Deep sea Essays

  • Deep Sea Fish Adaptions

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    Ballard famously referred to the deep sea as ‘far more alien than going to mars or the moon.’ The deep sea is one of the largest virtually unexplored ecosystems on the planet; it is found at a depth of 1000 fathoms [1] and is subject to adverse changes in temperature, pressure and light penetration amongst other factors. Therefore as expected fish decrease in abundance, and species diversity. This trend is prominent as in order to survive the harsh conditions of the deep sea, fish need a number of specific

  • Deep Sea Fishing

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    Deep Sea Fishing Wow!  I love going deep sea fishing on our boat.  I was excited when my dad had asked me if I wanted to go this weekend.  We departed that Saturday morning after almost a week of sheer anticipation, our destination, Port Canaveral, home of of some of the best fishing on the east coast of Florida. The sea is a very dangerous place when riled by a storm, even a mild one, so we always made sure the day would be at least close to perfect before we ventured

  • Deep Blue Sea: Don't Waste Your Time

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    Deep Blue Sea is a pathetic attempt at a heart racing, action packed, adrenaline pumping thriller. The only thrilling moment of this multi million dollar catastrophe was the laughable special effects and far fetched plot. The film, set in a research facility at sea, is about a group of scientists developing a cure for Alzheimer’s. All hell breaks lose when the sharks escape and

  • Deep Sea Exploration

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    In the past age, there were many explorations into the deep sea. Scientists originally descended in order to find the kraken and the giant squid. In the modern era, scientists travel to the deep to discover slightly smaller creatures. Microbial organisms are the most abundant life form on Earth. Scientists drill for microbes on the ocean floor where ancient remains still exist. Other scientists no longer look for life, their interest is in minerals that can produce pharmaceutical drugs. In fact,

  • Deep Ocean Mining Essay

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    In recent years, deep ocean drilling and deep ocean mining has received a lot of criticism for its effects on the environment. Many of the mistakes made have caused irreparable damage to the wildlife and the economy that was based around it. In April of this year a multi-national company reached an agreement with Papua New Guinea that would allow them to open up the world’s first deep ocean mine. There are many groups who are against this agreement. One of the major ones being Greenpeace who argue

  • Vampire Squid Research Paper

    1686 Words  | 4 Pages

    Vampire Squid (Vampyroteuthis Infernalis) Extreme Habitat/ Environment The vampire squid lives in the midnight/deep zone. This means that they are found at ocean depths of around 1,500 to 3,000 metres. They occupy the deepest tropical oceans, with preferred temperatures of 2-6 degrees celsius. The temperature of water at those depths are so cold. They live in the part of the ocean where there is barely no light. Therefore there is no light intensity. It is extremely dark at those depths, and the

  • The Importance Of Benthic Community

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    are equally as important (Garrison 310). Benthic communities are composed of benthic organisms that live on the bottom of a body of water. To be more specific, benthic organisms are known as benthos (Benthic). Benthos can consist of crabs, lobsters, sea

  • Bioluminescence in Deep Sea Creatures

    1097 Words  | 3 Pages

    Science Bioluminescence in Deep Sea Creatures Did you know that ninety percent of deep sea dwellers are able to give off light straight from their bodies? The light emission from a living organism in the ocean is known as bioluminescence. As a human race we need to dig deeper into the study of these creatures in hopes of fully understanding what bioluminescence is, why is it being used, and how can it help us. Bioluminescence is a mixture of chemicals inside a living thing that glows and generally

  • An Analysis of Deep Blue Sea

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    An Analysis of Deep Blue Sea I am doing an essay on the opening sequence of the film Deep Blue Sea, I will be analyzing the way the director creates atmosphere and suspense. The film is about killer sharks and is in the same genre as Jaws. The opening scene starts of with four people on a boat, there is hardly any dialogue in this scene as the audience does not need to know who the characters are, as they are only there to introduce the shark and play no further part in the film. Also in

  • Deep Sea Ocean Life

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    under the direction of Bob Ballard, a navigation group from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Scripps Institute of Oceanography and researchers from Oregon State joined together aboard the Knorr. Over the Galápagos Rift with Alvin the world’s first deep-sea manned submersible they had plans to find such venting systems. At latitude 21 degrees North the Alvin reached 9,200 feet (2.8km) at the bottom where a computer read out a curious 7.6 degrees Celsius (Cone, 83). It is now commonly known, in the

  • The Pros And Cons Of Deep Sea Mining

    553 Words  | 2 Pages

    beneficial place to set our deep sea mining site is directly off the sea of PNG in the Bismarck Sea because there are ports and docks to ship the minerals to and from. We are running out! We have no time, no option, and no choice. The world’s population is increasing by 228 000 each day. We have around 14 500 days left so only 40 years till the end of oil, 165 years of gas left and 415 years left of coal. We are using these minerals at a phenomenal rate. We need to start to deep sea mine off the coast of

  • Coral Reef Habitat

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    presented. These exhibits give the public an idea of the different environments our own oceans hold, providing a hands-on learning experience in the comfort of their own city. The two habitats that interested me are the coral reef and deep ocean. Both the coral reef and deep ocean are very different from each other, having varied ways of survival for the plethora of plants and animals that call those places home. In the coral reef habitat, food consumption is based on sunlight. The sunlight gives food

  • Personal Narrative: I am Blind

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    I am blind. But I was not always blind. I once experienced the majesty of a sunrise in late August and the awe of the deep blue sea as the sun glistens from it. Now I have only my memories to comfort me. So they sent me here, a field trip, a good experience they say, to help me cope. They sent me to a deaf school for the day, unknowing of how awkward it is for me. They gave me a buddy, but for what? We can?t communicate through speech or sign language. ? You?ll figure it out,? they say.

  • Personal Argumentative Essay: Deep Sea Fishing '

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    Deep sea fishing is an exciting sport that many people from all walks of life can enjoy all around the world. When I have the opportunity to partake in this sport it always gets my blood pumping, and I’m as excited as a little kid in a candy store. In my experience deep sea fishing is a sport of patience; one that can teach you a lot more about life other than just snagging a big fish if you allow yourself to see the beauty in it. Once you cast out your fishing line into the ocean, it can take just

  • Ocean Deep

    532 Words  | 2 Pages

    Snelgrove and Grassle in The Deep Sea: Desert and Rainforest published in Oceanus, volume 38 in 1995 argue that the popular belief that the deep sea is little more than an “ocean desert” is a pure fallacy. Contrary to such thinking a multitude of benthic organisms dwell on the ocean bottom; despite the frigid temperatures and high pressure, a large heterogeneity of creatures, rivaling in variety and number those inhabiting tropical rainforests, thrive in this environment. The “analogy of the ocean

  • Compare And Contrast Essay On Jaws Vs Deep Blue Sea

    1472 Words  | 3 Pages

    Reams English 101 September 22, 2014 Showdown of the Sharks 1975 Jaws vs. 1999 Deep Blue Sea Although both movies are structured around the destruction and killing of a huge Great White shark. Tooth by tooth just like all the different teeth in a sharks mouth, Jaws (1975) and Deep Blue Sea (1999) have many differences. The movies differ greatly just by the time period they were created in. Jaws and Deep Blue Sea were both huge movies of the year they were released, but Jaws continues to be a

  • Art Museum Paper: Deep Sea Drifters II Analysis

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    printed on woodcut panels. One of Marilyn Propp’s latest artwork “Deep Sea Drifters II” (2012) is a woodcut print on twelve panels. Its goal is to depict a few of the marine life but mainly depicts the debris found in the oceans. These debris ranges from metal to organic, to plastic, to chemical waste. From afar and as a whole, these twelve woodcut panels seem like a conjoined piece of art. Amongst other artwork, Propp’s “Deep Sea Drifters II” stood out to me because the others were mainly photographs

  • Evil and the Possibility of the Conversion into Good

    3782 Words  | 8 Pages

    Evil and the Possibility of the Conversion into Good According to Kant, radical evil is the deep inherent blemish of our species that does not spare even the best of people. Despite judging the extirpation of such evil as an impossibility, Kant holds out the possibility of converting evil into good by means of human forces. But how can this be given the radical evil of human nature? I articulate various problems that arise from Kant’s conception of conversion while exploring certain resources

  • Willy Loman's Depression in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman

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    disappoints Willy in the worst way. The conflicts between Willy and Biff are rooted very deep. It all started when Biff was younger and he had failed his math class. He traveled to Boston to visit Willy, who was on a business trip. He had told that he had let Willy down and comes to find out that Willy is with another woman. Biff leaves and never takes that math class over. Willy felt guilty about this and believes that deep inside that he is responsible for Biff's choices in life and his failure to be successful

  • Archetypes

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    4tH Quarter Paper There are many archetypical symbols used in hundreds of works, new and old. Some of these symbols include: war, peace, love, nature, birds, mountains, and darkness. These symbols have deep meaning which help embellish a certain work. They also help the reader to better understand the theme or plot of a work. They are used freely and abundantly in most modern and pre-modern works. The archetypical symbol of war is used symbolically as a sense of conflict or tension. It may express