Child Custody Essays

  • Effects of Child Custody

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    If children are involved, a custody agreement needs to be arranged. A custody agreement never seems to be black and white especially with new family structures evolving. When it comes to same-sex parents, how are children supposed to split their time equally? The traditional belief of a child needing a mother and a father no longer applies in these relationships. This can be very hard on a child especially if the parents cannot agree, and it turns into a custody battle. Children are torn between

  • Child Custody-Court Observation

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    After half an hour of searching, finally I have the opportunity to observe a court in person for the first time. At the 302nd Family Court in downtown Dallas on the 3rd of Dec, 2013, the case I was observing was a child custody case between Anna Smith and David Smith. The case number as show on the board outside the court is DS-12-08126. Furthermore, the Judge of 302nd Family Court is Tena Callahan. It was quite an experience when I step inside the Court building and don’t really know where to go

  • Unequal Treatment: The Bias in Child Custody Cases

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    When a couple get’s a divorce, most of the time the child lives with their mother (Zinsmeister). This is how it has remained for years. Laws should focus more on the fact that children are better off with both parents in their lives (Jones). It is insane that this is not even considered. With that being said, Fathers receive custody only 8-14% of the time, and mothers 68-88% (Hughes). This is a major difference. A 50-50 split in custody only occurs two to six percent of the time after a divorce

  • Essay On Child Custody Law

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    Child custody laws vary according to jurisdiction, but most states and provinces follow a basic set of concepts designed to be fair and equitable and protect the interests of the children. If you're a party in a child custody action, understanding child custody laws and their application is important to ensuring a favorable outcome for you and your child. You may have retained counsel in your child custody action, but a basic understanding of the law will make you an informed participant in the

  • Child Custody Evaluations

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    Child custody is a difficult and sensitive matter. During the disputes people go through multiple interviews, background checks, and other privacy invading matters. Child custody evaluations are need when parents are divorcing. This is all done in order to obtain custody of one or more children. The children do not have to be the parents biological children in order to be able to fight for custody of the child. In the evaluations multiple factors are taken into consideration. Through the entire

  • Sex Change Complicates Battle Over Child Custody

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    Sex Change Complicates Battle Over Child Custody Florida state law does not recognize same sex marriage. In this case, the law had no way of proving whether or not Michael Kantaras is a man or a woman, since having a female to male sex change. Depending on this, it will decide whether or not he (pending on decision) will be able to keep custody of his adopted children. If society had not let technology surpass their conventional thinking and laws, this case would be easier to decide, or at least

  • The Father's Rights in Child Custody Issues

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    The Father's Rights in Child Custody Issues In the United States today more than one-half of all marriages end in divorce. The purpose of this paper is to examine the reason why women have typically received custody of the children far more often than the fathers. In order to better understand child custody one must first examine how fathers have often times been left out of the picture, and conversely why mothers have had such hard times raising children on their own. This paper will first

  • History of Child Custody Arrangements in the U.S.

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    mothers had none. Thus, in divorce, the father had absolute right to custody. However, this type of thinking began to change in the late 1800's. Our society began to change its opinion on child welfare. More fathers were leaving the home areas to seek work, and the mothers were left at home with the children as their primary caretakers. On the other hand, the fathers became the wage earners. This then changed the thinking of child custody and the way it was viewed. In addition, there was what was called

  • Essay On Child Custody

    573 Words  | 2 Pages

    Common Tips for a Successful Child Custody Assessment Living with a perfect family is what most people want to have in their lives. Unfortunately, that does not apply to our world. It only lives in our fantasies. However, we perfectly live in this imperfect life with the people whom we ought to live by. Our magnificent life stories lie primarily on what is the will of God for each person. Too bad, there are many individuals who thought they had the perfect relationship with the right person. The

  • Argumentative Essay On Child Custody

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    Child custody is legal term which sometimes used to describe the legal relationship between a parent and the child, such as the right and duty to take care of a minor child on a daily basis, and decision making about the child. There are two forms of child custody: One is sole custody and the other is joint custody. In sold custody arrangements, one of the parents will take care of the child most of the time and has major decision power about the child. In joint custody arrangement, both parents

  • Single Fatherhood

    554 Words  | 2 Pages

    fathom a father being able to satisfy the needs of his children. Single fathers are not given sole custody without a fight. A much harder one than what a Mother would have to endure. Normally, custody is given to the mother. Lately, however, fathers are starting to care more about their childrens best interests, and are begining to fight against the sterotypes society has dealt them. Being the child of a single father, I have heard the stories. For 17 years I have heard the stories. But could

  • Child Support Case Study

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    Issue: Ariela is seeking child support from Tim for their 16-year-old. Tim is alleging that Ariela having full custody would not be the best for her. Statement of Facts: Tim alleges that Ariela is giving the child more "freedom" than their agreement. In doing so the child now wishes to live with the mother full time. Ariela now seeks child support. Tim says that Ariela has been pulling the child's attention away from him through text messages and phone calls. Along with needing her to come over

  • Parental Alienation Research Paper

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    born out of wedlock, parental alienation continues to grow. With custody laws changing, allowing for equal opportunities for both parents to raise their children, and fathers beginning to fight for their right to be involved, not just every other weekend fathers, custody battles have become increasingly fierce. Another factor contributing to this is the fact that many courts consider who will be more willing to encourage the child to have a heathly and continuing relationship with the other parent

  • Marriage and Divorce - Women and the High Cost of Divorce

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    Women and the High Cost of Divorce Divorce is commonly recognized as a major problem in our society. Every year there are more divorces in our country and many studies have been dedicated to finding out why. Much media attention has been paid to the court proceedings or the causes leading up to the divorce, but once the matter has lost public appeal, all coverage is dropped. Because of this, there is much that the average citizen does not know about the short-term and long-term effects of

  • Collaborative Divorce: The Child’s True Best Interest

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    sadness and shame. When parental conflict is added to the upheaval of everyday life for a child, it can have many adverse effects: depression, lowered self-worth, social withdrawal, lack of concentration in school, and it can change how a child handles their own relationships as an adult. It stands to reason that avoiding parental conflict during a divorce procedure would be in the best interest of a child; however the Court process itself could be considered an antagonist to cooperation. Perhaps

  • Custody And Visitation Essay

    609 Words  | 2 Pages

    While most are aware that custody and visitation are not synonymous, many parents begin legal proceedings without realizing that custody is broken into two halves by the court: legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody refers to the ability to make decisions regarding the child’s upbringing and development, meaning a parent who obtains legal custody will have a say in matters such as their child’s education, hobbies, and religion. Physical custody, as the name suggests, refers to the actual

  • The Effect of Divorce on Parent and Child

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    unduly upset or confuse the children," (Berger 28). After divorcing, parents must learn to answer every question a child may ask honestly and without hesitation. If not, the child will undoubtedly loose faith and trust in their parents. Creating lies will often damage a child who is already going through so many emotions. Often, it may be vary difficult to explain to a young child that his or her mother and father will not be together anymore. Fear and anxiety may fill a parent when pondering

  • The Fatherhood Movement

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    divorce laws to increase the number of two- parent households. Some organizations focus on reasonable child support and visitation, as well as creative joint custody arrangements to combat fatherless ness after divorce. Still other sects within the movement encourage responsible fatherhood through counseling for "Deadbeat" or "Dead-broke" Dads, job training and placement to increase the likelihood of child support payments and educational seminars to teach men how to be emotionally supportive fathers.

  • Causes Of Divorce Essay

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    to believe that a divorce on young children of age will completely destroy them growing up. Nobody wants to see the good it can do for the children. What if the situation was bad, and divorce was the only safe solution. A lot of adults believe the child is more upset about the family falling apart. In reality most times, it 's because they don 't want to leave home, friends, schools. It wasn 't till I was ten years old that I was aware of what happened. Divorce can have multiple impacts on children

  • Parenting Capacity Evaluation Practices: Are They Efficient?

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    cohabitation that end in dissolution have shown custody and access disputes to be the “single biggest issue in civil law” (Roesh, Zapf, Hart, 2010). The role of forensic psychology regarding this issue is seen in the form of parenting capacity evaluations, otherwise known as child custody evaluations. Although many dissolved marriages or relationships end without the need of such evaluations, it is important to understand the current practices regarding custody cases and the evaluations provided by forensic