Colonial Rule Essays

  • Colonial Rule of the Dominican Republic

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    and human resources. As Sagas and Inoa discuss, the island of Hispaniola, "became the center of the Spanish colonial enterprise in the New World. It was in Hispaniola where the first major contacts between Europeans and Amerindians took place, where the first exploitative economic activities in the New World were developed, where Europeans first established permanent settlements and colonial institutions, and where the stage was set for the colonization of the rest of the New World (Inoa pg. 1.)."

  • Puerto Rican Identity and Spanish Colonial Rule

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    Puerto Rican Identity and Spanish Colonial Rule The debate on Puerto Rican Identity is a hot bed of controversy, especially in today’s society where American colonialism dominates most of the island’s governmental and economic policies. The country wrestles with the strong influence of its present day colonizers, while it adamantly tries to retain aspects of the legacy of Spanish colonialism. Despite America’s presence, Puerto Ricans maintain what is arguably their own cultural identity which

  • Puerto Rico's Identity Formation Under U.S. Colonial Rule

    1936 Words  | 4 Pages

    Puerto Rico's Identity Formation Under U.S. Colonial Rule Upon continuing the discussion of what it means to be Puerto Rican, it is clear that the early US colonial rule fundamentally shaped the character of this definition. At the conclusion of the Spanish-American War, Puerto Rico became a possession of the United States subject only to the privileges that the US was willing to grant it. The dichotomy between Puerto Rico’s expectations and what it actually became after 1898, helped to formulate

  • Effects Of Japanese Colonial Rule In Korea

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    INTRODUCTION The era of Japanese colonial rule is a dark part of Korea’s history. Korea had been in political turmoil since King Gojong ascended to the throne in 1863. This political instability heightened when Empress Myeongseong, Gojong’s wife, overthrew Heungseon Daewongun’s, Gojong’s father’s, influence. Heungseon Daewongun had been open to foreign relations; Empress Myeongseong had not. Seeing this turbulence as an opportunity, Japan proposed the Ganghwado Treaty, or the Japan-Korea Treaty

  • Significance of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism

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    communicate with more diverse groups of people. These values concerning the importance of language are shared by the Puerto Rican historian José Luis González. In his essay "Puerto Rico: The four Storeyed [sic] Country," he discusses the effects of US colonial rule on Puerto Rican culture. In discussing the relationship between language and cultural hegemony he claims that: "We Puerto Ricans have to learn English, not as the route to cultural suicide whereby we become dissolved into the turbulent mainstream

  • Colonialism and Politics - European Perceptions of Africa

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    to disengagement in the 1950's.  The purpose of this essay is to chronicle these changes in European perceptions of Africa's role in the global economy, and explain that although the outcome of these policy-changes eventually led to the end of colonial rule, the political, social, and economic effects of these policies made it impossible for the Africans to enjoy true independence. The first part of the 20th century was characterized by European imperialist policies in Africa.  Seen as the

  • Harmony and Howling — African and European Roots of Jamaican Music

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    Harmony and Howling — African and European Roots of Jamaican Music English colonial rule began in Jamaica in the year 1655. The growth of a plantation culture in the West Indies quickly changed the need for labor in the area. Between 1700 and 1786, more than 600,000 African slaves were brought to Jamaica. These slaves were required to work for their English colonial masters who would purchase them from slave traders at various ports around the island. Slaves were abducted from various regions

  • Cuban Race Relations

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    disharmony has plagued Cuban society ever since the advent of the Colonial institution of the plantation system. Thus, in order to acquire some understanding of Cuba’s dynamic race relations one must study and investigate the evolution of racial tensions and the quintessential impact that the revolution of 1959 had on Cuba’s social structure. II. The Impact of Spanish Colonialism in Cuba: Legitimizing Racial Schism- The specter of colonial repression, imposed by the institutions of slavery and the

  • Colonial Rule in Africa

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    and domination of the African people. One could argue that the western powers have been doing so since the beginning of the slave trade, but that is not the focus of this analysis. This paper will focus on the impact of the nearly 100 years of colonial rule in Africa. It is my goal to prove that due to colonialism in Africa, political, social, and economic development was effectively delayed until most countries gained their freedom. And even from the 1960's on, the period where the majority of African

  • Partition Literature of India

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    the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance." -Jawarhalal Nehru 14 August, 1947, saw the birth of the new Islamic Republic of Pakistan. At midnight the next day India won its freedom from colonial rule, ending nearly 350 years of British presence in India. During the struggle for freedom, Gandhi had written an appeal "To Every Briton" to free their possessions in Asia and Africa, especially India (Philips and Wainwright, 567). The British left

  • Japanese colonialism

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    economy with such a heavy hand. As well, Japan left Korea with a relatively high level of industrialization, not something we commonly see with European colonialism. In Kohli's article we see that Japan came into Korea at the very beginning of its colonial rule and transformed the state, not just when creating speedy economic growth. I liked this article in that Kohli took a very systematic approach to writing it, noting the many steps it took for Korea to industrialize, as well as noting extensively

  • Ideas of Progress in Naipaul's A Bend in the River

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    isolated African town at the beginning of independence. Salim, as an Indian, has something of a unique perspective on the events of the time - in some ways, he lives between two worlds. Having experienced the "civilizing" influence of British colonial rule, he comes from a culture that is more "advanced" than that of Africa but less so than that of the West. This hierarchy of progress is seen throughout the book, and the theme of progress is best illustrated in this passage from the opening of Part

  • Government and Politics - Crisis of Development Discourse

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    of the many changes in the post-WW2 era was the "discovery" of mass poverty throughout the world.  This "discovery" had massive implications for development discourse.  Prior to WW2, development discourse was limited to the colonial experience.  But with the end of colonial rule lurking on the horizon, western academics began to formulate theories of economic growth and "modernization."  As a result, an entire genre of academic research emerged:  the development discourse. The aim of development discourse

  • Colonial Home Rule

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    their own domestic affairs, including taxation and electing their own leaders. 2. What is home rule? What was the nature of colonial home rule? Home rule is the power given by a state to a locality to enact legislation and manage its own affairs locally. Britain had allowed Americans the responsibility to manage their own domestic affairs and elect their own leaders. The British found the home rule agreeable as well because their main concern was to control America’s foreign commerce and guarantee

  • Going Beyond the Pale with William Trevor

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    Pale’, the reader is presented with a text that seethes with the angst of a writer whose country’s Colonial past has been gnawing on his bones. Although there is nothing unusual in this (especially in Irish writing), Trevor manages to fumble the ball in the course of his didactic strategy and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory: what should have been a successful indictment of British Colonial Rule in Ireland becomes nothing more than the grumbling of an intelligent writer who cannot negotiate his

  • Fadia Faqir’s Pillars of Salt

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    illustrate issues articulated by women’s rights activists in the Middle East. Traditional roles of women and men and a mythology of femininity and masculinity are juxtaposed with the disparate realities of the characters. The damaging forces of colonial rule, war, and Westernization are also exposed. I focused particularly on Pillars of Salt, because it contains very sophisticated juxtapositions of women’s reality and mythological accounts of women. It also demonstrates that issues of gender roles

  • Globalization Has Improved Living Standards in Bangladesh

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    the colonial rule, for our anti-globalization movement. Both Britain and Pakistan ruled Bangladesh for 200 years and 23 years respectively. They used their power to exploit the Bangladeshi people and there was no democracy or freedom. This kept us separate from the rest of the world and made it impossible for us to become a modern country. "The birth of Bangladesh in 1971 was the first instance of an ethnic linguistic nationalist movement succeeding in creating a new state in the post-colonial period"

  • Chile

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    second expedition into CHILE He arrived in CHILE in 1541 and claimed the land under the crown of Spain. He founded the city of Santiago in February of that year, and appointed a Cabildo (Council) of Conquistadores to control local affairs. II. COLONIAL RULE In December of 1553, Valdivia set out for the fort of Concepcion to avenge the death of three soldiers, after word had reached him that the Indians had murdered them. He did not know the Indians had an ambush prepared for him. Valdivia was captured

  • Comparison of Ethiopia and Mali

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    A Brief Overview of the History of Ethiopia Ethiopia is one of the most unique among African countries for maintaining its freedom from colonial rule, with the short exception of an occupation by the Italians from 1936-1941. A socialist state was established in 1974 with the overthrow of Emperor Selassie, who had been in control since 1930. A junta or group of military officers called the Derg was responsible for the coup. Yet, this corrupt administration has lead only to warfare and wide scale

  • The Zapatista Revolt Against NeoLiberalism

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    The Zapatista Revolt Against NeoLiberalism In the 1630’s Mayans living in the northern part of Guatemala organized in a secretive village-by-village basis and mounted an attack against the Spanish colonial rule. They drove the Colonizers out of the area and it took almost fifty years for the Spanish to reclaim it [i] . Over 350 years later the Mexican government woke up on January 1st 1994 to news of an indigenous guerilla uprising in the southern part of Mexico. Mayans had been secretly organizing