Commercialism Essays

  • The Reasons Behind the Increasing Commercialism of the Olympic Games

    521 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Reasons Behind the Increasing Commercialism of the Olympic Games The Olympic Games is a world wide event, held once every 4 years. It is the most important event amongst the elite athletes of today. It is viewed on television by billions of people across the world, by satellite transmission (started in Tokyo in 1964). This worldwide viewing attracted sponsors as they realised that by supporting the Olympics their product would be advertised on every product sold, as they would be the

  • American Foreign Policy in the 1890's

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    American Foreign Policy in the 1890s American foreign policy during the 1890s was based on many factors that each acted as an individual justification for our country’s behavior as a whole. Racism, nationalism, commercialism, and humanitarianism each had its own role in the actions America took against other nations. Most Americans were extremely racist during this time period. The predominant culture in the country was white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestants, aka WASPs. They scorned the now free black

  • Will the European Union Survive?

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    success due to its nearest neighbor west, America. Since its independence from the United Kingdom in 1940 Ireland has had to establish its own economy independent from British rule. Prior to this time being a part of the British Empire guaranteed commercialism for ones country. Although it could be said to be one-sided the British Empire relied on its colonies for trade. In some respects Ireland was not an industrialist nation and was predominantly an agricultural country. In order to succeed and further

  • Arrowsmith

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    Arrowsmith is a classic American novel written by Sinclair Lewis. Lewis wrote this book in the early 1900’s as a current outlook on the world of science in that time. The main theme it focuses on is commercialism and its effect on science. During this time period there were many advances in the field of medicine; everyone was racing to find the cure to deadly diseases and then patent it and profit off it. Helping humanity was more of a business than a service to the human race as doctors and institutes

  • KWANZAA: Rediscovering our African Culture

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    January 1st. At the time of it's inception, Blacks were beginning to question the American culture around them and how they were reflected in it. One of the most glaring and incongruous reflections was in the Christmas holiday season. The mass commercialism of the season placed a hardship on poorer Americans, of which Blacks were a high percentage. Also all the trappings of the Christmas season reflected the dominant society, i.e. no Black Barbie dolls, few black or ... ... middle of paper ...

  • Music Television: Modern Phenomenon or Passing Fad?

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    enterprise that endorses products and promotes attitudes (O’Neil 12). Whether or not MTV critics agree with these “messages” that, the network sends out, it has become a huge franchise generating large profits and great popularity. MTV’s entertainment, commercialism, and messages satisfy and influence many types of viewers, giving us, the viewing audience, a better understanding of the immense popularity of Music Television (MTV). As the entertainment mogul, MTV jumpstarted careers and dictated nearly every

  • The Importance of Self-Esteem in The Fountainhead

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    Ayn Rand propagated her philosophy of Objectivism through her book The Fountainhead, and Howard Roark, the hero of the novel, is seen as a personification of her ideals. The idea of selfishness being a vice is refuted, and altruism is seen as a device to reduce humanity into collective mediocrity. The essential difference between the heroes and the villains in the novel is that, as opposed to the villains, the heroes possess self-esteem; because of this, they retain their individuality, and do

  • Flag-Burning is No Crime

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    at Fort Sumter" (Goldstein 1). Then, to all northerners it became a symbol of pride and an object of "public adoration" (1). The flag was held in such high esteem that the Flag Protection Movement was created in 1890 so that there would be no commercialism of the object(2). The FPM felt as though politicians and merchants were "prostituting" the flag so, in 1900 they joined with the American Flag Association and made a set... ... middle of paper ... ...ot, it allows us to express ourselves freely

  • A New Perspective

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    the majority left because they felt America had nothing to offer but oppression. Writers in America were viewed as suspicious and were given no respect (Couteau, 1). Europe offered artistic freedom unlike the leftover American Puritanism and new commercialism that were hostile to the writer (Earnest, 254). William Carlos Williams stated that this heritage had produced "a race incapable of flower," and that America had "become the most lawless country in the civilized world...a generation of gross know-nothingism

  • Mtv And The Madonna Phenomenon

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    Madonna is truly the ultimate television heroine. A discussion on contemporary popular culture and especially on media culture could never be complete without bringing up Madonna. She can be discussed in terms of feminism, ideology, hegemony and commercialism as seen in both Kaplan's as well as in John Fiske's article on British Cultural Studies. In order to properly explain how the “Madonna Phenomenon” has become such an important concept in media studies, one must look first at how influential MTV

  • Educators Must Make Learning Enjoyable

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    outside interests often cloud the minds of our impressionable youth, we often wonder how we can accomplish this task. Our society has become increasingly chaotic in comparison to how it was in my fathers time. With an increase in violence, commercialism, and two working parents, children today don't have the same structure in their lives as they did in earlier times. This lack of structure, viewed as independence, places the child in a role more similar to that of an adult. There is an expectation

  • The History Of The Olympic Games

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    But also they had some similarities to our modern Olympics, winning athletes were heroes who put their home towns on the map, and became financially sound for life. The conflict between the Olympic's ideals of sportsmanship and unity and the commercialism and political acts which accompany the Games where also present in ancient times. "Sotades at the ninety-ninth Festival was victorious in the long race and proclaimed a Cretan, as in fact he was. But at the next Festival he made himself an Ephesian

  • Examples Of Commercialism In Not Just A Game

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    sports was suppose to be pure and untouched by the outside world but have been defile by commercialism. Zirin stated "It seems only commercialism is capable of making sports safe for politics...more than anything else, I 'll argue it is corporate power and fear of a backlash from sponsors that drive the anti political attitude that we find in our sports culture and make athletes afraid to rock the boat." Commercialism involving sports athletes shows how the big corporate power have control over athletes

  • Hyper Commercialism In Digital Media

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    Children’s media industry and media in general, and how commercialism makes children vulnerable audiences that can be exploited by audiences. Consumer culture is a form of capitalism and the main goal is for the economy to sell goods through consumer money. My colleague believed that children would only watch television for entertainment purposes; he didn’t believe children would watch for learning habits.

  • Commercialism In Brave New World

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    the commercialism and glorification of mass production themes that are woven into the novel, in addition to, the use of technology to control the citizens of the World State and the promotion of shallow relationships and instant gratification. Huxley hated the superficialness of mass popular entertainment and culture of his day, he wrote the Brave New World as satire to ridicule the quest for happiness through the purchase of things (Huxley & Hitchens). Brave New World glorifies commercialism and

  • Coca-Col Consumerism And Commercialism Of Coca Cola

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    that can usually be seen in television commercials with cheery music and happy smiling faces drinking a sip out of the classic plastic or lightly tinted green glass bottles. Despite Coca Cola being founded in Atlanta, Georgia, consumerism and commercialism of the product is uniquely and creatively broadcasted throughout the world in many countries universally by advertising on television and radio, campaigns promoting the soft drink, and sponsorships at huge events like the Super Bowl, which help

  • Rediscovering Yoga: Beyond Commercialism and Restlessness

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    of Yoga system. Thus, people are paying money to attend classes of gymnastic exercises and deep breathing and they are happy to think they can lengthen their life span by a few years. But few understand that this is not the actual Yoga system. Commercialism has clouded the real meaning of Yoga. Much of today’s restlessness is due to absence

  • Commercialism In J. L. W. Brooks 'Saint Nicholas'

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    “Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts” (Merry). J.L.W. Brooks made an honest evaluation of what this season should truly be about. Buried in commercialism, many people have lost sight of the origins and significance of Christmas. For some, it is a time for celebrating the Son of God, Jesus Christ, being born into the world. But, where did the celebration of benevolence and giving originate? Nikolaos of Myra, or Saint Nicholas, was a true exemplar of generosity

  • An Analysis of the Article, Two Cheers for Consumerism by James Twitchell.

    603 Words  | 2 Pages

    The chosen article is Two Cheers for Consumerism by James Twitchell. In this article he talks about consumerism, commercialism, and materialism. He argues the stand point of consumers and the role they live by every day. In other hands the critics, Academy, gives the consumers and overview description to their consumers. Twitchell’s claim is the article is that materialism is highly judge by the consumer especially by the Academy. One of his questions is “The real interesting question may not be

  • Essay On The Olympic Games

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    While “Sports, of course, remain at the center of the Olympics”, “commercialism has overwhelmed whatever other values the Olympics hope to embody” (The Commercial Games, 2008). The commercialism carries on to sponsorships by companies that sell unhealthy food. Much like the alcohol companies sponsoring the IOC, “two of the 12 Olympic TOP sponsors run businesses centered around