Complex Relationship Essays

  • The Complex Relationship Between Multiculturalism and Feminism

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    The Complex Relationship Between Multiculturalism and Feminism These days, it seems that multiculturalism is generally an assumed good. Increased acknowledgement of diversity and cultural sensitivity seem to be steps toward leveling the playing field for all human beings. And that is the goal of much scholarship and activism, right--to secure and ensure human rights across the board? That is one of global feminism’s aims, so it would seem that multiculturalism would help, not hinder, feminist

  • Hegel: Reason in History

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    finite Reasons. Hegel's Reason is the infinite material of all reality—the substance, form, and power. History is the increasing self-consciousness of the Spirit i.e. Reason; that is, a progressive increase of Reason within the world. This relationship between history and Reason is expressed by Hegel's agreement with Leibniz that this is the best of all possible worlds. In other words, everything is as it should be. In fact, Hegel makes strong assertions along just these lines, "that [Reason]

  • Sexual Abuse and Eating Disorders

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    Abuse and Eating Disorders The possible relationship between sexual abuse and the development of an eating disorder has gained attention over the last few years. Researchers have attempted to clarify this potential link using a variety of population samples and research methodologies. As will be shown, the results of these investigations are rather diverse and sometimes inconclusive. In the following review of the literature, the complex relationship between sexual abuse and eating disorders will

  • Bertha as Jane's Alter Ego in Jane Eyre

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    her anger so that she will ultimately be free to live a life of true equality and love with Rochester. In the novel Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë draws distinct similarities between the red-room and the attic of Thornfield, suggesting the complex relationship between Jane and Bertha. While Brontë presents Jane as a woman who is determined to subsist in a patriarchal world without allowing her anger to consume her, she also offers Bertha as Jane's alter ego who is imprisoned by her own r...

  • Essay on Shelley's Frankenstein and Milton's Paradise Lost

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    Shelley's Frankenstein and Milton's Paradise Lost Even upon first glance, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and John Milton's Paradise Lost seem to have a complex relationship, which is discernible only in fractions at a time.  Frankenstein is Mary Shelley's reaction to John Milton's epic poem, in which he wrote the Creation myth as we perceive it today.  His characterizations of Adam and Eve and the interactions of Satan and God and the impending Fall seem to have almost taken a Biblical proportion

  • ‘Who am I when I am transported?’ Postcolonialism and Peter Carey’s Jack Maggs

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    writing a novel that seeks ‘non repressive alternatives to imperialist discourse’ and which refuses to privilege the metropolitan centre over the Colonial margins. At the heart of the text’s reconfiguration of imperialist discourse lies the complex relationship between returned convict Jack Maggs and up-and-coming writer Tobias Oates. Significantly, Oates bears more than a few biographical similarities with Charles Dickens. For instance, like Dickens, Oates has a feckless, indebted father, an unhappy

  • Pain for Pleasure Endured

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    Pain for Pleasure Endured The intricate and complex nature of the relationship between pain and pleasure has been a source of contention and diversity of opinion for people of all eras. Shakespeare’s character Othello claims that "tis happiness to die." (Act 5 ln 295). In his situation the painful experience of dying is what he considers pleasure, he later verifies his belief in his statement by choosing to stab himself. Sir Philip Sidney, in his poem Astrophil and Stella states that "in my

  • Emerson

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    university lecture circuit. One such admirer was a young Massachusetts neighbour, Henry David Thoreau. A schoolteacher by trade, Thoreau ended up as a boarder at Emerson’s home, beginning a lasting, if not frustrating, friendship. This complex relationship introduced Thoreau to the literary world, as well as to the art of lecturing, as performed by Emerson. One such lecture, delivered by Emerson in 1837 to a Harvard audience, spoke about the past, present, and future of “The American Scholar

  • Southern Masculinities in Faulkner’s The Unvanquished and Barn Burning

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    commentary betrays the identity of the narrator, but what one may misconstrue as a simplistic strategy instead belies the keen edge that Faulkner inserts with such reflections. By comparison, the narrative tactics of "Barn Burning" offer a more complex relationship between the past events of the story and futurity. A third person, limited omniscient narrator constricts the reader's attention to Sarty's own thoughts, however not only in the present of the story but also in a future in which the protagonist

  • Emotion vs. Intellect in Ode to a Nightingale and Since Feeling is First

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    Feeling is First We must look for guidance from the emotions…not the mind. This romantic philosophy is portrayed in the works of both John Keats’s "Ode to a Nightingale" and E. E. Cummings’s "Since Feeling is First." Each poet addresses the complex relationship of following one’s emotion and passion as opposed to one’s thought. Whereas Cummings supports living life fully in order to escape the confines of thought, Keats suggests death as the only possible means of overcoming this human consciousness

  • Ernest Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls

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    quality of his work, allows the bigger themes of For Whom the Bell Tolls to be echoed in the smaller units. He employs the tropes of the horse and the airplane to convey these larger themes, while at the same time using them to comment upon the complex relationship that exists between the Spaniards - Fascists and Communists, alike - and religion. Through a close reading, and through detailed references to the work, it is the purpose of this paper to examine the tropes of horses and planes, as they exist

  • Juliet and Lord Capulet: A Complex Relationship

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    How does Shakespeare present the relationship between Juliet and Lord Capulet? The father-child relationship between Lord Capulet and Juliet is a very strong one; during the beginning of the play Capulet is seen as a caring and protective father who wants what is best for his daughter. Shakespeare uses many techniques to present the relationship between Capulet and Juliet; the most common technique he uses is dramatic irony. Dramatic irony is utilized to develop tension within the audience; this

  • Complex Relationships In Brian Selznick's Hugo Cabret

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    Complex relationships and the connections between people, however insignificant at the time, will play a major role in the way that people’s perspectives change. Relationships are a major element in Brian Selznick’s graphic novel The Invention of Hugo Cabret (hereafter referred to as Hugo Cabret) in that everyone has some form of connection with another character, and together they form a complex network that is unravelled throughout the course of the story. William Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello

  • Complex Relationships In 'A Story' By Li-Young Lee

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    The layers and complications of a relationship can be told through many types of literary devices. In the poem “A Story” by Li-Young Lee, the poet conveys a complex relationship between father and son using point of view and also structure. While the point of view is a third person, the narrator is speaking the father’s thoughts. There is a story in his thoughts that when analyzed show the conflict between the father and the son. The last two lines of the last stanza explain that conflict through

  • Complex Relationship Between Chinese and English Language

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    artifacts is not the only result of this dual influence. One of the most pronounced aspects of Chinese influence is in the nearly universal bilingualism throughout the universe of Firefly, referred to in the show and by fans as simply the 'verse. The relationship between English and Chinese on the show demonstrates some aspects of the extended diglossia defined by Fishman as a single society uses two or more codes where each serve “functions distinct from those considered appropriate for the other” and

  • Complex Relationships in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

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    Pride and Prejudice: Complex Relationships This paper will discuss the relationships between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy, Jane and Mr. Bingley, Mother and Father , Lydia and Wickham, and the Mother and her daughters . The book Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is all about the relationships that the Bennet Family has with one another and the people they lead in. My reasoning behind this discussion of their relationships is to provide yet another outsider look on how it looks. I have read

  • The Genius by Frank O’Connor

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    ‘dangerous’. He avoids rough games and prefers the company of girls to boys only because “they don’t fight so much”. Religion seems to play an unusually important role in his life and it seems probable that this is a reflection of his close relationship with Miss Cooney. He himself uses “our Blessed Lord” as a kind of defence against bullies who might otherwise ‘hammer’ his head on the pavement. It is evident from the way he uses argument that he is unusually articulate for his age, and this

  • Give a critical account of Freud’s understanding of religion.

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    account of Freud’s understanding of religion. To answer the set question I will explore Freud’s Totem and Taboo looking at his theory of the primal horde and Oedipus complex and his theory on religion as an illusion. Also looking at Freud’s theory that religion is unhealthy psychologically. To conclude I will explore his relationship with Jung and the affect his criticism of Freud’s theory had on their professional collaboration. Freud’s interpretation of the totem as representing the father of

  • The Oedipal Complex In James Ramsay Character

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    there are many signs that refer to the psychological state of James Ramsay, six years old. Also, it refers to the Oedipal complex that happen inside that character through his thoughts and the images which run randomly inside his head. All these details revealed through the stream of consciousness technique as the coming essay is going to explain. Application on The Oedipal Complex in James Ramsay Character The previous extract is from Virginia Woolf's "To the Lighthouse", which was first published

  • Impact of Death on a Relationship Explored in Home Burial by Robert Frost

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    "Home Burial" is a tragic poem about a young life cut short and the breakdown of a marriage and family. The poem is considered to be greatly inspired and "spurred by the Frosts' loss of their first child to cholera at age 3" (Romano 2). The complex relationship between husband and wife after their child's death is explored in detail and is displayed truthfully. Among many others, the range of emotions exhibited includes grief, isolation, acceptance, and rejection. The differences in the characters