Cambridge Essays

  • Cambridge

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    world like Oxford, Cambridge and London universities. The city of Cambridge is in the county of Cambridgeshire and is famous because it is the home of Cambridge University, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities of the world. The Cambridge City occupies an area of 16 square miles. It is 50 miles north of London and stands on the East Bank of the River Cam, and was originally a place where the river was crossed. Other than being the home of Cambridge University, Cambridge City itself is a

  • Cambridge Admissions Essay

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    Cambridge Admissions Essay As a child growing up in Communist China, I woke up every morning to the blasting of People's Central Broadcasting Station from a large radio on the dresser and fell asleep every evening in the surreptitious murmuring of Voices from America from a small radio by Grandpa's pillow. By fourth grade, I figured out that the two stations often reported the same events from opposite standpoints, using different words and tones, and thus projected contradictory interpretations

  • The City of Cambridge

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    The City of Cambridge The city of Cambridge is in the southeast of England, 50 miles north of London. It is well served by road and rail links, and is within an easy distance of the major London airports. Shopping in Cambridge: the city enjoys a strong mixture of comparison and convenience goods retailers. A large number of chain companies are present as well as many regional and local retailers. These retailers offer high quality products and are supported by the generally above average

  • Hypocrisy in E.E. Cummings’ the Cambridge Ladies

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    Hypocrisy of Communal Identity in cummings' the Cambridge ladies E.E. Cummings’ [the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls] is an enigmatic, ironic and sarcastic poem which reveals the unreal, fraudulent lives that the Cambridge ladies live. The poetic speaker’s tone is filled with sarcasm and irony to show the contradiction between the Cambridge ladies’ actions and beliefs. This discriminating voice is used when speaking of the Cambridge ladies’ Christianity, their communal identity, and

  • Dr. Meredith Belbin’s Team Roles

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    Meredith Belbin received his first degree in Classics and Psychology at Clare College in Cambridge. He obtained another degree for his doctoral dissertation on Old Workers in Industry. After completing his training at the Institute of Engineering Production at Birmingham and Research Fellowship at Cranfield, Dr. Belbin became a management consultant of many industries. When he came back to Cambridge, Dr. Belbin worked as a Chairman of the Industrial Training Research Unit and Director of

  • Alfred Marshall

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    Book Six: The Distribution of the National Income CAREER Alfred Marshall was born in Bermondsey, a London suburb, on 26 July 1842. He died at Balliol Croft, his Cambridge home of many years, on 13 July 1924 at the age of 81. Professor of Political Economy at the University of Cambridge from 1885 to 1908, he was the founder of the Cambridge School of Economics which rose to great eminence in the 1920s and 1930s: A.C. Pigou and J.M. Keynes, the most important figures in this development, were among

  • Thomas Young

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    the fields of mathematics and natural sciences, and in 1793 he entered St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London to study medicine, and by 1796 Young had obtained a medical doctorate. After receiving his doctorate, Young went to Emmanuel College in Cambridge, where he directed his attention to scientific matters. However, Young left Emmanuel College in 1799 and set up a medical practice in London. During this time Young's primary focus was sense perception, it was during this time that Young concluded

  • Cambridge Capital Controversy

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    treatment of capital turned apparent in the discipline. This gave rise to a series of exchanges between scholars associated with Cambridge, England, and Cambridge, Massachusetts, (US). This debate is broadly known in the literature as the ‘Cambridge capital theory controversies’. The relevance of this controversy lies in that the criticisms of neoclassical theory raised by Cambridge (UK) concern both the theoretical illegitimacy of measuring ‘capital’ as a single magnitude in value terms to determine prices

  • Biography of Isaac Newton

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    cards describe him as 'idle' and 'inattentive'. So his uncle decided that he should be prepared for the university, and he entered his uncle's old College, Trinity College, Cambridge, in June 1661. Newton had to earn his keep waiting on wealthy students because he was poor. Newton's aim at Cambridge was a law degree. At Cambridge, Isaac Barrow who held the Lucasian chair of Mathematics took Isaac under his wing and encouraged him. Newton got his undergraduate degree without accomplishing much and would

  • Hamlet’s Gentle Ophelia

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    William Shakespeare created a gentle little creature in the character of Ophelia in the tragedy Hamlet. Her strange misfortunes, as well as other circumstances, make her life an interesting one to explore in this essay. Ward and Trent in The Cambridge History of English and American Literature maintain that Ophelia is interesting in herself, aside from her relationship with the hero: Of Ophelia, and Polonius, and the queen and all the rest, not to mention Hamlet himself (in whose soul it

  • Longfellow Bridge Research Paper

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    the Longfellow Bridge that connects the cities of Boston, Massachusetts and Cambridge, Massachusetts across the Charles River. Named for a Love Poem I stood on the bridge at midnight, As the clocks were striking the hour, And the moon rose o’er the city, Behind the dark church-tower. These lines, in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s 1845 famous poem The Bridge, describe a moment of his frequent journey across the Cambridge Bridge separating his home from that of his future wife, Fanny Appleton. Little

  • Leroy Anderson

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    Leroy Anderson was born June 29, 1908 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His parents, as children, immigrated to the United States from Sweden with their families. His father, Bror Anton Anderson, worked as a postal clerk in the Central Square post office. He also played the mandolin. Anna Margareta Anderson, his mother, was the organist at the Swedish church in Cambridge. He lived in the suburbs of Boston for twenty seven years with his parents and brother. Anderson had a very strong musical education

  • Edward James Hughes

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    of a prolific, original and skilful poet, which he maintained to the present day. Ted Hughes was born in 1930 in Yorkshire into a family of a carpenter. After graduating from Grammar School he went up to Cambridge to study English, but later changed to Archaeology and Anthropology. At Cambridge he met Sylvia Plath, whom he married in 1956. His first collection of poems Hawk in the Rain was published in 1957. The same year he made his first records of reading of some Yeats's poems and one of his own

  • Rosalind Franklin

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    decided her career path. She applied to Cambridge University and passed the entrance exams. However, she almost didn't make it. Rosalind's father did not think that women should attend university and refused to pay for her education. Luckily, Rosalind's mother and an aunt became irate and said they would pay. Of course, Rosalind's father recanted in the effort not to be embarrassed by women paying for the education (McGrayne, 1993). The experience at Cambridge was not the best for Rosalind. There

  • The Life of Charles Babbage

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    Protestant upbringing, he developed an obsession with the Devil. He asked his classmates to tell him every folk tales they knew about what forms the Devil appeared in. In 1812, he began his formal education at Trinity College and the University of Cambridge where he discovered his ability and interest in mathematics history. During that same year, he helped found the Analytical Society, whose object was to introduce developments from the European continent into English mathematics. He graduated from

  • Biography of Charles Darwin

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    dropped out of medical school and attended University of Cambridge to prepare to become a cler-gyman of the Church of England. There he met two stellar figures, Adam Sedg-wick, a geologist, and John Stevens Henslow, a naturalist. Henslow not only helped build Darwin’s self-confidence, but also taught his student to be a meticulous and painstaking observer of natural phenomena and collector of specimens. After Char-les had graduated from Cambridge he was taken aboard the English survey ship HMS Beagle

  • peter shaffer

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    mining an arduous occupation that he states, gave him a great sympathy for the way many people are forced to spend their lives ( Shaffer then attended Trinity College in Cambridge, where he and Anthony co-edited the student magazine Grantha; he received a B.A. in History in 1950. “He began writing at Cambridge or shortly after; accounts differ as to whether he was writing and tearing up plays at that point, or writing and tearing up detective novels” (Taylor 313). Under the pseudonym Peter

  • Community Service and Service Learning Defined:

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    Defined: To compare community service and service learning it is necessary that each are defined. Community service is defined in the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary as, “work that people do to help other people without payment, and which young criminals whose crime was not was not serious enough for them to be put in prison are forced to do”(Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary 2004). Community service is simply as it is defined work done for free, that carries along with it a slave

  • Lycidas: Poetry and Death

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    polarized sources of inspiration, Milton somehow found a way of bridging the gap between a pagan and a Christian world, often weaving them together into one overpowering story. The pastoral elegy Lycidas, written after the death of a fellow student at Cambridge, exemplifies this mastery over ancient and contemporary traditions in its transition from a pagan to a Christian context. Opening the poem in a setting rich with mythological figures and scenery, then deliberately moving into a distinctly Christian

  • Sir Isaac Newton's Law Of Universal Gravitation

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    being the moon) that led Newton to discover The Law of Universal Gravitation in 1666 (Eddington 93). As Newton later wrote, it is the story of the sight of an apple falling to the ground (he was resting at Woolsthorpe because of the plague at Cambridge) that caused Newton to wonder if this same force was what held the moon in place (Gamow 41). Newton knew that an object fell to the earth at a rate of about 9.8 meters (32 feet) per second second as pointed out by Galileo. Thus "the apple that