Deadly Virus Essays

  • The Deadly Ebola Virus

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    OUTLINE Thesis Statement: The deadly virus Ebola is killing thousands of innocent people world wide, but there are some simple steps that are being taken to prevent this coming tide of death. I. Introduction II. Outbreaks A. First two outbreaks B. 1976 outbreak C. 1995 outbreak D. 1989 U.S. outbreak III. What is Ebola A. The Ebola virus in general B. Transmission C. Symptoms D. 1 in 10 victims survive IV. No treatment V. Contraction of Ebola A. Must infect animal first

  • Pre-Marital Sex

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    that come with having sex, such as A.I.D.S. This is a deadly virus that kills ones immune system. A person never dies from the actual virus. They die from the diseases that they would not have otherwise contracted if they still had a strong immune system. The immune system doesn't die slowly either it take at least five years for the immune system to eventually give out. A person can die from a simple cold if they have contracted the A.I.D.S virus. They cold starts of as a normal one does but it just

  • Compare and Contrast The Day After Tomorrow and Outbreak

    603 Words  | 2 Pages

    Which of these movies provides a more effective wake-up call about impending global catastrophes? “The Day After Tomorrow” and “Outbreak” both raise important concerns regarding the world that we live in. The first movie seems to serve mainly as a warning that as a people of this planet we need to do everything in our power to stop destroying our world. “Outbreak” demonstrates the vulnerability of the United States and for that matter all nations of the world in dealing with large epidemics. Though

  • Star Trek - The Next Generation

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    total domination of the Romulans. The weapon, called the Metagenic Device, would be launched from orbit to any planet and release a deadly virus throughout the planet's atmosphere. The virus would then quickly infect all forms of life and cause fatal mutations in the DNA of its victims. Within twenty-four hours, all life would cease. Within thirty-six hours, the virus itself would break down becoming inviolable, leaving the planet's resources free for plunder. At this time we did not know if we should

  • The Ebola Virus

    1216 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Ebola Virus is an extremely deadly virus found in Africa. There have been multiple outbreaks across Africa and one in the United States. The Ebola virus basically causes uncontrollable bleeding externally and internally. Then your organs become liquefied. This usually results in death( The following report contains info on the characteristics and history of the Ebola Virus. After being infected with the Ebola virus it takes 2-21 days to take effect. It depends if you

  • The Toll of Influenze, We Heard the Bells

    602 Words  | 2 Pages

    infected unlike any other. Not to mention, the progression of this illness was extremely quick. One minute you’re fine and the next you’re suffering from a high-grade fever and lying on your death bed. Unlike the influenza virus that many are familiar with today, this form of the virus targeted -- and killed -- the young and healthy. This to me was an interesting fact as it is more common that viruses affect those who are elderly, pregnant, under the age of five, or suffer from chronic conditions. Although

  • The Hanta Virus

    1688 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Hanta Virus The hanta virus is not a new foe to humanity. This mysterious and sometimes fatal disease has plagued humanity for over 1000 years. This virus, most likely originating in China over 1000 years ago, is transmitted by human contact with mice. Only relatively recently has the hanta virus captured the attention of the United States. Although the hanta virus has been known for such a long time, there is little known about the virus. In the United States most cases are found in the southwestern

  • Ebola Virus Research Paper

    1053 Words  | 3 Pages

    We live in a time rapidly changing of the climate and the environment. Some viruses had become the most dangerous nonliving organisms in the world. They are small but their impacts are very deadfall, since most of virus diseases have no cure. However, one type of these dangerous diseases are the emerging viruses, which come by surprise, kill as much people as it can before it goes back to its hibernation. Emerging viral viruses are viruses that contain RNA as their genetic materials, therefore they

  • The Differences Between Viruses, Bacteria and Prions

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    I am writing this research paper on the differences and similarities between bacteria, viruses, and prions. In this paper I will define each of the subjects that I am comparing and tell and show you how they are different and how they are similar. I will also tell you about their structure, how they reproduce, and a disease that is caused by each of them. I will first start with defining all three subjects. Bacteria are known as large groups of unicellular microorganism that have cell walls but lack

  • Influenza Virus: A Case Study

    1372 Words  | 3 Pages

    clear understanding of the virus which has worldwide effects. Also, a clear understanding of research and surveillance data conducted and collected by governmental agency, will be understood. One will grasp preventive or protective methods from what can end up becoming a deadly virus. One will comprehend governmental findings and investigations. The signs and symptoms will become more easily recognizable. Knowledge will be gained of treatments used to combat the virus to ensure little to no fatalities

  • Five Biological Killers that May be Used for Terrorism

    2812 Words  | 6 Pages

    benefits to human beings, but it also provides instruments of mass destruction. For example, advanced biological technology may provide cures for illnesses but it also provides instruments of biological terrorism. When war involves these microscopic, deadly, biological agents, it takes on a new and frightening dimension. Human beings harnessing the power of bacteria to kill large quantities of people sounds like science fiction. Unfortunately, we now hear about use of these biological agents not only

  • Bacteria, Viruses, and Prions

    758 Words  | 2 Pages

    "Difference Between." Difference Between RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. 2. "MicrobeWorld." Bacteria. American Center for Microbiology, 1 Jan. 2012. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. . 3. Nguyen, Bianca. "AP Biology/BN: Bacteria vs. Virus vs. Prion." AP Biology/BN: Bacteria vs. Virus vs. Prion. N.p., 16 Dec. 2011. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. . 4. "Difference Between." Difference Between RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. .

  • Gene Therapy Essay

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    What if there was a way to cure cancer, change skin color, or increase athleticism. Gene therapy promises to do all this and more. It aims to correct genetic abnormalities by inserting therapeutic genes into the body. Gene therapy is a fairly new practice, but it is not safe or reliable enough to become a standard treatment. One must also consider the ethical questions that arise. Gene therapy offers undeniable benefits, but the risks it poses need to be addressed before this technology can become

  • Discrimintation Of Aids Patients

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    disorder that results from severe damage to the body’s defense against disease. Even though AIDS was born in an era of sophisticated medical and surgical developments, it still remains incurable. The ways through which the HIV, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, can be transmitted are: blood transfusion, contaminated needles used in drug addiction, from an infected husband to his wife through sexual intercourse, or from an infected mother to her new born baby during pregnancy. Because it is that much spread

  • The World's Fight Against Microbes

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    rodents or arthropods, and in some viruses, such as the Ebola virus, the natural host is not known. All forms of viral hemorrhagic fever begin with fever and muscle aches, and depending on the particular virus, the disease can progress until the patient becomes deathly ill with respiratory problems, severe bleeding, kidney problems, and shock. The severity of these diseases can range from a mild illness to death (CDC I). The Ebola virus is a member of a family of RNA (ribonucleic acid) viruses

  • Exploring Genetic Engineering: Pros, Cons and Controversies

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    Genetic Engineering The primary goal of genetic engineering is to predict and cure genetic disorders by changing an organism's genome using biotechnology. This is done by a nucleotide insertion or deletion that changes genetic abnormalities that’s called Therapeutic and Reproductive Cloning. Therapeutic cloning has benefits in treating various diseases through cell replication used to create organs. Reproductive cloning focuses on creating limbs, reproducing copies of human beings and designing

  • Smallpox Viruses

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    world saw relief from this devastating virus. However, even with this inoculation in use, the world continued to witness death from both the virus and the vaccine. In the year 1966, it was estimated that 10-15 million infected citizens world wide had passed away from smallpox that year alone ( “History” 12). As a result of these devastating numbers, in the following year, 1967, the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) created a program to eradicate the smallpox virus. Ten years later, in 1977, the estimated

  • Antibiotic for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

    695 Words  | 2 Pages

    The common cold is one of the most prevalent illnesses worldwide. It is caused by a virus that inflames the membranes in the lining of the nose and throat, colds can be the result of more than 200 different viruses [10].The antibiotics don't work against any infections caused by viruses [11]. They are a powerful medicines that fight bacterial infections [12]. Antibiotics were first used to treat serious infections in the 1940s. Since then, antibiotics have saved millions of lives and transformed

  • Variola Virus and Smallpox Disease

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    Orthopoxvirus variola is the virus responsible for the well-known smallpox disease. It belongs to the Poxviridae family which is further split into the subfamilies Entomopoxivirinae which only affects insects, and Chordopoxivirinae which infects vertebrae (Hughes). It is in group one of the Baltimore Classification since it possesses double-stranded DNA. This group also includes viruses in the Herpesviridae family, certain bacteriophages, as well as the mimivirus. The linear genome consists of approximately

  • Somatic cell gene therapy

    1920 Words  | 4 Pages

    Almost everybody knows someone with a genetic disease. An aunt, a daughter, a friend, a coworker, every body is susceptible to have a genetic based disease. There are many types of genetic diseases ranging from skin malformations to lethal heart problems that could cause death. Genetic diseases affect newborns “Of the 3 to 6 percent of newborns with a recognized birth defect, at least half involve a predominantly genetic contribution.” (Fridovich, Fridovich-Kelly &Robinson, 2013, p.1); though there