Chemistry Experiment Essays

  • Chemistry Pilot Experiment

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    Chemistry Pilot Experiment Aim: The aim was to become accustomed to working with the equipment and to find optimum levels of hydrochloric acid and magnesium ribbon to produce 60cm of hydrogen, a sensible amount to produce in the real experiment. We also began to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate and the result of the product (hydrogen). It also served to discover any errors in the procedure which could affect the final result and prevent us getting accurate results, thus

  • Appendix 1: An Experiment On Chemistry Of Equilibrium

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    Experiment 1: Introducing Equilibrium I (Appendix 1) The purpose of this experiment was to observe what happens when the reactants and productions of a reversible reaction are placed separately into a sealed container. This experiment investigated the chemistry of equilibrium using N_2 O_4 ⇋ 〖2NO〗_2. This experiment will determine if dynamic chemical equilibrium can be achieved by starting with either reactants or products. In part one of the experiment, the following conditions were: Volume

  • Chemistry Experiment

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    Chemistry Experiment How does the change in the electric current used in the electrolysis of copper sulphate solution affect the mass of copper deposited on the copper electrodes? Aim --- The aim of this experiment is to find out whether the mass of copper deposited on copper electrodes during the electrolysis of copper sulphate solution changes when the current used to electrolyse the solution is increased. Hypothesis ---------- I predict that if the current used to electrolyse

  • Catalase Chemistry Experiment

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    the concentration of the enzyme just to name a few. This experiment was conducted to show the effects of different pH levels on the activity of the catalase enzyme, the data obtained in this experiment supports the initial hypothesis of the experiment which states that the catalase enzyme will function optimally at a pH of 7 and efficiency will decrease as the pH of solutions moves further away from 7. This is true because in the experiment the test tube containing the distilled water which has a

  • Chemistry Report: Experiment on Rates of Reaction

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    what the rates of reaction will be and what the actual rates of reaction are. I will do this by collecting data from experiments and I will show this by putting data into a table. The main aim of my experiment is to find the rate of reaction over time taken and the rate of reaction when the concentration of hydrochloric acid increases or decreases. I will try to make my experiment as accurate as I can. I will carry out three trials to make my test fair. I will also use the correct equipment for accurate

  • Chemistry Experiment on the Reaction of Different Metals When Exposed to Acid

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    Before the experiment, I wrote down a prediction. My hypothesis towards the experiment was that magnesium would have a bigger reaction with the acids. The reactivity of an element depends on its ability to gain or loose electrons which are used for bonding. The more reactive an element, the more easily it will combine with others. From this information, I know that magnesium has a stronger ability to gain or loose electrons which makes the metal more reactive. I gathered together four different

  • Essay On Virtual Reality

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    VIRTUAL REALITY IN CHEMISTRY EDUCATION APPLICATION The term of virtual reality was found by Jaron Lanier a founder of VPL researcher at 1989.He is also known as an American writer, computer scientist and composer of classical music. Virtual reality is computer generated 3D environments which user can enter and interact with virtual environment by using of electronic devices such as keyboard, mouse, wired glasses, shutter glasses its involves real time simulation. “The user able to “immerse” themselves

  • Rutherfords Gold Foil Experiment

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    Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment Rutherford started his scientific career with much success in local schools leading to a scholarship to Nelson College. After achieving more academic honors at Nelson College, Rutherford moved on to Cambridge University's Cavendish laboratory. There he was lead by his mentor J.J. Thomson convinced him to study radiation. By 1889 Rutherford was ready to earn a living and sought a job. With Thomson's recommendation McGill University in Montreal accepted him as a

  • Ib Chemistry Reflection

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    Steve Chan- In the 2nd quarter of IB Chemistry the class has focused on balancing chemical equations, converting between chemistry units, finding correct formulas, and the properties of gases. The labs involved discovering more about chemical reactions, calculating the volume of a gas, and solution preparation. When we return in the 3rd quarter we will be studying the topic of atomic structure. Steve continues to struggle on the exams for class. He has made more of an effort to solve sample problems

  • Alchemy Pseudo-Science

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    historians have certain prejudices that lead them to view alchemy as a “pseudo-science”. However, this black magic science is responsible for much of our understanding of modern day chemistry. Alchemy has definitely played a role in the growth and founding of science; it is what taught ancient chemists about what counts as an experiment and how to think about matter at its most basic level. By expanding into two different categories, one can see why alchemy should be considered an important science. The first

  • Salt Bridge Over Electrified Waters Lab Report

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    Salt Bridge Over Electrified Waters “Chemistry is the study of substances; their properties, structure, and the changes they undergo” (Lower). Chemistry is the study of all the stuff in the world and especially how they change. My experiment deals mostly with the change of substances. Some of the concepts involved in my experiment are Oxidation/Reduction (redox) reactions, electrolysis, pH, and electrical currents. A redox reaction is a reaction in which there is a transfer of electrons from one

  • Chemistry Essay

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    would occur when diverse elements are combined. This is a concept known as chemistry, a part of science that corresponds with how matter is created from different properties and the process it goes through to create a new substance. Chemistry is a scientific concept that is used in everyday life and is a crucial part in the development of new technology and substances that allow today’s quality of life. The use of chemistry branches off into many different routes, including medical related fields

  • The History of Chemistry

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    Chemistry has been around for a very long time. Chemistry is the branch of physical science that studies composition, properties, energy, and behavior of matter. It is said that chemistry has been around since prehistoric times. This was in the form of everyday objects like pottery, cosmetics and perfumes, and extracting metals from ores. Chemistry is based on the discovery and study of elements. Some elements were known to ancient man, but most were discovered by chemists and alchemists. Some say

  • Statement of Purpose for Biomedical Sciences

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    My desire of studying biomedical sciences stems from my sciences interest, as it demonstrates a world not visible to the naked eye, plays a big role in everyday life. science specifically biology and chemistry are stimulating and challenging subjects , over the years of studying them ,my interest has increased because learning things about how our bodies function and how it relates to god’s creation is particularly interesting for me. I also find it very important because I’m Muslim. The biomedical

  • Diffusion Lab Report

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    ABSTRACT The effect of molecular weight to the rate of diffusion of some substances was determined using two experiments that require glass tube and petri dish of agar-water gel with three wells. In the first experiment, two cottons were soaked in hydrochloric acid (HCl) and ammonium hydroxide (NH_4OH), respectively and were placed at the both ends of a glass tube simultaneously. The second experiment involved three wells filled with a drop of potassium permanganate (KMnO_4), potassium dichromate (K_2 Cr_2

  • The History of Chemistry

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    The History of Chemistry Chemistry is the science of the composition and structure of materials and of the changes that materials undergo. It is also used in improving standards of living, making it possible for such substances as rubber, nylon, and plastics to be made from completely different materials. New materials and new properties of old materials are always being discovered. Some earlier products discovered from chemical reactions are ceramics, glass, and metals. Dyes and medicines

  • A Stoichiometry Experiment Involving Potassium Chlorate

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    requires computation, specifically in Chemistry, gathering measurements of various physical and chemical properties need to be strictly accurate and precise for it is in this most crucial phase that either make or break the quality and value of science. No matter how good the experiment was performed, without forethought on how to gather and process data correctly, the collected information would not be reliable enough to draw out a conclusion on it. This experiment is divided into two parts, thus having

  • Understanding About the Homogeneous Precipitation

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    synthesis of calcium oxalate via the precipitate from solution containing calcium ion and oxalate ion. 2. To do a thermo gravimetric analysis on calcium oxalate. 3. Understand and practice the method of homogeneous precipitation through this experiment. Introduction Thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) is one of the common analytical thermal analysis techniques that widely use to determine the thermal profile and stability of compound. This is rather important in the industry. When the thermal

  • Conservation Of Mass Lab Report

    656 Words  | 2 Pages

    The results from the experiment show that the Law of the Conservation of Mass is correct in the two different experiments. The experiment in an open environment showed that the mass will always stay the same when vinegar and sodium hydroxide react with each other. The mass of each substance was calculated before the reaction, and after the reaction, the mass of the reaction was the same and no mass was lost. In the closed environment experiment that provided gas, the amount of gas complimented

  • The Creation of the Modern Atomic Theory

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    properties, and behavior of an atom. (Atomic Theory, 2014.) Democritus, Dalton, Thompson, Millikan, and Rutherford, were few of the scientists who contributed to the development of the modern atomic theory. Each one of them developed a certain experiment to prove and demonstrate its way of seeing these tiny particles. They tested and proved each other’s theories, in order to create the modern atomic theory. During this investigation, the previous scientists will be researched and explained, with