Computer Logic Essays

  • Aristotle And George Booleon: A Concise Introduction To Logic

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    One important branch of philosophy is logic. Through logic, the world can see how questions are developed, why questions are asked, and how questions are invalid. Many logicians have been formulating hypothesis centering around logic for years. Aristotle and George Boole are two logicians who are extremely well known for their work in the philosophical field and their conflicting viewpoints when considering logic. In the textbook, A Concise Introduction to Logic by Patrick J. Hurley, tenth edition

  • Logic: The Means Of Logic, And Logical Thinking

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    concept of logic is defined by the Webster Dictionary as “a proper or reasonable way of thinking about or understanding something”. The concept of logic is a way of thinking, solving, reasoning, and almost a state of mind given the right circumstances. Logic is a broad statement because it could mean an abundance or lack of logical thinking, or use of. Logical thinking is what prevents people from making poor decisions, and sometimes a lack of thinking creates unwanted effects. Logic is normally

  • Discrete Mathematics Essay

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    reasoning, plays a fundamental role in the development of our life and the progress of humanity. Areas such as, physics, social sciences, management and computer science. But in computing, we need more of a particular branch of the so-called mathematics: discrete mathematics. Discrete mathematics has become popular thanks to their applications in computer science. Notations and concepts of discrete mathematics are used to study problems in algorithmic and programming. Development From the historical

  • The Major Catalysts in the Formation of the Internet and Digital World

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    cinema, while Cook provides a good argument that although the assertions made by Manovich are true, Manovich overlooks an important component to the aesthetics and organization of the digital internet. Cook describes the importance of late Victorian logic in the form of diagrammatical information put forth by visual reasoning and mathematical pioneers such as Venn, Marshall, and Carroll. It is my opinion that a combination of certain elements of both Manovich's and Cook's arguments creates a visual

  • The Fundamental language of Mathematics

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    The deductive logic and emotionless thinking that mathematics develops can be used in any way, in any situation. Your mind does not follow formulae, or work in numbers. It’s not a computer. That is the difference. It works out trajectories, volumes, probabilities and risks approximately. It does everything roughly, with an ‘ish’ answer result. Decisions are made as an educated guess, no numbers, and nothing written down. The one requirement for successful decision making is logic. You can way up

  • Between Logic and Heuristic

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    Between Logic and Heuristic* ABSTRACT: This article aims to construct a new type of logical calculi-logical heuristic calculus which contains the means of reducing complete search. Such a heuristic component of calculus is reached with the help of meta-level means. The principal means for reducing search is structural information about information about contrary literals of formula. There are two major approaches to studying the process of reasoning («problem-solving»). On one hand, it is

  • George Boole's Impact on Mathematics

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    reason George Boole was my choice for my mathematician. I have always been fascinated by logic and reasoning, possibly because I constantly find myself in arguments which I prefer to call friendly debates. The first thing I did to determine my mathematician was turn to Amazon to find a good short book that I might find interesting from any of the options. After stumbling upon "The Mathematical Analysis of Logic: Being an essay towards a calculus of deductive reasoning" I realized I had found my Mathematician

  • The Joys of Finance

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    that the logic behind finance actually aids me to treat my depression. I used to be a perfectionist who tries to take the very control of my future, and could not tolerate any tiny failure. Although I performed well in most cases, I always paid more attention to what I did not achieve. Meeting with psychotherapists did not treat my depression well because those sentimental psychological theories could hardly persuade me until I come across finance, whose rough numbers and rational logic are much

  • Conduit Metaphor

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    Conduit Metaphor The idea of conduit metaphor can be found in the article "Body, Brain, and Communication: An interview with George Lakeoff" by "Iain A. Boal". In this article the person interviewed is George Lakeoff a linguistics professor at University of California (Berkeley). Boal in this article discusses what the conduit metaphor really means and what significance it holds for common people. In this article, other aspect of conduit metaphor that is discussed includes communication on the

  • Teaching an Applied Critical Thinking Course: How Applied Can We Get?

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    same in interpersonal relations, say with parents, siblings, and peers. One approach to this problem is the creation of interaction software to which students can turn for input on the rationality of their own thinking. Students can then speak to computers rather than instructors about their private lives without having to share confidential information with any other human being, yet still receive relevant feedback. I discuss software technology that actually performs this function. The software in

  • Informal Fallacies Research Paper

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    para 1). Informal fallacies are those found every day in real-world issues. They occur when an argument’s logic fails to support the proposed conclusion. Irving Copi was a great American philosopher who was best known for his works in logic (Hansen, 2015, para 2.9). He authored two well-known and widely used textbooks that are still used today. Copi (1961) stated in his book, Introduction to Logic, that informal fallacies are,

  • Critical Thinking Essay Examples

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    many different kinds. Whether found on the computer, seen through television, heard on the radio, read in a book, or told to us by another person, we are inundated with more claims, ideas, and arguments than can be counted. How does one decide what claims are true, what ideas make sense, or what arguments are convincing though? One way to rationally sort through things that we are skeptical of is by using critical thinking. By thinking through the logic behind an argument or the truth of a claim

  • Importance Of Philosophy Essay

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    well about certain traditional domains of study: logic (the study of good reasoning), epistemology (the study of knowledge), metaphysics (the study of reality), and ethics (the study of morality). Just like science, some philosophy is better than others, and a lot of philosophy done by amateurs misses the mark so badly that it is often better described as something else entirely. When

  • Analysis of Christopher

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    wouldn’t get homesick because he would be thoroughly enjoying his time exploring outer space. Other kids wouldn’t enjoy the extensive solitude of it, yet Chris almost implies that he would prefer it. He says he’ll never get homesick because of the computers and machines, which he likes. This exemplifies just how different Christopher is from his peers in his way of thinking. He doesn’t mind being alone, much unlike the other children his age. This quote speaks volumes figuratively about Christopher’s

  • Greek Logic

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    use of a method and the application of a procedure play within any conceptual process: communicable by virtue of the codes and the prescribed norms, comparable in every time and place by virtue of the reproducibility of the procedures. Euclidian logic begins with the inductive definition of very simple concepts and gradually constructs a vast body of results, organised in such a way so that each concept depends on the previous. Thus, a strong and rigorous construction is derived that makes all operations

  • Aristotle's Argument Essay

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    If Aristotle had never been born, the world would be different because since logic is the fundamental of arguing and since good arguments are fundamental to philosophy and life it then creates an entire basis on communication, my second argument is dipping into the turbulent but astounding knowledge through metaphysics as we go we start to explore and uncover the free will and truths behind the ultimate nature of reality, my last argument will be on what Aristotle accomplished during the time when

  • Malcolm Gladwell Outliers Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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    exact age needed to take advantage of the computer revolution. Instead of providing a table or list as he did in the two previous examples. Gladwell chooses to ask a simple question, “When was Bill Gates Born?” (65). He then lists Bill Gates birthdate and at the same time places a gap in-between the question and the answer. He also chooses reiterate the similar opportunities that both Bill Gates and Paul Allen received in regard to the use of computers (65). Gladwell does this to create a smooth

  • Essay on Mathematics - The True Universal Language

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    continent; it rises above ink on paper, scratches on the earth or daubs of paint on the wall of a cave.  No, I am a firm believer that the true universal human language is composed of numbers.  For while numerical characters may vary across the globe, the logic they convey transcends borders, localities, and customs. The "language" of numbers flows from the inherent human capacity to reason. It is my love for the reach and power of numbers that started my career in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering

  • A Brief History and Critique of Analytic Philosophy

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    20th century when British Idealism governed philosophic studies. Known today as analytic philosophy, this practice and its major contributors challenged the thinking of classical British empiricists and developed a new wave of philosophy focusing on logic and the structure of language. My goal for this paper is to provide an overview, and history of analytic philosophy through the points of view of Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Van Wittgenstein and touching briefly on their theories. Finally, I will offer

  • The Closing of the American Book by Andrew Solomon

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    Solomon argues about how the decline of literary reading is a crisis in national health, politics, and education. Solomon relates the decline of reading with the rise of electronic media. He believes that watching television and sitting in front of a computer or a video screen instead of reading can cause the human brain to turn off, and lead to loneliness and depression. He also argues that with the decrease of reading rates, there will no longer be weapons against “absolutism” and “terrorism,” leading