Century Music Essays

  • Twentieth Century Classical Music

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    The Twentieth Century saw many rapid changes in society with the industrial revolution, rise of capitalism, women’s suffrage, challenging of religious concepts and World Wars. These changes led to people questioning everything they had known, including music. The questions asked led many composers into developing experimental ideas that were radical and unusual which gave rise to the Modernism era of music. The earliest modernist movement is referred to as Impressionism. Closer to symbolism, impressionism

  • The Importance Of Music In The 21st Century Community Music

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    Music can bring communities together, community music has established since 1960s. Music in the community all around the world have been initially provide music needs to the society. This provide us opportunity to access to the music, it enables people to enjoy and learn from music making with each other and also enriches our quality of lives. Music is in us and it is in our lifetime learning tools. "Community Music is a participatory music-making activity in which the community musicians work

  • Jazz Music In The 19th Century

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    Trumpeter and band leader Maynard Ferguson once said that “change is always happening. That’s one of the wonderful things about jazz music.” Ferguson’s view of America’s most beloved and celebrated genre of music can refer to the main element in jazz, improvisation or the developing styles that emerged in different locations and eras in the United States. Jazz itself has no set time period or location where it was born and because of this many scholars, as well as, the public have various opinions

  • George Gershwin's Experiment In Modern Music And Music Of The Twentieth Century

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    composed hundreds of popular, classical, and jazz pieces of music. His work was pivotal in the early 1900’s and has continued to make a lasting impact. Many of his songs and compositions continue to be very popular in today’s society. Some of his most famous works include “Rhapsody in Blue”, and “American in Paris.” Gershwin's ability to create timeless pieces like these are part of what makes him one of the greatest composers of the twentieth century. George Gershwin was born on September 26, 1898, in

  • 18th Century Music Performance Analysis

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    performances are evaluated on many different aspects, including if the performance is historically accurate. The Eightieth century Opera was an up and coming genre that was spreading its way through Europe. Opera’s style and aesthetics in the baroque period could always be traced back to its Italian roots. In Ryszard Daniel Golianek’s article In Search of a Perfect Performance of the 18th Century Opera; Johann George Silzer’s Lexicon as an Aesthetic Guide he states “three general conditions of a good performance

  • Sex and Music Videos in the 21st Century

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    Sex and Music Videos in the 21st Century Females have been portrayed as sex objects in music videos since MTV began. Some of the earlier stars on MTV consisted of Prince, Kiss and Aerosmith, just to name a few. Even those videos contained images of women in bikini’s, so why are we so shocked and appalled when Kid Rock has 20 surgically enhanced women parading around him as if he is king? Is it really that shocking that Sisqo’s, “The Thong Song” was voted 2000’s summer anthem, by Jet Magazine

  • The Use of Electronic Technology in 20th and 21st Century Music

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    The Use of Electronic Technology in 20th and 21st Century Music In this essay, I have examined the use of electronic technology within 20th and 21st Century music. This has involved analysis of the development and continuing refinement of the computer in today’s music industry, as well as the theory of the synthesiser and the various pioneers of electronic technology, including Dr. Robert Moog and Les Paul. Also within the essay, I have discussed the increasing use of computers in the

  • Michael Jackson's Impacts Of Music In The 20th Century

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    In the 20th century, various genres of music were prevalent and gained influence as well a vast following, especially in the United States. These included, but are not limited to Electronic, Jazz, Rock, Soul, Blues, Hip-Hop and plenty more. Many of these musical styles had developed and innovated across the world throughout the 19th and the early 20th century, due to social events and circumstances. Blues, specifically, was a music genre derived from enslaved African Americans who grew up in the

  • George Gershwin's Influence on 20th Century Music

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    George Gershwin was arguably the greatest influence on 20th century music. Gershwin’s music was composed of both popular and classical musical genres, but his most popular refrains are extensively known. Gershwin’s work have been used and heard in many movies, plays including Broadway, and fit for television. George Gershwin today remains one of the greatest and most influential musical composers and pianists of all time. On September 26, 1898, in Brooklyn, New York the legend was born. George

  • The Evolution of Music During the 20th Century

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    Soul had a great cultural impact on the music industry during the 1960's, especially considering that record labels such as Motown, Stax, and Fame had several important soul artists under contract. While Motown was considered by some to be a more restrained (pop) type of soul, musicians such as Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder and groups such as the Supremes and the Temptations released many successful records in combination. Both Stax and Fame Records decided to take a different approach, and many

  • Rap And Rap Music In The 20th Century

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    with the hip-hop genre recognize it when they hear it. A pre-2005 hip-hop music hit can be easily recognized if it were released within the last decade, and artists who have gotten into the music industry within the last ten years have little understanding of, or connection to, what was ordinary for hip-hop artists in the 20th century. The hip-hop and rap industries have changed immensely from the 20th century to the 21st century, particularly when it comes to the lyrics or language content. This content

  • How Has Technology Influenced Popular Music In The 19th Century?

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    Throughout the late nineteenth century to the present, the music industry has experienced groundbreaking changes due to technological advancements. From the introduction of sheet music in the nineteenth century to the modern age of iPod’s and digital downloads, each technological advancement has brought new styles of music with new forms of business, all while reaching a broader audience. While popular music was originally produced for specific geographical regions, technological advances have allowed

  • Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time - Quator Pour Le Fin Du Temps

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    for the End of Time - Quator Pour Le Fin Du Temps Technical and Interpretative Challenges Presented to Performers in Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992) played a significant part in the evolution of twentieth-century music, influencing a number of other composers with his innovative compositional techniques. The Quartet for the End of Time, is not one of Messiaen’s typical works due to the circumstances in which it was composed (his main outputs were organ, orchestral

  • American Music at the Turn of the 20th Century

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    To understand whether an ‘American’ music emerged out of traditions in the turn of the 20th century, we need to focus on the term ‘American’ and what musical genres fall under that category. For one, America, in a cultural sense, is seen as one huge ‘melting pot’, an amalgamation of cultures, ethnic traditions, beliefs and styles of music. It is very difficult to label one genre under the category of American music, as a vast amount of styles, in historical terms, have come about from a mixture of

  • Clara Schumann: Life And Music In The 19th Century

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    Clara Schumann like most women of her day, faced a myriad of obstacles to becoming recognized composers in the 18th and early 19th century. Clara Schumann was an accomplished composer of her times but recognition of this feat did not come with ease. Clara faced many of the common stumbling blocks to women during this time to include the idea that a woman’s place was in the home and that her life focus is to please her husband, run the home and take care of the children. Despite this mindset

  • Music is the Only Universal Language

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    Music is the Only Universal Language When people think of the term literacy, they most commonly define it as the ability to read and write, in the verbal sense. But there is a wide range of literacy apart from that, which also requires mastering a set of crucial skills. One such example is musical literacy, which is the ability to read, write, or appreciate music. Musical literacy is not all that different from the verbal kind. Leonard G. Ratner, when speaking of 18th and 19th century music, writes

  • The 20th century's 3 greatest composers

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    Greatest Composers The 20th century has watched many musicians break through their generation's bounds of normalcy to creat a completely new music. Musicians who initiated revolutions so grandiose that the impact—like an earthquake’s aftershocks—would reverberate for decades and influence scores of musicians to come. Such influences can be traced back to three specific composers. Igor Stravinsky, Aaron Copland, and Nadia Boulanger: the triumvirate of 20th century music. Igor Stravinsky, remains

  • History of the Stringed Instrument

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    activities worldwide. Despite some differences, they share many similarities in their mode of construction and manner of performance. The stringed instrument has a structural and playing adaptability that lends itself well to the rendition of the music of diverse cultures. The Harp Family of Instruments The harp is a stringed instrument in which the strings are plucked with the fingers. In different forms it was played by people of nearly all lands throughout the ages. The oldest stringed

  • Introduction to Provencal

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    Introduction to Provencal Provençal was originally used in all the south of France, as far north as Poitou, Limousin and the Dauphiné. Romance language descended from Latin. XIth century Earliest texts (3) survive from XIth century. La Chanson de Sainte Foy (1033) is the only one of real merit. XIIth Century Period of the early troubadours. Dominant genre lyric poetry, especially the chanson (love poetry); also important, sirventes (satire); moral and religious poetry and the partimen (debate poetry)

  • The Canterbury Cathedral

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    established his seat (or "cathedra") in this place as the first Archbishop of Canterbury. The present archbishop, George Carey, is 103rd in the line of succession. Until the 10th century the Cathedral community was a fa... ... middle of paper ... ... and 'IHS' monograms within crowns of thorns, and 15th and 16th century Tudor Rose imitation tapestries, fleur - de- lys and 'IHS' monograms. Bibliography: Bibliography "Canterbury Cathedral," Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia