Essay On Ionic And Covalent Bonds

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Properties of Ionic and Covalent Bonds Explained Within the last unit of Chemistry, the cause of ionic and covalent properties was revealed. The true predictor of the compound lies in the bonds that take place. Normally within an ionic bond there is a non-metal and a metal element bonded together. During the bonding elements completely transfer valence electrons between atoms. The metal within the bond loses the few electrons that it has in the outer-most shell which then causes the metal to achieve the octet rule. The nonmetals within the bond then gain the electrons to fill their outer-most shell and achieve the octet rule. On the other had covalent bonding is the sharing of valence electrons between atoms. Covalent bonding usually occurs between two nonmetals, due to similar electronegativity or same electron affinity. They are forced to share electrons rather than gain or lose an electron, and are still able to achieve octet rule. Due to the fact that ionic bonds transfer electrons and covalent bonds share electrons, there are many differing properties formed by the two...

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