Will Boettcher Biology 355 Erythroxylum coca The Coca Plant The coca plant belongs to the family of Erythroxylacae. This family is comprised of about 200 species, while only four species produce the alkaloid cocaine in its leaves, the most important of which is Erythroxylum coca. Erythroxylum coca is a four to six foot high shrub which is cultivated extensively in South American, especially in Bolivia, Peru, and Columbia. It flourishes best in the warm valleys on the eastern slopes of the Andes
The Coca Plant Erythroxylum coca Lamark is a tropical shrub of the order Geraniales and the family Erythroxylaceae. Two tropical genera of the dicotyledons totaling approximately 250 species of trees and shrubs compose this family. Family characteristics are alternate, undivided, lobeless, toothless leaves, and small flowers in clusters from the leaf axils with persistent calyces with five lobes or sepals, five petals often with appendages, ten persistent stamens united at their bases, and three
Erythroxylum: The Coca Plant The coca plant is a member of the order Geraniales and the family Erythroxylaceae. There are four genera with an estimated 200 species in Erythroxylaceae (De Witt, 1967). Coca was first described as Erythroxylum by A.L. Jussieu in 1783. It was given the binomial Erythroxylum coca by Lamarck in 1786. Early botanists believed that all coca plants were of the same species. Later researchers found that two species of domesticated coca existed. These are Erythroxylum coca Lam. and
for a Coca-Cola, do you ever wonder where it got its name? You might be surprised to find out! When coke was created 120 years ago, it contained cocaine (Bayer 27). At the time scientists did not realize that cocaine was addictive and dangerous. Scientists today know that cocaine is among the strongest stimulants known, and trying the drug even one time can cause heart attack, stroke, and even death. "Even the most in shape athlete could die from one use (Bayer 26)." The history of coca leaves
Colombia Narcoterrorism has a long past in the history of Colombia, focusing mainly on the market development of one drug: cocaine. Colombia, with its arid tropical climate and lush land, is an ideal place for the sowing and reaping of the coca plant whose extracts are synthesized into the powder cocaine drug. As Colombian cocaine production skyrocketed in the 1970’s and 1980’s thanks to booming demand for the product in Americas, drug kingpins in Colombia began to wield immense power in the
so closely related, it is important to have a firm understanding of both drugs. Cocaine (coke) is made from the Erythroxylon coca plant, a coca tree that grows high in the Andes Mountains of South America. The coca farmers' purpose is to pick and process the leaves into a paste from which cocaine is extracted (Edwards, 64). These Indians of Bolivia and Peru chew the coca leaves to obtain a mild stimulation, which helps fight fatigue that is caused by the high altitudes at which they work. Chewing
burning marijuana on hot rocks and producing a vapor that made them shout out loud?(Duke and Gross 44). Over 7,000 years ago, Peruvian legend attests that llamas which lacked sources of food ate the leafs of the coca plant. The result was increased energy, which led the Peruvians to eat the plant for the same reason (Duke and Gross 66). It is also a well-known fact that ancient tribes still use psychoactive drugs and drink homemade alcohol to enhance religious ceremonies. All of these examples point out
THE COCA AND THE COCAINE WAR The current “War on Drugs” involves skirmishes in an arena with two fronts: The consumer and the manufacturer. The successes and failures of the battle are not clearly identified without first looking at how the battle can be ultimately won. When it comes to cocaine, the problem of punishing the whole instead of the individual is hard to define. Many countries use the raw ingredient, the coca plant, as part of a social and cultural structure. The only way to win the
Coca is a plant coming from South America that for thousands of years been cultivated in Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia. The coca leaves have played, and still play, key social, medicinal, and ritual purposes for millions of indigenous people living in the Central and North Andes and Amazonia. Coca is a mild stimulant, however, it has been criminalized and equated with cocaine. It was not until 1855, when a German scientist fabricated cocaine, the laboratory-produced alkaloid separated from coca leaves
Pure cocaine is the product of the Erythroxylon coca bush, which is mostly found in South America (NIDA, 2014). In South America the consumption of the coca leaf have been recorded as far back as 3000 B.C. (Warner EA, 1993). The coca leafs only contain about two percent of cocaine and in this form there is few instances of abuse. The rate at which it is absorbed is slow in the digestive system and very little cocaine reaches the bloodstream. When the Spaniards came to the Inca civilization in 1532
Coca Cola was created by Pharmacist Dr. John Styth Pemberton. He developed the formula for the famous soft drink in his backyard on May 8, 1886. Dr. Pemberton’s bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, came up with the idea for the unique cursive logo that has been the trade mark ever since. On May 29, 1886 the very first ad appeared in the Atlanta Journal: Coca-Cola. Delicious! Refreshing! Exhilarating! Invigorating! The New and Popular Soda Fountain Drink, containing the properties of the wonderful Coca plant
that impact the planning function of management within an organization, and Coca-Cola is no exception. More than a billion times every day, thirsty people around the world reach for Coca-Cola products for refreshment. Coca-Cola is the most popular and biggest-selling soft drink in history, as well as the best-known product in the world. The Coca-Cola franchise covers a population of approximately 398 million people. Coca-Cola Enterprises employs approximately 72,000 people who operate 463 facilities
Cocaine Cocaine extracted from coca bush from South America. The extract is then treated to make cocaine freebase, hydrochloride and crack. The most common form is cocaine hydrochloride. It comes a white crystal-like powder. This can also be treated even further to create freebase and crack. Freebase is a white powder, a bit like hydrochloride. Crack normally comes in the form of crystals that come in colours that range from cream, white or transparent with a pink or yellow hue. Structure
The Three Major Issues in the Advertising Campaign for Coca Cola Classic The three major issues in this advertising campaign for Coca-Cola Classic are to increase the number of people who drink Coca-Cola Classic, make our advertising more creative, and to ultimately beat our competitors. Our target market can be explained in just one word, everyone. Since Coca-Cola Classic had been around for many years everyone has heard of it. It does not matter what age, race, religion or what kind of financial
stronger stimulant than regular coca, native Andean people prefer to use coca because of its cultural associations, history of use before European interactions and its various other medicinal purposes. In addition, native Andeans are more likely to use coca than cocaine because it is grown close to home and requires less processing. Although European influence existed in the development of cocaine, the people of Latin America were able to maintain the identity of the coca leaf in face of this external
El Narcotráfico Antes de Pinochet la mayoría de la produción de la cocaína estaba en los Andes de Chile donde es posible cultivar la coca. Después de Pinochet decidió no permitir la produción de la droga en Chile, la industria se mudó al otro lado de la frontera con Columbia. Con este cambio empezó la transformación de la industria y de un pais. Hoy, por causa de la Guerra Contra la Droga, es Columbia uno de los paises más violentos del mundo. Columbia no era el pais menos violento de Latinoamérica
president to originate from the indigenous people, his administration has concentrated on the execution of liberal arrangements, neediness lessening, and fighting the impact of the United States and multinational companies in Bolivia. As a leader of a coca-cultivators union, he was additionally the primary president to rise up out of the social movements whose dissents forced Bolivia's two past presidents from office. As president, he guaranteed to administer for Bolivia's indigenous majority, who had
Introduction To give a short introduction to the circumstances affecting this case of Pepsi & Coca Cola it has to be said that in general it is not just simple for MNEs to invest and enter foreign markets as regulations and restrictions differ from coutry to country and hence ifluence international business negotiations to a great extend. Therefore MNEs investigating in foreign markets have to either adopt to those condition given by the host country government, which of course to a certain extend
to UK Coca Cola London-Edmonton branch and explain in depth how human resource is managed there. A Little History about Coca Cola Coca Cola was invented on 8th May 1886 by Dr John S Pemberton in Atlanta, Georgia – USA. The name Coca Cola was suggested by Dr Pemberton’s bookkeeper, Frank Robinson. He penned the name Coca Cola in the flowing script that is famous today. Coca Cola was first sold at the soda fountain in Jacob’s Pharmacy in Atlanta. During the first year, sales of Coca Cola
Geography is the study of Earth and its physical features. It is the study This includes its landscapes, peoples, places, and environments. In the study of geography, there are five themes; location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region. Location refers to the particular place or position. There are two types of location: absolute location and relative location. Absolute location is often identified as a grid coordinate on the surface of the Earth. Also, finding absolute location