Del barrio Essays

  • Importance of Community in El Tonto Del Barrio

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    Importance of Community in El Tonto Del Barrio The title of Jose Armas’ story, "El Tonto Del Barrio" (or "The Barrio Dummy"), may be interpreted two different ways. The first interpretation is literal and applies to the simple-minded Romero, who with the help of his community is able to function in the real world. The second interpretation is ironic; it applies to the Harvard-bound Seferino, who though he means well is so lacking in experience that he turns Romero’s world upside down and nearly

  • Luis Valdez's Los Vendidos

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    that has taken place in the Mexican/Mexican American over the years. What is of particular interest is the meaning of the title of the play. The literal translation is the sold out ones, however a group known as Somos Raza, who are a part of Unión del Barrio (Liberación Exige Organaización), have a somewhat different interpretation of the word. As part of their ten point platform Somos Raza defined the word vendidos as the following: "We recognize Hispanic vendidos as those people who unite with the

  • El Museo Del Barrio

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    reevaluate a project a for a community museum. He dedicated the museum to the Puerto Rican Diaspora in the United States and named it El Museo del Barrio. The location of the museum is known as District 4. District 4 includes parts of Central Harlem and East Harlem, Montañez Ortiz was primarily hired to serve the population of East Harlem, known as El Barrio. Martin W. Frey, Superintendent of School District 4, under pressure from parents and community activists to implement cultural enrichment programs

  • Analyzing Jose Armas 'El Tonto Del Barrio'

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    “El Tonto Del Barrio” If asked, “what is the most important thing a person needs?” one of the most prevalent answer would be money. However, do people think about the negative influence money has on them. In the short story “El Tonto Del Barrio,” the author, José Armas uses characterization, irony, and symbolism to show how money makes people greedy for more. José Armas use characterization to show how people can change. “Characterization is the development of characters in a story,” (Madden 67)

  • The Angel Esmeralda Essay

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    This point is also sustained by the work of, Don DeLillo in “The Angel Esmeralda”. The reading shows how people who have never been or lived in the ghetto think it’s a fun place to live or how high-class people assume they can go to the ghetto and treat it with admiration like if it was museum or something they have never seen before. When a European tourist bus stopped at Gracie’s neighborhood and all the tourist that were inside the bus started staring at the street that was in a bad condition

  • Daddy Yankee

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    Just recently in Colombia, Yankee performed in front of over 60,000 screaming fans. Also, his energy and dedication to his career have allowed him to record over 130 tracks in as many as 70 feature reggaeton albums. Finally, in July of 2004, arrives Barrio Fino, the most anticipated album launch in Reggaeton music.

  • The Violence of Love

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    his time. Lastly I will include a subjective response around a select few of quotations by Archbishop Romero and discuss how his challenging and demanding words altered the way I see ministry today. Oscar Romero was born August 15, 1917 in Ciudad Barrios, El Salvador. Romero became a carpenter when he was 13, but Romero’s apprenticeship in carpentry didn’t last long because Romero had a strong calling to serve as a Catholic priest. At the age of 14, Romero left home and entered seminary school where

  • The Tarahumara People and Running

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    northwestern Mexico. They live in small isolated clusters with most the population concentrated in the Barranca del Cobre, or the Copper Canyon. The Tarahumara indians are part of the Uto-Aztecan indian lineage and are closely related to the Apaches of the Southwestern United States. The area of Northwest Mexico that the Tarahumara lives in is very rugged and unforgiving. The Barranca del Cobre is a chain of five very deep canyons surrounded by very tall mountains that reach almost a mile and a half

  • Maddona and Child

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    many of the works by Bellini and Raphael, specifically, "The Small Cowper Madonna", and "Maddona Del Granduca" by Raphael and "Greek Madonna" and "Madonna of the Meadow" by Bellini. The subject of Maddona and Child is one that is highly emotional. Raphael and Bellini portray the Virgin and Child in two very different emotional states. Raphael, in his paintings, "The Small Cowper Madonna" and "Madonna Del Granduca", illustrates a very intense feeling of...

  • Leonardo da Vinci's Inventions

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    raised on an estate belonging to his father, while his uncle also helped raise him. Da Vinci never received a full education like others, but his artistic abilities were noted by his father who eventually apprenticed him to a well known sculptor Andrea Del Verrocchio, of Florence (History). When apprenticed, “His skills as an artist developed, flourished and even intimidated his mentor ”(Leonard... ... middle of paper ... ...Vinci was the first and a true Renaissance Man. He was extremely talented

  • Origen del arte Islámico

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    desarrollándose sobre todo en la arquitectura y en la decoración ligadas estrechamente. Mozzati (2010), nos muestra que el Islam es una religión caracterizada absoluta e intransigentemente por el monoteísmo, ellos tienen una visión radical y unitaria del mundo, siendo indiferente a las particularidades históricas, sociales, culturales y radicales de sus adherentes. El Islam y su lengua, la cual es el árabe, constituyeron una unión poderosa de varias tradiciones culturales, componiendo una combinación

  • Analysis Of Sicario

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    Sicario is a 2015 film starring Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin and Benicio Del Toro. The movie is directed by Denis Villeneuve and is a realistic take on the war against drugs on the border of US and Mexico. In many aspects this is a perfect movie: editing, acting, movement, photography and sound. Though the story is nothing to write home about, the subject matter remains serious enough to write to Obama about. As crucial as it is to win the war on drugs the movie does a great job at showing the dark underbelly

  • The Hero: El Cid By Rodrigo Díaz De Vivar

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    Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar; better known as El Cid, was a hero, an important character in the unification of very early Spain, most importantly he was a legend. His is the story of a man that came from modest origins and moved up through the art of war. El Cid was a courageous man that feared no one and served one. He was loyal, brave, and honorable; a man that his vassals and subjects should fear as much as they should love. Often referred to as, “he who was born in the lucky hour” ; El Cid follows the

  • Theme Of Pan's Labyrinth

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    Pan’s Labyrinth. (2006) Directed by Guillermo Del Toro. [Film] Spain: Tequila Gang, Warner Bro. Is set 1944 Spain after the civil war led by Franco. The film can be seen as a dark fairy tale fantasy with elements of violence. The film’s narrative is set between the real world and fantasy. The film is set around Ofelia, who is the main character we follow her journey as she is forced to move in with the Captain who is fighting a regime. It centres on Ofelia completing tasks that are set by a mysterious

  • How Is The Lighting Used In Pan's Labyrinth

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    Pan’s Labyrinth is a foreign film that deals with a little girl named Ofelia. Ofelia must travel with her pregnant mother to see the Captain (Ofelia’s step-father) and while she is in Spain at her father’s house, she encounters a mysterious faun who gives her three tasks that she must complete. The Faun says that she is Moanna, the daughter of the king of the underground and in order to open up portals to reach her real father she must complete the tasks he had given. Throughout the movie, the mysterious

  • Pan's Labyrinth Essay

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    Pan’s Labyrinth, (El laberinto del fauno) (2006) by Mexican director Guillermo Del Toro is a Spanish-Mexican film which tells the tale of a young, imaginative 11 year-old girl – called Ofelia - who has a love for books and fairy tales. The story depicts events which involve her, and occur during the year 1944, in the setting of Spain living under a fascist regime as a result of the War. The film uses the aspect of fantasy and imagination to portray many themes within the narrative, themes which stem

  • The Impact Of Leonardo Da Vinci

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    Leonardo da Vinci greatly impacted world history by his artwork, inventions, and discoveries in science.Around the world da Vinci has impressed and amazed people by his gift in artwork. Inventions were a common thing that he thought of and they always surpassed his time period intellectually. Discoveries and new ways of thinking don’t come very often, but under the thoughtful mindset of da Vinci they do, the genius of the 14th century. Leonardo da Vinci, was born in 1452, in Anchiano Italy during

  • Narrative Essay On A Mission Trip

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    I did not want to leave. I had been here for ten days and I had established relationships and friendships with people from everywhere and all sorts of backgrounds. We all sat in the car preparing to leave. Every single one of us, my parents, brother and me, sitting in silence. Wanting to cry, waiting for someone to say the first word. Each of us had learned something that trip. For me, this experience had taught me what gratefulness was, the impact a good attitude has, what a servant looks like,

  • La Influencia de 'La Llorona'

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    Llorona era una India Azteca que ahogo a sus hijos en un lago y que desde entonces ha llorado por lamentar de haberlos ahogados. Otra versión dice que la Llorona se llamaba María (versión de Joe Hayes) y que era la mujer más bonita del mundo que buscaba el mejor galán del mundo. Pasó los años y se casó con el hombre y luego el esposo empezó y luego el esposo empezó a hablar con otra mujer; por causa de celos, María ahogo sus dos hijos. Dependiendo de la región de México, Estados Unidos y sur América

  • Overview of Religious Art

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    He used color to emphasize the main subjects of the painting, brighter in the foregrou... ... middle of paper ... ...dle River, NJ: Pearson Learning Solutions. Museo Nacional. (2014). On-line gallery El Greco The Crucifixion. In Museo Nacional del Prado. Retrieved January 21, 2014, from South University Online. (2013). HUM 1002: History of Art from the Middle Ages to Modern Times: Week 1: Elements