2896 Words  | 6 Pages

    operates, partially as a result of the increasingly integral role digital technologies have come to have within our everyday practices. The phrase ‘digital technologies’ refers to the tools used to share, analyse, and create information, using binary code. This may comprise software, online systems, or the hardware used to access such facilities. In recent years, scholarly discussion has emerged concerning the sociological impact of digital technologies, notably in the work of Deborah Lupton.1 However

  • Changes in Digital Technology and Their Effects on Mass Media

    907 Words  | 2 Pages

    Digital technology has caused a recent surge in the way our culture consumes mass media. Mass media involves the basic characteristic of communication to large audiences. Communication is a vital characteristic which people use everyday. This communication can be done through pleura of methods such as radio, print newspapers, broadcast television, Internet, telephones, etc. Digital technology has allowed for far more possibilities for productivity than traditional methods before. Digital technology

  • Employee Engagement Essay

    1077 Words  | 3 Pages

    Shifting Your Digital Gifting to Increase Employee Engagement Today, employee engagement involves empowering your team with meaningful work. It also includes attracting and retaining top talent to achieve your business goals. Research show that higher engagement leads to better job performance. Employees committed to the organization’s growth give their employers competitive advantages-lower employee turnover and higher productivity. That’s why your human resources team should be equipped with

  • Media Influence On Technology

    762 Words  | 2 Pages

    Baby Boomers (Grewal, Levy 152). Generation Z consists of people born between 2001 and 2014 (Grewal, Levy 152). Generations Y and Z are referred to as the digital natives because they were born into a world full of electronics and digital technologies (Grewal, Levy 152). The term “digital natives” refers to people who have grown up in a digital world and are accustomed to multitasking and getting information fast (Kopenhe... ... middle of paper ... ...on, and the idea of becoming famous for practically

  • A Digital Nation

    1494 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Digital Nation Have you ever heard someone say that we live in a digital nation? Do you know what a digital nation is? Well you should know because you are living in one. Our nation revolves around the use of computers. Can you go through a normal day without using something computer related? I don't think so. Many everyday things that you take for granted are computer based, such as: ATM's, credit cards, grocery check outs, and gas stations to name a few. I support Jon Katz's article The

  • Smarter Than You Think: How Technology Is Changing Our Minds For The Better

    1217 Words  | 3 Pages

    Digital Technology and its Effects on Intellectual Development. In the article “Smarter than You Think: How Technology is Changing Our Minds for the Better”, the author Clive Thompson wrote “One of the greatest challenges of today’s digital thinking tools is knowing when not to use them, when to rely on the powers of the older and slower technologies, like paper and books.” Thompson believes that digital technologies are bringing about a new era of life and are overall a great advancement for society;

  • Idea Of Privacy

    824 Words  | 2 Pages

    of Management at the Rotman School of Management and the Inaugural Fellow at the Martin Prosperity Institute. In 2013, Tapscott was appointed Chancellor of Trent University. He has written extensively on the topic of information security in the digital age over the past fifteen years. In his essay entitled, “Should We Ditch the Idea of Privacy?”(Tapscott p.117). Tapscott considers a new, emerging theory