Church Essays

  • The Church

    529 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Church Church buildings have a special significance that distinguishes them from public hall or commercial meeting places. They are set apart, specially dedicated to God for specific purpose of worship, religious education, fellowship, and service. Priority in the use of church buildings should be given to those spiritual ministries of the church itself and to the community it serves through its witness and program. Individuals and groups who traditionally use church buildings include

  • Trinity Church

    1521 Words  | 4 Pages

    Trinity Church Henry Hobson Richardson designed his most famous building, Trinity Church in Copley Square, after winning a competition in 1972. James O’Gorman described Trinity as “a cultural even of the first importance in American history.” “The building both represents a departure of the Boston’s mind from its Puritan past, and emergence of American creativity as a force in architecture.” Born in 1838, Richardson was raised just outside New Orleans and surrounded by the colorful stucco buildings

  • Church Burnings

    646 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Racism Blamed in Shock Wave of Church Burnings,” read the screaming headline in the New York Daily News. “The South is Burning: A Rash of Torching at Black Churches Has Resurrected the Ugly Specter of Racism,” chimed in the Toronto Star. Newsweek warned of “Terror in the Night Down South,” While USA Today reported that “Arson at Black Churches Echoes Bigotry of Past.”(Fumento 1) In the summer of 1996, the U.S. media widely reported a surge in white racist burnings of black churches in the American

  • Church and Teens

    649 Words  | 2 Pages

    We all know the horror stories about being forced to go to church each and ever Sunday, and there are so many teens that see going to church as an inconvenience, but why do we look at it that way? Could it be because we don’t understand the concept? Maybe it’s because we think Sunday is our “sleep day” to catch up on the loss of sleep from the rest of the week. There are a lot of teens that enjoy church because they understand the concept, or because that is the only place they feel that they can

  • The World Church of the Creator

    835 Words  | 2 Pages

    The World Church of the Creator Free speech comes in many forms, some offensive and some non-offensive. One of the more offensive sites on the Internet is the homepage for the World Church of the Creator. This site supports an extreme white supremacist point of view whose followers, from my interpretation of the site, believe that all races, except for the white race, are inferior. The site is also extremely anti-Semitic. In short, according to the site, if someone is not white and Christian

  • The Church Industry

    1335 Words  | 3 Pages

    the church a social club where handsome young men come to window shop for pretty young ladies? Is the church a beautiful architectural masterpiece like the 50,000 sitter church auditorium – “Faith Tabernacle” reputed to be the single largest church building on Earth, according to Guinness Book of Records (2007)? Should we liken the church to a football club, where only valuable players (big boys in Nigeria context) sit in front roles and drop big money for church project? No, is the church is a

  • Our Church Choir

    521 Words  | 2 Pages

    Our Church Choir Last year our church choir was preparing for its twenty-seventh spring concert, and I was in charge. No, I was not president of the church choir, I was the "musician's representative!" I had not an inkling what that meant, but, sure enough, my ignorance would not linger. I was to be in charge of organizing all things musical, from equipment to musicians. The musicians seemed almost ready. The choir still had three songs to learn, but with rehearsals every night and

  • An Uplifting Church Experience

    979 Words  | 2 Pages

    An Uplifting Church Experience As my friend Jenni and I entered the hall of the big church, a feeling of apprehension overwhelmed us. Our feelings were soon comforted when we entered a sea of smiling faces and outstretched hands. A sense of belonging engulfed us. Ms. Shirley, an older colored woman was first to extend her arms. She did not know us from Adam, but it did not matter. She threw her arms around us. "You girls have the prettiest smiles", she declared. "I am so glad you came to be

  • The Canterbury Cathedral: The Church Of A Church

    1192 Words  | 3 Pages

    He was sent from Rome as a missionary to introduce the bible in England where his mission was complete when he baptized the local Saxon king, Ethelbert into Christianity. By 602AD St. Augustine was then given a seat as the first Archbishop of a Church at Canterbury which had been a place of worship during Roman occupation of Brittan rehallowed by the missionary saint. This was a momentous event in the timeline of the Canterbury Cathedral as the Archbishop was the most senior religious figure in

  • Church Planting

    1522 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction Over the years, church planters passionately stepped into church planting across the globe at great costs in obedience to God’s call. Some used the mother-church method and cell or house church method in cross-cultural settings. Some planters believe that it is the quality of their planting methods, effective publicity, attractive programmes, missional teams and resources that will make their church plant successful. Whereas these are helpful, the central factor is the God of mission

  • Can A Church Be Too Big

    558 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Do you think a church can be too big?” That is a question that was posed to me by a church leader. I have been privileged to minister in churches of all conceivable sizes as well as to serve on staffs and as interim pastor in churches that ranged in attendance from less than fifty to well over 4,000 in weekly worship participation. Churches of every size possess unique advantages and disadvantages that I have come to appreciate over the years. Yogi Berra, the Hall of Fame baseball player and

  • The Role Of The Church In Today's Church Today

    1973 Words  | 4 Pages

    Today’s Church Churches today isn’t what it used to be. Church used to be a place, as you press in to the body of Christ, as you spend time with people, as make friends, as you join in small groups, and chat with people, you were giving them an opportunity to manifest the joy of God in your direction. Church used to be a place that brought joy through others as you serve alongside them. Whether was cleaning up the church after church or helping the local poor, when you have that a partnership and

  • Charlemagne’s Will: Church, Empire, and Intellect

    887 Words  | 2 Pages

    Charlemagne’s Will: Church, Empire, and Intellect “…and [I] shall first give an account of his deeds at home and abroad, then of his character and pursuits, and lastly of his administration and death, omitting nothing worth knowing or necessary to know.” – Einhard, The Life of Charlemagne Charlemagne—Charles, King of the Franks—obviously has a fan in Einhard. His powerful work, The Life of Charlemagne, details the king’s life from the building of his empire, through the education of his children

  • Methodist Church

    1027 Words  | 3 Pages

    The United Methodist Church My home church is United Methodist. I have gone there ever since I was a child because that is where my mother went to church. Through researching this paper I found many interesting things about my church. There are many points and issues I agree with and many I disagree with. Writing this really made me think about my denomination closely and if it’s the right one for me. The United Methodist Church shares a common history and heritage with other Methodist and Wesleyan

  • Go to Church Within Yourself

    979 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Well, we come to church to worship God.” Rolling on with the topic of our own bodies being the house of the Lord, why do we need a place to worship? If I wanted to worship God in the desert, do I have to first build a church? “I mean, come to worship God corporately.” This will be deconstructed later in the chapter, but for now, I have one little question I want you to think about until then: how many people does it take in order for that group to be said that they are “corporate worshipping?” The

  • Homosexuality and the Christian Church

    2159 Words  | 5 Pages

    Homosexuality and the Christian Church In today’s Christian churches there has come about a very controversial subject, one that has been developing for many years, and is now at the fore front of controversial issues dealing with the church. The issue at hand is homosexuality and the Christian church. This controversy has caused there to be a split between the church into two different beliefs, liberal and evangelical, which one is right and which and which one is wrong? Issues such as should

  • Church Laity

    544 Words  | 2 Pages

    people who are baptized and eventually confirmed. They can be described as flock that the shepherds watch over and help. The shepherds would be the clergy and in turn all of the higher ups in church hierarchy. The laity are not ordained, but this does not take away from their importance and roles in the church and in Christ’s mission. For most of the past, the laity have been very undermined in terms of the church’s consideration of their importance.

  • The History of The Church

    749 Words  | 2 Pages

    The History of The Church The Church had held sway over medieval society for centuries, but it began to lose its grip in the fourteenth century. It was not only that it could not explain nor prevent the calamities that swept through the century, it was enduring its own calamities. The Church was at its strongest in the thirteenth century, but within a few years of entering the fourteenth it entered a series of crises that would all but destroy it (and certainly destroyed its hold over the minds

  • Concerns in the Catholic Church

    1481 Words  | 3 Pages

    Concerns in the Catholic Church Sexual abuse is a growing concern in society today. So many people are hurt by the actions of other people when they abuse them, especially in a sexual manner. The Catholic Church is also now being targeted for sexual offenders. Priests have been charged with sexually abusing young boys that are involved with the church. The church has been looking the other way on this issue for many years. The children as well as their family are being hurt and its time something

  • Church Observation

    933 Words  | 2 Pages

    On April 8th, 2018, I attended a service at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Springfield with Emily Abbot and her aunt and uncle. The church itself was rather small and was similar to an elementary school in size. As we walked into the church, we were greeted at the sanctuary doors by members who wished us a good morning and welcomed us. The main meeting room was filled with pews where people would sit, with a podium at the front. Behind the podium were more pews, presumably for