Critical Response Essays

  • Critical Response: Jack London

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    Critical Response: Jack London Jack London, a well known American author, has written a fair share of truly classic works.  The Call of the Wild and White Fang are staples of middle and high school reading requirements.  His other novels, such as The People of the Abyss and Sea Wolf are not as well known, but are still regarded as brilliant pieces of literature by many scholars.  Lesser known are his many volumes of short stories; "To Build a Fire" being the most popular.  I cannot say

  • A Critical Response to Lady Chatterley's Lover

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    A Critical Response to Lady Chatterley's Lover Lady Chatterley's Lover by D. H. Lawrence examines the human condition in the modern era.  Through the experiences of the novel's characters, Lady Chatterley's Lover advances techniques for coping with the modern world:  retreating from society and engaging in phallic sex.  However, the application of these techniques is problematic as phallic sex necessitates the abandonment of social convention, while retreating from society conflicts with phallic

  • Dulce Et Decorum Est - Critical Response

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    A poem which I have recently read is: “Dulce Et Decorum Est” by Wilfred Owen. The main point Wilfred Owen tries to convey in this poem is the sheer horror of war. Owen uses many techniques to show his feelings, some of which I’ll be exploring. Wilfred Owen is a tired soldier on the front line during World War I. In the first stanza of Dulce Et Decorum Est he describes the men and the condition they are in and through his language shows that the soldiers deplore the conditions. Owen then moves on

  • Critical Review: The Reader-Response Critical School

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    The Reader-Response critical school focuses on the participation of the reader with the text and how her participation in the reading process affects a discussion of the text’s meanings. Though critics within the school lie on a spectrum with extremes that define the reader as passive or active, all can agree, the reader is integral to the reading process. The latter see readers as active creators of meaning (Staton 351). David Bleich falls on this end of the spectrum and his work underscores the

  • Critical Response: Simon Sinek's 'Millennials'

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    Essay 1—Critical Response Simon Sinek is a British-American author, motivational speaker, and marketing consultant. During an interview, Simon address “the millennial question” in which he stresses some key points about this generation (Millennials). Although Simon Sinek persuasively describes the way millennials are addicted to social media and technology, as well as their erroneous instant gratification expectations, he fails generalizing a whole generation assuming they all were raise the same

  • Hemingway’s The Green Hills of Africa CRH

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    true book to see whether the shape of a country and the pattern of a month’s action can, if truly presented, compete with a work of the imagination.”1 Fittingly the critical response to Hemingway’s second non-fiction work examined the novel in that respect, as well as in its achievement as a free-standing novel. The initial responses to the Green Hills of Africa fall into three categories: poor, indifferent, and promising. Starting with the poor reviews, always Hemingway’s favorites, John Chamberlain

  • The Critical Reception of Flappers & Philosophers

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    The Critical Reception of Flappers & Philosophers Flappers and Philosophers served as F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “initial encore” after the “considerable success” of his first novel, This Side of Paradise.[1] Fitzgerald’s publisher, Scribners, “liked to have its authors issue short-story collections soon after they had published novels”; the Fall of 1920 offered Fitzgerald, as well as the publishing firm, a unique opportunity to both reinforce and, hopefully, expand the writer’s popular appeal.[2]

  • Wolff’s Critique of Chopin’s The Awakening

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    Wolff’s Critique of Chopin’s The Awakening The critical case study to the novel establishes a definition of a type of critical response, and then gives as close an example that fits that mode of criticism—BORING! First, the book has these forms of criticism laid out contiguously, as if they occurred only spatially and not temporally. This flattened and skewed representation of critical approaches, taking an argument out of its context (an academic debate) and uses it as if it were a pedagogical

  • Ode On The Death Of A Favorite Cat Analysis

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    meeting new people, applying for jobs, and even when reading literature. It provides us with an idea of what is going on, where things are taking place, and who the important characters are. This first impression can be described is the Pre-Critical Response; the average reader performs this type of analysis every time he or she reads. For some people, this simplistic perspective is satisfactory; others find the quest for deeper understanding intriguing and part of the ultimate experience gained

  • Realism and Henry James

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    contemporaneity” . However, some critics of realism have criticized it as having been “exposed as an insidious agent of the capitalistic-imperialistic-bourgeois hegemony” . The advent of realism was much appreciated by writers everywhere for it was a response to the changing cultural needs. William Dean Howells, Mark Twain and Henry James are few of the pioneers of American realism. With time, Howells abandoned the idea of the past and worked solely in the representation of American life. Twain, however

  • Looking For Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta

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    “Looking for Alibrandi” is a realistic portrayal of teenagers’ lives in the contemporary Australia. The author Melina Marchetta has portrayed her teenager characters in ways, which engage with the contemporary Australian teenagers. In this critical response, it will examine different kinds of relationships of the teenagers in this novel, the friendship, love relationship, and expectations from the family. The friendship been portrayed in this novel is a realistic portrayal of the teenagers’ lives

  • The Writing Style and Beliefs of Kate Chopin

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    The Writing Style and Beliefs of Kate Chopin Kate Chopin was an extraordinary writer of the nineteenth century. Despite failure to receive positive critical response, she became one of the most powerful and controversial writers of her time. She dared to write her thoughts on topics considered radical: the institution of marriage and women's desire for social, economic, and political equality. With a focus on the reality of relationships between men and women, she draws stunning and intelligent

  • Le Temps D’Une Chasse: One Take on Québec Cinema

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    experience. Attempts to prescribe criteria for what qualifies as a Québec film are restrictive, and deny the legitimacy of the multiple voices speaking out from Québec. The complexity of content in Québec films is reflected in the disparate critical response to director Francis Mankiewicz’s film, Le Temps D’Une Chasse. The film, released in 1972, was met with varied, contradictory reviews. One critic found that the film was not at all typically French-Canadian, but that it was about "the impossible

  • Indifference to Anxiety in Crane's The Open Boat

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    Indifference to Anxiety in Crane's The Open Boat In recent years, critical response to Stephen Crane's The Open Boat has shifted dramatically, focusing less on the tale's philosophical agendas than on its epistemological implications. The story no longer stands as merely a naturalistic depiction of nature's monumental indifference or as simply an existential affirmation of fife's absurdity. Instead, we have slowly come to realize a new level of the text, one that, according to Donna Gerstenberger

  • Critical Response Othello

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    Written task 2 - Critical response Prescribed question: How could the text be read and interpreted differently by two different readers? Comparison of how a member of Shakespeare's audience and a member of a contemporary audience may comprehend Othello by William Shakespeare. In Shakespeare’s play, Othello, racial profiling, humour and sexual injustice are at the heart of the play, acting as the primary contributors to the downfall of both, Othello and Desdemona. Considering the evolution of

  • Critical Response On Globalization

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    To begin, this critical response paper will provide a detailed explanation for the significant merit of globalization in context with work or services implementing the dominant western society of the world from other countries that have fewer resources compared to the first world countries. According to Ravelli and Webber (2015) in the textbook “Exploring Sociology,” Globalization initially emerged from Europe when the booming economic industries prepared colonies to transport cheap materials from

  • The Soldier - Critical Response

    843 Words  | 2 Pages

    A poem which I have read recently is “Soldier” by Rupert Brooke. The main point in question throughout this poem is appreciation for ones country. I will prove that this is the main point in question during the course of my essay. The poem “Soldier” is Brooke’s views on the possible occurrence of his own death in the field and what he feels that foreign country would gain from his death. When viewing his own death Brooke only looks at the thoughts and ways England has provided him with in the course

  • Critical Response To The Natural Essay

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    how they may perceive a specific situation. The varying perceptions of a book is part of what makes critical analysis important as no two people will have identical thoughts after reading a particular piece of literature. The novel The Natural by Bernard Malamud is one such novel in which people perceive various situations the main character, Roy Hobbs, is in. There are three main critical response that are associated with the novel. The first is he contemporary viewpoint that many critics had in

  • Critical Response The Yellow Wallpaper

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    Nathen Cloutier ENG 229 Analytical Critical Response 1 – Yellow Wallpaper 9.11.2014 Home, in contemporary literature, often plays an integral role often symbolizing security, unison, and support; although, things were not always this way. “The Yellow Wallpaper”, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, depicts the all-too-real struggle many women faced in the nineteenth century and earlier. This short passage portrays the narrative of female intellectual oppression – an examination of nineteenth century

  • A Critical Response to Hawthorne’s Puritans

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    “Hawthorne’s Puritans: From Fact to Fiction” claims that this monolithic portrayal of Puritanism results in a ‘powerful misrepresentation of the actual puritans [and] of the dynamics of Puritan theology’ (Madsen 1999, p 510) . The present response is a critical review of Madsen’s paper. The title of the paper is appropriate. While ‘Hawthorne’s Puritans’ implies a difference between actual Puritans and those conceptualized by Hawthorne, ‘From Fact to Fiction’ extends this idea by suggesting the disparity