De Medici Essays

  • Catherine De' Medici

    677 Words  | 2 Pages

    Catherine de’ Medici played an important role in Sixteenth Century France. She has been blamed for starting the French Wars of Religion, yet it is impossible to blame one person for a war. Catherine de’ Medici’s full name is Caterina Maria Romula di Lorenzo de Medici. She was born in Florence, Italy, on April 13, 1519. Lorenzo II de' Medici, Duke of Urbino, and Madeleine de la Tour d’Auvergne, Countess of Boulogne, were her parents. Even though she was a female, they still adored her. Unfortunately

  • Lorenzo de Medici

    590 Words  | 2 Pages

    powerful city in all of Italy. Lorenzo de Medici was the baby that would control the city of Florence and lead Florence into a great state of royalty. Born into a family of powerful bankers that ruled Florence Lorenzo would soon enough lead the city and soon be called "il Magnifico". From mentoring of childhood to the ruling of adulthood Lorenzo was a light to the people in Florence. Through Lorenzo's childhood he was mentored from his grandfather Cosimo de Medici to follow in his footsteps to control

  • Cosimo De Medici

    890 Words  | 2 Pages

    Among these families is the house of Medici, who can ultimately be held accountable for the patronage of artists such as Michelangelo and Botticelli. Although the Medici family was responsible for such sponsorships, they were ultimately evil because of their gain of power through deception, absolute control, and plutocracy. This can be proven by the lives of Cosimo de’ Medici, Lorenzo de’ Medici, Giovanni de’ Medici, and Giuliano de’ Medici. Firstly, the Medici were evil because of their usage of

  • Lorenzo De Medici And The Renaissance

    1321 Words  | 3 Pages

    Lorenzo de Medici is one of the most important figures in the history of Italy. He lived and reigned during the golden age of the Renaissance in Florence in the late fifteenth century. Although not from a royal family or appointed to the throne, he held much political power as the ruler of Florence. Unlike the rulers of his day, he was among the few to directly immerse in the arts by commissioning works with some of the artists that led one of the most important eras in the world: the Italian Renaissance

  • Medici: Cosimo De Medici

    2435 Words  | 5 Pages

    Cosimo di Medici Cosimo di Giovanni de Medici was given the title Pater Patriae of Italy at his death and was also known as the primus inter pares. He was the founder of the Medici dynasty, who were during the Renaissance the de facto rulers of Florence. Even though Cosimo Medici was a powerful man, he was not an official ruler. Medici’s government also consisted of a council who would many times resist the laws that Medici put forth. This paper will look at the accomplishments of Cosimo di Medici. Cosimo

  • Edict of January by Catherine de' Medici

    1427 Words  | 3 Pages

    There was a constant struggle for power in France in the 16th century. The de’ Medici family and the Guise family were the two major influences on France at the time. Catherine de Medici in particular had a hand in almost everything that was passed or that occurred while she and her sons were in power. She was one of the most prominent Politiques in history. She had influence over all of her sons, and was an advisor to all of them. She was able to shape France without having any outward involvement

  • Influence of the De Medici Family

    1293 Words  | 3 Pages

    The influence of a few people or ideas can affect a culture for a lifetime. The de Medici family was a powerful family that captured the ideals and principles of the Florence Renaissance and were able to use them to increase their influence during the time. Their influence in this time created many positive effects, some of which are still felt today. The family used their influence during this time to impact Florence and other European countries through their patronage of the arts, and political

  • Raphael's Lorenzo De' Medici

    1147 Words  | 3 Pages

    Christie's London announced on May 21, 2007 that Lorenzo de' Medici (1518), a portrait of sound provenance by renowned Italian Renaissance master Raffaello Sanzio, called Raphael (1483-1520), will be available for purchase as part of its Important Old Master and British Pictures auction on Thursday, July 5, 2007. On display at the esteemed auction house's King Street salerooms, beginning June 30, will be Raphael's painting, one of a handful by the artist still privately held. Owned by Ira Spanierman

  • Lorenzo's Influence: Lorenzo De Medici And The Renaissance

    1441 Words  | 3 Pages

    Lorenzo De Medici can be considered as one of the most influential men of the 13th century. His work in political affairs and administration were renowned in all Italy and his family could count on him in every aspect. Lorenzo was also a promoter of a new period called Renaissance. He was one of the first “mecenate” to explore this new way of art. In this project, I will concentrate how he developed art in Florence, giving a clear example through an Artist of that period that was working for him:

  • Lorenzo De Medici: The World's Greatest Impact On The Renaissance

    1293 Words  | 3 Pages

    Lorenzo de’ Medici The world’s greatest impact on the renaissance was a single man named Lorenzo de’ Medici.It was mainly because of him that the renaisance ended up being the way it turned out to be. Lorenzo allowed up and coming artists to become big and successful because of him, this was all because he was able to fund them and allow them to get paid even if they weren’t that big encouraging others to do the same. Lorenzo didn’t make his fortune by himself, in fact his fortune came from inheritance

  • Catherine De Medici Research Paper

    775 Words  | 2 Pages

    France Catherine de’ Medici was born in Florence (Firenze), Italy on April 13th and is known to be one of the most important women during the Renaissance period. She died on January 5th, 1589 in Blois France. The Queen of France had faced many challenges all her life to have revolutionized what France is today. Including the innovation methods and cookery of cuisine in France, a style of ballet, fashion, an inventor, and a powerful political life in France. Known as Catherine de’ Medici Her full name

  • The History Of Cosimo Di Giovanni De Medici

    1686 Words  | 4 Pages

    The first well-known name of the Medici family in Italian Renaissance Age is Cosimo di Giovanni de' Medici (1421-1463), also known as Cosimo the Elder (il Vecchio). His father, Giovanni di Bicci (1360-1429) started the family business as a great banker. 5 Having watched and learned the business world since very little, Cosimo successfully inherited the family business. Adding on his own talent, Cosimo expanded the Medici banking empire throughout Europe. He launched branches in London, Bruges, Lyon

  • Cosimo And Lorenzo De Medici Promulgated The Italian Renaissance

    1401 Words  | 3 Pages

    THESIS STATEMENT As wealthy Florentine bankers, Cosimo and Lorenzo de Medici promulgated the Italian Renaissance through the patronage system. PURPOSE STATEMENT Through historical analysis, this paper will discuss the effect of Cosimo and Lorenzo de Medici’s sponsorship as great patrons, focusing on their contributions to art, architecture, and literature. INTRODUCTION The Italian Renaissance was a time of rebirth for the arts, sciences, politics, and religion. Italy adapted into a flourishing

  • Catherine de Medici and Obsession Over Power

    1207 Words  | 3 Pages

    Catherine de Medici and Obsession Over Power "An execrable woman whose memory will remain in bloody crepe until the end of time[1]". For nearly 400 years this assessment of Catherine de Medici held true. In the popular imagination she is a Machiavellian schemer using poison on those who hindered her in her quest to gain and maintain power at court, a view of Catherine reinforced in recent years by the film La Reine Margot, based on the book by Dumas. Most traditionalist historians take

  • Did Lorenzo De Medici Influence The Role Of Prosperity In Italy?

    1286 Words  | 3 Pages

    Lorenzo de’ Medici, a renowned statesman and patron of the arts, wasn’t acknowledged as “The Magnificent” for nothing. After his father, Piero di Cosimo de ' Medici, died in 1469, Lorenzo took the reigns as head of the Medici household and business, and thusly led Florence to its prime as one of the most powerful city-states in all of Italy. Lorenzo had the abilities capable of pulling off such a feat. In fact, it is said that, “Lorenzo was playing a part. Not a real Prince, he must act the prince

  • Cosimo De Medici Essay

    517 Words  | 2 Pages

    Lorenzo de’Medici- Grandson of Cosimo de’ Medici. Took over the city of Florence when it was the cultural center. Renaissance- Means rebirth, new view of human beings. Humanism was embodied during this time. Leonardo da Vinci was a humanist. Was about literature, culture, art, and religion. City-state- Area that has control over the land economically and politically. Like, the units of the Sumerian civilization. Mercenary- Soldiers who fought for wealth. Mercenaries fought in Renaissance. Republic-

  • Renaissance Man and Renaissance Women

    527 Words  | 2 Pages

    Between the 1300s and 1500s, Europe experienced a period of cultural rebirth known as the Renaissance, marking the transition from medieval times to modern times. The Renaissance brought new importance to individual expression, self-consciousness and worldly experience. The Renaissance man and woman characterized the Renaissance ideals. A renaissance man was a well- educated gentleman who had cultural grace, courage and who understood the arts and sciences. On the other hand, a Renaissance woman

  • Cardinal Richelieu

    900 Words  | 2 Pages

    through marriage to Francoise de Rochechouart, an important family at the time. Louis died young and left five sons, the second oldest of whom, Francois, was Richelieu's father. Francois also died young, leaving his family in dire financial straits due to some poor investments. As a child, Richelieu was sickly and unfortunately would suffer from various maladies for the rest of his life. Armand was extremely intelligent and at the age of nine was sent to College de Navarre in Paris. Originally,

  • Lorenzo de Medici: Machiavelli or Michelangelo?

    647 Words  | 2 Pages

    Florence during Lorenzo de Medici’s time was a city of contradictions: artistic brilliance sprouted from the squalor of the city’s crowed streets and autocrats ruled over republican institutions. Florence fostered both the grandeur of Botticelli’s Primavera and the harsh realism of Machiavelli’s the prince. Lorenzo de Medici, the de facto ruler of the city, best embodied such contradictions. He was both a Machiavelli, using menace, betrayal, cajoles and schemes to exert power, and a Michelangelo

  • Changing Interpretations of The Prince and Niccolo Machiavelli

    2647 Words  | 6 Pages

    Changing Interpretations of The Prince and Niccolo Machiavelli After five hundred years, Niccolo Machiavelli the man has ceased to exist. In his place is merely an entity, one that is human, but also something that is far above one. The debate over his political ideologies and theories has elevated him to a mythical status summed up in one word: Machiavelli. His family name has evolved into an adjective in the English language in its various forms. Writers and pundit’s bandy about this new