Dharma Bums Essays

  • Jack Kerouac's The Dharma Bums

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    The Dharma Bums is a novel written by Jack Kerouac, it was first published in the United States by The Viking Press in 1958. This novel is described as semi-autobiographical because some of the characters in the novel are very similar to kerouac's friends in real life. The Dharma Bums is a novel about Ray Smith, our narrator. He brings us along through his life as an aspiring Buddha; we get to know some of his friends such as Japhy ryder who Ray describes as “The number one Dharma Bum of them all

  • The Dharma Bums Literary Analysis

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    The mind it not simple, it is not black and white. Instead, the mind is a very complex space filled with various types of emotions and ideals. Throughout The Dharma Bums, Jack Kerouac focuses his attention on an eventful journey by learning to see the world more objectively and perceive nature to be true and pure. Ray Smith (Jack Kerouac) is a man who has been through thousands of life-altering experiences and has let his mind reach its potential of free will. Thankfully, Japhy Ryder (Gary Snyder)

  • The Dharma Bums Literary Analysis

    1385 Words  | 3 Pages

    Kerouac’s, The Dharma Bums is a short novel depicting the adventures and newfound buddhist ideals of Kerouac and his friends. Like many of Kerouac’s other novels, The Dharma Bums contains stories of mad partying, immense drinking, and forms of transcendence and escapism. Although, The Dharma Bums differs from Kerouac’s other novels in the way that it goes about finding transcendence. For example, instead of simply letting go of responsibility, inhibition, and social norms, in The Dharma Bums, Kerouac uses

  • Jack Kerouac’s The Dharma Bums

    804 Words  | 2 Pages

    Jack Kerouac’s The Dharma Bums Jack Kerouac’s The Dharma Bums does not fall too far from a basic description of his life. Kerouac spent the bulk of his writing career riding trains from city to city, meeting people and writing books and poetry. He was among the premier writers of the Beat Generation, a group of primarily urban poets and writers who put the basics of life and their spiritual nuances into poetry with a beat. The book, The Dharma Bums, is a window into the daily structure of the

  • Materialism in The Dharma Bums and Goodbye, Columbus

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    Materialism in The Dharma Bums and Goodbye, Columbus Several works we have read thus far have criticized the prosperity of American suburbia. Jack Kerouac's The Dharma Bums, Philip Roth's Goodbye, Columbus, and an excerpt from Lawrence Ferlinghetti's poem "A Coney Island of the Mind" all pass judgement on the denizens of the middle-class and the materialism in which they surround themselves. However, each work does not make the same analysis, as the stories are told from different viewpoints

  • Nature and Society in The Dharma Bums and Goodbye, Columbus

    988 Words  | 2 Pages

    Nature and Society in The Dharma Bums and Goodbye, Columbus From its beginning, the literature of the 1960s valued man having a close relationship with nature. Jack Kerouac shows us the ideal form of this relationship in the story of Han Shan, the Chinese poet. At first, these concerns appear to have little relevance to Goodbye, Columbus by Philip Roth. However, by mentioning Gauguin, Roth gives us a view of man's ideal relationship to nature very similar to the one seen in the story of

  • The Sixties Exposed in Takin' it to the Streets and The Dharma Bums

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    The Sixties Exposed in Takin' it to the Streets and The Dharma Bums One cannot undertake any study of the 1960s in America without hearing about the struggles for social change. From civil rights to freedom of speech, civil disobedience and nonviolent protest became a central part of the sixties culture, albeit representative of only a small portion of the population. As Mario Savio, a Free Speech Movement (FSM) leader, wrote in an essay in 1964: "The most exciting things going on in America

  • Importance of Mountains in Kerouac's Dharma Bums and Barthelme's The Glass Mountain

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    Importance of Mountains in Kerouac's Dharma Bums and Barthelme's The Glass Mountain Mountains are significant in the writing of Jack Kerouac and Donald Barthelme as symbolic representations of achievement and the isolation of an individual from the masses of the working class in industrialized capitalist American society. The mountains, depicted by Kerouac and Barthelme, rise above the American landscape as majestic entities whose peaks are touched by few enduring and brave souls. The

  • The Rebels of Dharma Bums, Takin' it to the Streets and New American Poetry

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    Rebels of Dharma Bums, Takin' it to the Streets and New American Poetry You don't need a destination to run away. All you have to know is what you are leaving behind. In the 1960's, young men and women in the United States, especially on the west coast, made a mad dash away from almost two centuries of American tradition. They ran to so many different places that it would be impossible to generalize about their aims and philosophies. What they had in common was the running itself. America

  • Analysis Of Dharma Bums

    1132 Words  | 3 Pages

    an answer is demanded. Devout- expressing devotion or piety Forlorn- lonely, sad; forsaken Apocalyptical- of or like and apocalypse; affording a revelation or prophecy Ephemeral- lasting a very short time; short lived Summary- In this chapter of Dharma Bums, many characters are introduced. For instance, the main character Ray smith, along with Japhy, Coughlin and Alvah. This section is mostly focused on the character Japhy who is an oriental scholar. Many times through transitions when Ray is encountering

  • Eastern Thought in the Works of Kerouac and Ginsberg

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    Jack Kerouac in his book, The Dharma Bums, and Allen... ... middle of paper ... ...beliefs with their own, or tracing the traditions to their purest roots and taking the religion from there. It was a long road, but the sincerity of the Dharma Bums and the other poets and writers of the 1960's left a legacy of religious freedom, breaking out of the barriers of middle-American Christianity and setting out for the new frontier. Kerouac muses over this in The Dharma Bums, "'Yes, Coughlin, it's a shining

  • The Individualistic Themes Of Jack Kerouac

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    re-awaken dormant chords in American life and writing—these have rarely been met with balanced opinions.”(2). Everything that Hicks has analyzed about Kerouac is apparent through his writing today. Kerouac’s novels, such as On the Road and The Dharma Bums, contain individualistic themes, which question American literature and the cultural norms that are found in such writing. Aside from the cultural norms of society, through his novels Kerouac shows that he does not like to follow the norms that

  • Jack Kerouac

    1885 Words  | 4 Pages

    Jack Kerouac In the beginning Jack Kerouac lived a wild and exciting life outside the realm of everyday "normal" American life. Though On the Road and The Dharma Bums were Kerouac's only commercial sucesses, he was a man who changed American literature and pop-culture. Kerouac virtually created a life-style devoted to life, art, literature, music, and poetry. When his movement grew out of his control, he came to despise it, and died lonely on the other side of what he once loved and cherished

  • Comaring Thoreau To Kerouac

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    and events speak without metaphor, which alone is copious and standard." (Thoreau 72) In this description of sound, the level of scholarly, colorful language is clearly evident. Comparing Thoreau to his modern counterpart Jack Kerouac, in "The Dharma Bums" (1958), Kerouac writes with far less colorful language but provides more detail on personal sentiment and emotion. "Far off, just the sound of the yards where they were kicking cuts of cars with a great splowm waking up all El Paso, but me." (Kerouac

  • A Comparison of Ginsberg and Kerouac

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    Beautiful. Works Cited Ginsberg, Allen. "Sunflower Sutra." Howl and other Poems. San Francisco: City Lights, 1956. Rpt. in The New American Poetry. Ed. Donald M. Allen. New York: Grove Press, 1960. 179-181. Kerouac, Jack. The Dharma Bums. New York: Penguin Books, 1976.

  • Anti-Consumerism in the Works of Kerouac, Ginsberg, and Roth

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    culturally enslaving and to be avoided when possible for the sake of the integrity of the individual spirit. Works Cited: Allen, Donald (ed.). The New American Poetry 1945-1960. Berkeley, CA: U. of California P. 1960. Kerouac, Jack. The Dharma Bums. New York: Penguin Books. 1958. Roth, Philip. Goodbye, Columbus and Five Short Stories. New York: Modern Library. 1959.

  • Jack Kerouac's On the Road

    3098 Words  | 7 Pages

    the desperate flight from the lower middle class life and its culture of anxiety? (?Jack Kerouac.? Contemporary Literary Criticism, Vol. 14, 305). The beats also had trouble dealing with the social aspects of living. ?In both On The Road and The Dharma Bums this fugue, or flight, is portrayed on the realistic level as an attempt to escape from an intolerable personal or social situation? (Freied 253). They couldn?t deal with the values and expectations of society. ?These men and women reject existing

  • The Remarkable Life of Jack Kerouac

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    After studying briefly at Columbia University, he achieved fame with his spontaneous and alternative writing style, particularly the novel On the Road (1957). After the success of this work Kerouac produced a series of similar novels, including The Dharma Bums and The Subterraneans (both 1958), Doctor Sax (1959), Lonesome Traveler (1960), and Big Sur (1962). His autobiographical works reflect a wandering life, with warm but stormy relationships and a deep social lack of expectation satisfied by drugs

  • Poem Analysis: To Get To Sourdough Mountain

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    To get to Sourdough Mountain Lookout, you hike a good five miles and gain 5000 feet or more of elevation. The terrain is rugged and the hiking strenuous, but that’s to be expected in the Northern Cascades. Located 130 miles northeast of Seattle, Washington, the Forest Service opened one of its first lookouts here in 1915. The view from the lookout station, constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps in 1933, is a postcard in every direction: Mount Prophet and Hozomeen looking north, Jack Mountain

  • The Individual Versus Society in Kerouac and Ginsberg

    2207 Words  | 5 Pages

    spirit that was brewing under the surface in the Beat culture. The Dharma Bums, by Jack Kerouac, tells us through the mouth of Ray Smith about his time with Japhy the Zen Lunatic. His narrative depicts a critique of modern culture, with its demands, expectations, and plastic rewards. Even the title of the book suggests this, as the Buddhist word Dharma means one's niche, or spiritual duty in the universe. Thus a Dharma Bum would be one whose natural place in the world, where he rightly belongs