Cantebury Tales Essays

  • The Significance of Women in Chaucer's The Cantebury Tales

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    The Significance of Women in Chaucer's The Cantebury Tales In Geoffrey Chaucer's The Cantebury Tales, many stories are told leading to a wide range of topics.  One particular and significant topic Chaucer touches on many times is the role of women.  In stories such as The Millers Tale, The Knight's Tale, and the Wife of Bath's Tale the women of each story are portrayed extremely different.  Alisoun, Emelye, and the wife of Bath, each exemplify three dissimilar ways in which women love.  The

  • Comparing Cantebury Tales and The Decameron

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    Comparing Cantebury Tales and The Decameron There are many different roles for women shown in “The Canterbury Tales” and “The Decameron”. Both books take place around the same time frame, 1300AD. “The Canterbury Tales”, takes place in London, England and “The Decameron” takes place in Florence, Italy. It would be just to think that since both books take place in a western civilization, both books would reflect the same morals and daily life styles. This is not the case at all. Throughout this

  • Comparing Cantebury Tales 'And' The Pardoner's Tale

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    his society and wrote The Canterbury Tales in an effort to open citizen’s eyes to how the church was acting, as well as themselves. Two of the tales he writes are “The Pardoner’s Tale” and “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”, they both have two very different themes but are just as equally important to one another. One tale having to deal with the church and the other dealing with how gender roles were being played. Both of these tales, as well as the rest of the tales that he wrote, show that Chaucer had

  • Children's Versions of "The Cantebury Tales"

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    Being a work filled with an unprecedented “wealth of fascinating characters”, Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales has been translated and retold in many versions over the years (Cohen 7-8). Unavoidably translations and retelling require choices made by writers and editors of how to represent things and what to include, which can easily change aspects of the original story. The most difficult retellings may be versions written for children as writers not only have to deal with modernizing the language

  • Marriage and Sovereignty in Chaucer's Cantebury Tales

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    Marriage and Sovereignty The Canterbury Tales was written during the Medieval Era when women were seen inferior to men. Women during this time were bound to loveless, arranged marriages as which was the Wife of Bath's case because she was married at the age of twelve. These marriages were arranged for the families to acquire social and political gain. Women during this era could not own property, and had no political rights. Their social standing solely depended on their husband

  • The Wife Of Bath Vs The Knight's Tale Essay

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    Geoffrey Chauncery, the author of the Cantebury tales, tells many similar tales that portray a lesson in the end. In the Canterbury tales, the stories can have similarities and differences by following the same outline but filled in with a different plot or plot twist. Two tales I have chosen that have shown a little bit of similarities and differences are, "The wife of bath" and "The Knight's tale." The Wife of Bath is about a knight who rapes a woman. Girls involved ask the king to give

  • Emily In The Knight's Tale

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    Literary Analysis of Emily in “The Knight’s Tale” Throughout the course of “The Knights Tale” the reader hears much talk about Emily, the sister-in-law of Duke Theseus, but she never says a word until the end of the story just before the great duel. Palamon, one of the main characters who is taken prisoner by Duke Theseus after the war with the Thebes, asks, “Is she a real woman or some fair queen who has slid down from heave to be kind to us perhaps?” The two cousins both saw her beauteous form

  • Feminist Perspective of Paulina in Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale

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    A Feminist Perspective of Paulina in The Winter's Tale Feminist criticism explores gender themes in literature, assesses the worth of female characters, promotes unknown women writers, and interprets the canon from a politically-charged perspective. Shakespeare has proven more difficult to categorize than other white male masters of the written word, precisely because of the humanity of his female characters. Critic Kathleen McLuskie urges feminists to "assert the power of resistance, subverting

  • Rip Van Winkle: A Classic Tale of Passive Resistance

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    In this classic tale Rip Van Winkle is portrayed as one who is a victim of circumstances beyond his control. A further reading may perhaps reveal a different Rip Van Winkle, one who pursues an avenue of passive resistance in response to a life which he feels is beyond his control. Passive Resistance is usually connected with such famous people as Henry David Thoreau who developed the principal of civil disobedience. For Thoreau, the idea was to choose not to support governmental taxes and policies

  • Language: The True Tale of the Great Gatsby

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    Language: The True Tale of the Great Gatsby The Jazz age was a time of glamour, sparkle, parties, music, the extreme rich, the extreme poor, and the exultation of lawlessness; F. Scoot Fitzgerald was no exception. Fitzgerald was enamored by the life of money, status, and beautiful people on a hopeless spiral into self destruction. The moral decadence of America became a prevailing theme in the works of Fitzgerald, taking birth fully within The Great Gatsby. This novel is brought to life

  • Representations of Women in Ike Oguine A Squatter's Tale

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    Representations of Women in A Squatter’s Tale Women can be perceived or looked at in many ways. They are depicted not only as mothers, but also as friends, companions, and even prostitutes. Today’s society has a variety of images of what they feel women should be and what they actually are. Likewise in Ike Oguine’s A Squatter’s Tale, women are portrayed through various roles such as mothers, girl friends or companions, and prostitutes to reflect the society. First, mothers are backbones

  • Lil Red Riding Hoodlum:twisted Fairy Tale

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    Riding Hood, until she turned to the life of crime. Right now she is paying for the trauma the wolf caused her. She is now in Utah State Youth Rehabilitation Center. I’ll tell you the part of the story they left out at the end that made it a fairy tale. After the woodcutter killed the wolf, the wolf’s brother was furious, so he killed the rest of Li’l Red’s family. Luckily, the woodcutter was near the house where Li’l Red and her family lived in, so he ran over with his shotgun, and, when the wolf

  • William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily is a Gothic Horror Tale

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    chronology of the story, writes that "A Rose for Emily" has been read variously as ". . .a Gothic horror tale, a study in abnormal psychology, an allegory of the relations between North and South, a meditation on the nature of time, and a tragedy with Emily as a sort of tragic heroine." These various interpretations serve as a good starting point for discussion of the story. The Gothic horror tale is a literary form dating back to 1764 with the first novel identified with the genre, Horace Walpole's

  • Of Revenge: Francis Bacon’s Optimistic Tale?

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    Of Revenge: Francis Bacon’s Optimistic Tale? Revenge and vengeance are basic tools of human instinct. Whether society chooses to accept or blind itself to this fact, it is an indisputable truth. Francis Bacon examines this truth in "Of Revenge", a view of society and literary characters that reflects the strive for vengeance. However, "Of Revenge" deeply underestimates the corruption of the human spirit and soul. It completely disregards the presence of the basic human instinct which thrives on

  • Use of Animals in Art Spiegelman's Maus: A Survivor's Tale

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    The Use of Animals in Art Spiegelman's Maus: A Survivor’s Tale The Maus series of books tell a very powerful story about one man’s experience in the Holocaust. They do not tell the story in the conventional novel fashion. Instead, the books take on an approach that uses comic windows as a method of conveying the story. One of the most controversial aspects of this method was the use of animals to portray different races of people. The use of animals as human races shows the reader the ideas

  • Perspective in The Outsiders, and A Squatter's Tale

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    Outsiders by S.E. Hinton and A Squatter's Tale by Ike Oguine are stories that tell of this battle to fit in, and both have characters that personify these four definitions of the word, "outsider."  These tales have dramatic themes and stylistics that in some ways are similar and in other ways unique, but they all have significant effects on the readers. There is a common theme of violence in both stories. Obi, the protagonist in A Squatter's Tale, depicts how Nigeria has had its own history

  • Laurel Ulrich's A Midwife's Tale

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    Laurel Ulrich's A Midwife's Tale Before I watched 'A Midwife's Tale', a movie created from the diary found by Laurel Ulrich chronicling the life of a woman named Martha Ballard, I thought the women in these times were just housewives and nothing else. I pictured them doing the cleaning and the cooking for their husbands and not being very smart because of the lack of education or them being unable to work. My view on the subject changed however when I watched this specific woman's life and her

  • A soldiers Tale

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    You are on a small boat, cramped with scruffy men outfitted in full combat gear. Nervous and pensive they shift about, while you stand and wonder, “What the hell is going to happen to me?” Suddenly, an older man yells, “Get ready! We’re going in!” The boat slows down, and a ringing bell goes off. The front ramp slowly opens forward…and then all hell breaks loose. A hail of bullets rips and thunders, tearing up your comrades into pieces of flesh and organs, spewing forth the liquid of life. Yet you

  • A Tale Of Two Cities

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    Capitol Punishment: Toy of Evil Men One might believe that because capital punishment plays such a large role in Charles Dickens’ A Tale Of Two Cities, that Dickens himself is a supporter of it. This just simply is not true. Dickens uses capitol punishment as a tool to define the evil embodied in both the French ruling class, and the opposing lower class during the French Revolution; as well as comment on the sheep-like nature of humankind. In the beginning of the novel, capital punishment serves

  • Maus: A Survivor's Tale by Art Spiegelman

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    One - The Sheik Art visits his dad, Vladek, in Rego Park, New York, after being away for about two years. Vladek has married Mala after the suicide of Art's mother. Art persuades Vladek to begin telling him the story of his life, which Art hopes to use for a book. Vladek begins at the time that he is a young man working in the textile business near Czestochowa, Poland. He has an affair with the beautiful Lucia before he is introduced to Anna Zylberberg. Anna (Anja) is from a wealthy family and is