Covalent Bonds Essays

  • Essay On Ionic And Covalent Bonds

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    Properties of Ionic and Covalent Bonds Explained Within the last unit of Chemistry, the cause of ionic and covalent properties was revealed. The true predictor of the compound lies in the bonds that take place. Normally within an ionic bond there is a non-metal and a metal element bonded together. During the bonding elements completely transfer valence electrons between atoms. The metal within the bond loses the few electrons that it has in the outer-most shell which then causes the metal to

  • Investigating Covalent Bonds

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    Investigating Covalent Bonds Covalent bonds are formed when atoms share electrons, one from each atom in a single bond, to form electron pairs, usually making their outermost shells up to eight electrons by this means. This would make them more stable, less reactive and an electronic structure like a noble gas. They are most frequently formed between pairs of non-metallic elements. Non-metallic elements usually have from four to eight electrons in their outermost shells, the so-called

  • The Three-Dimensional Structure of Proteins

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    The Three-Dimensional Structure of Proteins The covalent structure of a protein is composed of hundreds of individual bonds. Because free rotation is possible around a good portion of these bonds, there are a very high number of possible conformations the protein can assume. However, each protein is responsible for a particular chemical or structural function, signifying that each one has a distinctive three-dimensional configuration. By the early 1900’s, numerous proteins had been crystallized

  • Water Dehydration Essay

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    Humans use water on a daily basis, in everything from drinking, to cleaning, and for recreational uses in pools or waterparks. But the human body itself is the main contester in how it is used. Water is a dissolving essential in vitamins and nutrients for food and for delivering them to cells. Our bodies also use water to flush out toxins, regulate body temperature, and aid our metabolism. The human body is 50-75 percent water, and when that water is lost in digestion or sweat, it needs to be replenished

  • Detection Of Biological Molecules

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    Biological Molecules Introduction: Without carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen and phosphorus, life wouldn't exist. These are the most abundant elements in living organisms. These elements are held together by covalent bonds, ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds, and disulfide bonds. Covalent bonds are especially strong, thus, are present in monomers, the building blocks of life. These monomers combine to make polymers, which is a long chain of monomers strung together. Biological molecules can be distinguished

  • The Chemical Properties Of Water

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    substance known to man. Water is a polar molecule made up of on atom of hydrogen and two atoms of oxygen. It is attracted to itself by hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonds are weaker than covalent bonds, but collectively these bonds hold water together and give it its cohesiveness. These bonds are also very important to water's ability to absorb heat, as without hydrogen bonds water would have a boiling point of -80 degrees C and a freezing point of -100 degrees C. In reality, however, water has a boiling point

  • Ionic And Covalent Bonding Essay

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    AYL Question Set 4 Lesson 5: How are ionic and covalent bonding similar? How are they different? You should discuss how they bond and what the major differences are in their nomenclature (the way they are named). Covalent and ionic are two forms of atomic bonds both of which differ in their structure and properties. Firstly, it should be made clear that an atom’s desire is to achieve stability. Most atoms by nature are not balanced electrically. They achieve balance by sharing or transferring their

  • Dative Bonding Essay

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    Introduction to covalent bonding A covalent bond is a chemical bond formed between two atoms that shares one pair of electrons. The atoms are maintained together since the pair of electrons is attracted to both atoms’ nuclei. In this covalent bond there are two types of covalent bonding. They are single covalent bond and double covalent bond. A single covalent bond is a covalent bond that involves the sharing of one pair of electrons between two atoms. On the other hand, a double covalent bond is a covalent

  • Atoms

    653 Words  | 2 Pages

    electronic charge density may be rigorously calculated and interpreted in terms of classical electrostatics. Thus, given the molecular charge distribution, the stability of a chemical bond may be discussed in terms of the electrostatic requirement of achieving a zero force on the nuclei in the molecule. A chemical bond is the result of the accumulation of negative charge dens...

  • The Different Roles of Macromolecules in Biology

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    Proteins ======== Proteins are polymers of amino acids that are joined head-to-tail in a long chain that is then folded into a three-dimensional structure unique to each type of protein. The covalent linkage between two adjacent amino acids in a protein (or polypeptide) chain is called a peptide bond. There are twenty amino acids that make up proteins. Each amino acid has a typical generic structure as depicted in the diagram 1, the only variance in each amino acid lies in a unique side

  • Notes On Hydrogen Bonding

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    HYDROGEN BOND By- Abhinav priyadarshi (IPM2013005) Shivam Kumar Arya (IPM2013122) Definition of Hydrogen Bonding- Hydrogen bond is the interaction between a hydrogen atom from a molecule and an another atom or a group of atom which may be of the same or a different molecule. Example- In general a hydrogen bond is depicted as- Let X–H be a molecule

  • Chemical Reactions And Chemical Bonds Essay

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    Chemical Reactions And Chemical Bonds Akeem Kirk and D'Essence Boyd Lafayette High School - Lafayette,AL 5/10/2014 Copyright 2014 Chemical reactions and chemical bonds are important to the introduction of biology. You see all types of biology but chemistry is really important to all levels of biology. There are all types of chemical reactions and bonds that deal with each other. In order to have a chemical reaction you have to have reactants and stimulants. The periodic table plays a huge role in

  • Study of Living Things and the Scientific Study of Life

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    of one or more polypeptides and a polypeptide is and unbranched polymer that is built from the same set of twenty amino acids. Of the twenty amino acids, glycine is the simplest one and can fit into tight corners. Amino acids are linked by peptide bonds. There are four types of protein structure which are primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary.

  • Chemical Bonding And Three Different Types Of Chemical Bonds

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    Chemical Bond: The attraction between two or more atoms to formulate a chemical substance, this bond is due to the electrostatic force of attraction between electrons of opposite charges, or this bond is due to a dipole attraction is called a chemical bond. Types of Bonds: The force of attraction as well as chemical properties in atoms or molecules of elements or compounds contrives three different types of chemical bonds. 1. Ionic Bonding: The bond which generates

  • Essay On Ionic Bonding

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    Ionic bonding is the attraction between an a metal cation and a non-metal anion. The opposite charges of the metal cation and nonmetal anions attract each other electrostatically, unlike like charges which repel each other, to form an ionic bond. In order to have a stable electron configuration, metal atoms lose their valence electrons and transfers the electrons to a nonmetal atom, which receives as many as it requires to achieve the eight valence electrons the noble gases possess: this property

  • Exothermic Reaction Lab Report

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    reactions because it gives out heat energy to the surrounding and energy is released more than it absorbed. It also has a negative energy change. In terms of bonds breaking or forming, the first experiment its forming new bonds, because when alcohols are burnt, the reaction is always overall exothermic. Because more energy is released when new bonds are form than is being consumed. If I compared my result to the literature values, are by no means accurate. But I could not have made the experiment completely

  • Ionic Bonding Essay

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    Bonding Bonds between atoms affect outer electrons that are shared or transferred to achieve a more stable electrons arrangement as a noble gases. This essay is divided into three main sections it will first describe how the ions, ionic, covalent and metallic chemical bonds are formed. It will then go on to explain the types of bonds which can form given the position of the periodic table and the forces required to hold the molecules together. The final part of the essay will define electron pair

  • Orbital Hybridization

    1672 Words  | 4 Pages

    Hybridization, in summary and in simple explanation, is the combination and transformation of an atom’s original orbitals forming special orbitals to have the ability to bond with others. When an atom experiences and goes through the process of hybridizing, the electron model is modified to depict it using special orbitals to form new molecules. Since it is already known that only valence electrons are used in atom or molecule bonding, only outside, valence orbitals change. Therefore, hybridization

  • How the Properties of Water are Related to Its Roles in Living Organisms and as a Living Environment for Living Organisms

    692 Words  | 2 Pages

    dotted line, is called a hydrogen bond. Each water molecule is hydrogen bonded to four others. It is these hydrogen bonds and the polarity of water molecules which are responsible for many of the unique characteristics and physical properties of water. Firstly, the attraction created by hydrogen bonds keeps water liquid over a wider range of temperature than is found for any other molecule its size. Secondly, the energy required to break multiple hydrogen bonds causes water to have a high heat

  • Some Unusual Properties of Water

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    Some Unusual Properties of Water Cohesion/Adhesion Water molecules attract each other as a result of hydrogen bonding. This ionic attraction is 1/20 as strong as covalent bond in water's liquid form. They form, break and re-form with great frequency; each hydrogen bond last only a few trillionths of a second, but the molecules bond promiscuously to a succession of partners. At any instant, a substantial percentage of all the water molecules are bonded to their neighbors, giving water more structure