Centre Essays

  • The Concept of Deictic Centre

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         The concept of deictic centre Deixis deals with the words and expressions whose reference relies entirely on the circumstances of the utterance. For that reason these special expressions and their meaning in discourse can only be understood in light of these circumstances. The term deictic centre underlines that the deictic term has to relate to the situation exactly at the point where the utterance is made or the text is written. One could even say that the deictic centre is the unmarked “anchorage

  • Analysis of the Collapse of the World Trade Centre

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    contributing factors that caused the collapse of the world trade centre we must first understand what this remarkable structure consisted of and the engineering elements that gave this building world recognition. We must then focus on the events that occurred on day that caused such catastrophic failure of the enormous structure. We can then interpret what the major contributing factors were that resulted in the destruction of the world trade centre. The structural system, deriving from the I.B.M. Building

  • The Rogers Centre

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    The Rogers Centre, originally named SkyDome, is located in downtown Toronto near Lake Ontario. Situated at the base of the CN Tower, the visually captivating dome stands 31 stories tall and covers 11.5 acres. (CITE 1) Aside from its physical dominance, the dome is an architecturally interesting and significant structure because it was the world’s first stadium with a fully retractable roof. Furthermore, the multi-purpose building is very important to the city of Toronto because the venue has accommodated

  • The Great Success of Out of Town Shopping Centres

    2003 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Great Success of Out of Town Shopping Centres Out of town shopping centres such as Meadowhall are very recent creations and did not exist 20 years ago. These shopping centres are usually built near main roads such as motorways as they are easy to access. Shopping centres such as Meadowhall are either built on Greenfield (building on farmland) or Brownfield (building on derelict industrial land) sites as the land is cheap and there is plenty of space for future expansion and car parking

  • The Development of the Centre for Migration Studies Irish Emigration Database

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    of the Centre for Migration Studies Irish Emigration Database In 1988 the Ulster American Folk Park (UAFP) near Omagh in Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland began to set up a computerised Irish Emigration Database (IED) in its library. This was a ground-breaking project at that time and was immediately beset by problems of all kinds, the details of which will be explained later. By 1997 the Folk Park’s library had expanded to become the Centre for Emigration Studies and eventually the Centre for Migration

  • Particularly within the leisure centre environment it is important

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    Particularly within the leisure centre environment it is important to identify and address those factors which improve the safety of the customers , maintain high levels of services , quality of facilities and promote a healthy safe work environment. In the various activities of modern life social domestic, work or leisure the cost of work place accidents and incidents is immense in terms of wasted costs, loss of revenue, insurance claims and premiums and a host of unquantifiable indirect

  • Industrial Visit to White Horse Leisure Centre, Wantage

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    Industrial Visit to White Horse Leisure Centre, Wantage Introduction ============ I visited the White Horse Leisure Centre in Wantage, this is the local town sports centre. Its facilities include a swimming pool, gym, dance studio, tennis courts and large sports hall where many activities take place such as basketball, badminton and trampolining. Physics is used through out the sports centre in the equipment and the building itself, I am looking at two of these situations where physics

  • Centre Pompidou: Museum Architectural Design

    1297 Words  | 3 Pages

    rather to be entertained. This shows that individuals are choosing to visit, rather than being forced to out of what many may view as intellectual obligation. A prime example of a museum being seen and used as entertainment for its visitors is the Centre National d’art et de culture Georges Pompidou in Paris, France. The Pompidou art museum is a modern structure drastically different architecturally from many of those which came before it. Not only are individuals entertained and enthralled by the

  • Investigating the Stability of Blocks

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    Investigating the Stability of Blocks Planning I am going to investigate the stability of blocks by placing them on to a board and raising it until they fall. The evidence I will need to collect is: the height and centre of mass for each block and the angle at which they fall. I will need to use five regular blocks, the board I will use to raise the blocks must be flat and level and likewise so must the surface I am working on. I will use my scientific knowledge of center of mass

  • The Effectiveness of Outdoor Education Provision

    1649 Words  | 4 Pages

    national skills centre are as followed. Ø To increase the level of skills Ø To run courses Ø To train coaches further Ø To allow clients to gain qualifications The benefits of a national skills centre are as followed. Ø To learn new skills Ø To learn the benefits of outdoor education Ø To have fun The principles of outdoor educational centres are as followed Ø To build up teambuilding skills Ø To build confidence The benefits of outdoor educational centres are as followed

  • correctional officer

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    been arrested by the Police. The offenders are put in a holding cell at a Pre Trial Centre awaiting their court date. Correctional Officers are a very important part of the Justice System because it keeps high profile criminals off the street and locked up even before they are proven innocent or guilty. The Correctional Facility in many ways is a lot like a jail, from what I saw when I toured the new Pre Trial Centre in Port Coquitlam. There are large thick metal doors to lock them in at night.

  • Land Use Survey

    639 Words  | 2 Pages

    Use Survey Aim --I am doing this survey to see how the land is used in Rotherham Town centre. --I will see which variety and types of buildings etc shops, offices, make up the main part of Rotherham and spot vacant shops and land use patterns of shops, offices etc. Hypothesis · I think that there will be a small variety of different types of shops because I think Rotherham Town centre is very small. · I think that all the big brand high street chain shops e.g. W H Smiths, will

  • A Journey To The Center Of The Earth

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    A fiction book that teaches you things about the earth and life that you did not know before. The original title of this book is "Voyage au centre de la terre" and is written by the famous writer Jules Verne. The book was published in 1864 in French, and was later translated into English, which is the language of the book I read. As I have not read the original version of this book, I cannot compare the languages of the two books. Something I can tell you, is that I could not notice that it was

  • Suburbanization and the Social Use of Television

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    Kunstler identifies the reasons for, and attraction of, a grand public relocation to previously uninhabited areas outside main city centres. Kunstler argues that it was, in part, the replacement of the streetcar (or trolley), and later the automobile, from the horse-powered transit of earlier 20th century life, that ignited weekend traffic to expand outside urban centres. "Joyriding" on weekends, as Kunstler explains, made suburban areas more accessible and attractive. Suburban areas often hosted

  • Handmaids Tale

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    The aim of the indoctrination centres is clearly shown by the quote: "Some women believed there would be no future, they thought the world would explode. That was the excuse they used, says Aunt Lydia. They said there was no sense in breeding. Aunt Lydia's nostrils narrow: such wickedness. They were lazy women, she says. They were sluts. . . . They made mistakes, says Aunt Lydia. We don't intend to repeat them. Her voice is pious, condescending, the voice of those whose duty it is to tell us unpleasant

  • The Impact of the System of Patronage Upon Works of Art

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    on society for a moment, it was the key feature of the Renaissance. In earlier times, art had less status. However, mirroring the economic development of the time, art became the thing to spend money on, for various reasons. Money lay at the centre of art, and that is why patronage is so important. The system of patronage is a wide term and therefore there are a number of influences to consider when answering this question. Among them are the glory of the family; the honour of the city;

  • Flannery O'Connor’s The Enduring Chill

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    Christ/God is present through the figure of the sun: The sky was a chill gray and a startling white gold sun, like some strange potentate from the east, was rising beyond the black woods that surrounded Timberboro. (82) As the story proceeds it centres on the relationships between Asbury, his mother and Dr Block who attends Asbury and Asbury's growing conviction that he is shortly going to die, hence the title of the story, "The Enduring Chill." Another major symbol in the development of Asbury's

  • History Of Baulhkam Hills

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    units or townhouses. (Census 2001) Baulkham Hills Town Centre includes Stockland Mall, The Bull 'n' Bush Hotel and a number of street shops. Baulkham Hills is the home of Norwest Business Park which is rapidly becoming the main business centre within the Hills. Norwest Business Park includes retail, commercial, industrial and hotel developments. For example Norwest Marketown, Norwest International Hotel and the Hills Christian Life Centre. Baulkham Hills is also the home to Baulkham Hills TAFE College

  • Rivalry In A Separate Peace

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    protect themselves from having pain inflicted on them by others, and achieving their goals and desires without the interference of others. This concept of man's inhumanity to man is developed in A Separate Peace as the primary conflict in the novel centres on the main character, Gene, and his inner-battles with feelings of jealousy, paranoia, and inability to understand his relationship with his best friend Phineas. Competition is further demonstrated by the occurrence of World War II. It is shown that

  • Carphone Warehouse

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    At The Carphone Warehouse everything we do is based on our 'five fundamental rules'. The rules speak for themselves and need little embellishment. However, it is worth stressing that the rules are applied not just in our stores, but in our call centres and support functions too, to ensure that we provide the best possible customer experience. * If we don't look after the customer, someone else will. * Nothing is gained by winning an argument but losing a customer. * Always deliver what