Dark Tower Essays

  • The Dark Tower by Stephen King

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    The Dark Tower – Stephen King The Dark Tower is a series of stories that follow the main character, Roland "The Last Gunslinger", as he travels across a harsh desert on a mission to find the "man in black". His mission is to make it safely to the Tower in order to save himself and the very existence of the universe. The entire series revolves around the tower and how essential it is. The tower is a central point where different planes of existence merge and if Roland doesn't make it there before

  • Stephen King's The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger

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    Stephen King’s “The Dark Tower – The Gunslinger” includes Roland Deshayn, or Roland of Gillead walking the desert chasing the "Man in Black". The "Man in Black" or Walter is an evil mage. They are in a place/time that has "Moved On", which seems to mean that a great war against Gillead has destroyed a very modern planet, leaving only desert wastelands and very few survivors. This book details his journey as he crosses the wastelands, finding out the details of the war, his past, and the current survivors

  • Roland Truly a Hero in The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger and The Drawing of the Three

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    Roland Truly a Hero in The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger and The Drawing of the Three Throughout history on science fiction and fantasy novels, the hero has always been portrayed as someone who is more than just your regular human. Someone who has no flaw in their qualities other than compassion, which often causes their downfall. Always, in the end, the hero triumphs over great evil, to the dismay of the villain, and the applause of those he saved. What happens when the hero is superhuman

  • Robert Browning's Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came

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    Robert Browning's Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came Robert Browning's "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came" is a poem about torture. Whether Roland is actually in Hell or just trapped in the madness of his mind, his own failure and the way in which he wasted his life will continue to torment him for all eternity. The imagery throughout the poem displays a completely despairing attitude, and several bitter ironies which he cannot escape plague him during his quest. The title "Childe" implies

  • Book report lord of the rings

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    said, and sure enough all the spiders of Mordor are willing to help Frodo and Sam in their quest. Their course leads them to Mount Doom, where just as they arrive they find Gollum claiming the Ring for himself. The Dark Lord Sauron then becomes aware of them, and leaves the Dark Tower to come forth and destroy them; but just them Frodo and Sam rush Gollum and force him backwards into the Cracks of Doom. The Ring is destroyed, and without it Sauron is destroyed by the sunlight. Frodo and Sam leave

  • The Gunslinger By Stephen King: Literary Analysis

    778 Words  | 2 Pages

    The book I chose to read for this independent reading project was The Gunslinger, by Stephen King. In a setting like Old West-styled stories, but with supernatural elements, it follows a man named Roland Deschain - who is more often referred to as the Gunslinger - and his quest involving hunting and capturing a man known as the Man in Black. While the reader isn’t enlightened as to why the Gunslinger is chasing the Man in Black, reason is given to believe that the Man in Black is evil. On his journey

  • Animals In The Eyes of The Dragon

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    Animals In The Eyes of The Dragon Although it may seem quite absurd, the role of animals in The Eyes of the Dragon is a very supreme and dignified part of the novel. Through the development of the novel, the animal kingdom roars novel from insects to dogs and they all play their own, individual roles. The great black and white Anduan Husky named Frisky who is, out of all of her dogs, Naomi's favorite, leads Ben Staad and Naomi directly to the whereabouts of Dennis, Peter's butler. Flagg's

  • Gunslinger: Battle Between Good and Evil

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    and not deviate from his plan. Roland loves the boy, Jake, and is torn between saving him and pursuing his target, the man in black. Roland decides to sacrifice his friend’s life in order to hound the man in black. Roland’s goal is to reach the Dark Tower, and he feels that he must make sacrifices and forgo the sentimental, in order to achieve his goal. His ultimate goal is what he believes is the greater good, and he will go to any length to reach it. Society has sacrificed of innocence to achieve

  • The Gunslinger: Roland Deschain, The Man in Black, and The Epic Struggle

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    series of trial and tribulations and, with the help of fellow characters, succeed and return to normal society. In other words, the protagonist undergoes the monomyth cycle. Author Stephen King’s magnum opus (masterpiece saga), The Gunslinger: The Dark Tower I, tells of a lone gunslinger, Roland Deschain of Gilead, who ventures out in chase of the man in black. Roland, assisted by helpers, journeys across the desert, into the mountains, and at the same time tackles many challenges. The Gunslinger embarks

  • The Gunslinger

    1101 Words  | 3 Pages

    King, Stephen. The Gunslinger. New York: Penguin, 1988.King, PLOT SUMMARY AND THEME OF THE NOVEL: The Gunslinger, by Stephen King, is about protagonist Roland Deschain’s quest to find the Man in Black and make him reveal the location of a mystical tower. Over the course of his journey he meets a diverse assortment of characters and suffers great hardships until he ultimately apprehends the Man in Black. But the answers he receives are not the answers for which he searched, as he learns the Man in

  • Analysis Of The Dark Tower By Stephen King

    3599 Words  | 8 Pages

    STEPHEN KING'S ''THE DARK TOWER'' In his eight volume (and one novella) series The Dark Tower Stephen King presents a reader with an image of a world similar to our own, or it could even be argued, an alternate version of its’ very own future tainted by germ warfare and a nuclear catastrophe of disastrous global consequences. Throughout the series, King draws upon various elements commonly present in futuristic and post-apocalyptic sci-fi novels (even though The Dark Tower does not fall, in its

  • Physical and Mental Landscapes in Childe Roland by Robert Browning

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    Physical and Mental Landscapes in Childe Roland by Robert Browning On a doomed quest to conquer the evil of the Dark Tower, Childe Roland wanders through a wasteland filled with barren natural images and memories of once-heroic, now-fallen friends. The poem is alarming in the way the stark, barren terrain through which Roland travels offers no sensual or imaginative detail, but more so for its unflinching portrayal of a desperate and broken man. The opening lines of the poem are more shocking

  • Browning's Love Among the Ruins

    2125 Words  | 5 Pages

    Browning's Love Among the Ruins Among the failed and fallen works of man, the mundane, indeed profane, outcome of our history’s cyclic vastation, human affection may finally reign. This is the claim of Browning’s Love Among the Ruins, published in his monumental volume Men & Women, in 1855. Subtler emotions of kindliness and endearment between two persons only take the foreground of our affairs when the brazen dynamo of the days of kings and their mobs collapse in their mad, millenary mill-race

  • I, Too 'And From The Dark Tower' By Countee Cullen

    703 Words  | 2 Pages

    “From the Dark Tower” by Countee Cullen are both written by black men during the period of the Harlem Renaissance (1276, 1279). Both of these poems address the oppression and discrimination of black people and the hope for equality that the authors have. Through an analysis of the differences in the tone, style of writing and the implied audiences of the two poems, we can better understand how each author viewed the subject of their discrimination and oppression. Countee Cullen’s “From the Dark Tower”

  • Incest in Kings Row

    542 Words  | 2 Pages

    Shady characters permeate this film, but they can be easily forgotten under the thick melodrama that sweeps you into the storyline. Perhaps the most disturbing character to me was Dr. Tower. I mean, really, who is this guy? From the beginning I could detect a kind of strange dynamic between Cassie and her father. After she and Parris swim together as children, she says that if her father finds out she's been swimming with Parris, he would "take a switch" to her. At first I thought maybe he was strict

  • Vestibular System

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    must accomplish amazing feats of balance and coordination of the body. As scientist, Mikhail Tsaytin discovered in the 1970s, acrobats can successfully make a two person human tower in the dark, but after adding a third acrobat, not even the most talented can maintain the balance required to keep the tower intact while in the dark (1). What does darkness have to do with it? The point is that balance relies on at least three signals coming from the body, and one of those is sight. Once you eliminate one

  • Significant Images in the Grimms’ Version of Rapunzel”

    1120 Words  | 3 Pages

    shut her up in a tower that had neither stairs nor door, but only a little window at the very top.” (p. 74) A feeling of suspense is instilled just by reading this single line in “Rapunzel” by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Elements evoking emotion in a story, such as suspense, increase the degree of entertainment thereby enhancing quality and enjoyment factors. This story is both superficially entertaining and subconsciously intriguing. Exploring the symbolism of images such as the tower, the open window

  • Open Boat

    1122 Words  | 3 Pages

    Throughout my reading I have found that Crane uses many symbolic objects to depict true-life events. He uses symbols such as towers, animals, and waves. Crane leaves so much to the reader’s imagination that the story can be considered magical and mysterious. The composition leaves many details up to the readers inference, however after further research a full picture to the events that transpired that cold January are uncovered. “The Open Boat,” is very rich in symbolism. Symbolism evokes or describes

  • The Supernatural in H.P. Lovecraft’s The Outsider

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    order to understand Mosig’s interpretation, one must first understand “The Outsider” and its general themes, from an unbiased viewpoint. The story begins with the narrator explaining his origins. He, a nameless creature, tells of his environment: a dark, decaying castle amid an “endless forest” of high, lightless trees. (Lovecraft) He has never seen light, nor a single living human being. He lives among crypts lined with decomposing bones and rats. He never mentions eating, but lives alone, with

  • Compare And Contrast A Black Man Talks Of Reaping And From The Dark Tower

    914 Words  | 2 Pages

    "From the Dark Tower" are poems that tugged on the heart strings of African Americans everywhere. Both poems dealt with the harsh reality of racial prejudice in America and shared the hope of overcoming it. Although the two poems "A Black Man Talks of Reaping" and "From the Dark Tower" by Arna Bontemps and Countee Cullen are different in purpose, they are similar in theme, tone, and extended metaphor. The theme throughout the two poems "A Black Man Talks of Reaping" and "From the Dark Tower" is the