Bringing Peace Essays

  • Analysis of India in Comparative Politics

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    devastating in the end. The situation has increased international participation. Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf and India Prime Minister Biharia Vajpayee have been forced by international pressures to hold talks in the hopes of bringing peace to the nations. The conflict between the two countries and the interna... ... middle of paper ... ...feld.kashmir/index.html 1 Cable News Network. “U.S. warns of doomsday scenario.” June 1, 2002.

  • Beowulf's Manifestation of Hrothgar's Lessons

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    as the ruler of the Geats he follows Hrothgar's sagacious lesson; consequently, he is compassionate leader who never lets his pride overcome his judgment. Throughout his reign as the ruler of the Geats, Beowulf is a benevolent leader - bringing peace and power to his nation as Hrothgar instructs him to after the great warrior defeats Grendel's mother. Hrothgar relates to him a story about the Heremod, King of the Danes, who "brought little joy to the Danish people, only death and destruction"

  • Bringing Peace to Northern Ireland

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    Bringing Peace to Northern Ireland It has proved hard to bring peace to Northern Ireland. There are many factors causing the difficulties. I think some are more important than others are. I think the most important factors are as follows. Religion is a problems because throughout history there have been rivalries between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland. Paramilitaries are a problem because they have a huge

  • Free Essays on Terrorism: Give Peace a Chance

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    Give Peace a Chance Since the horrible tragedy that occurred on September 11th, Americans are brainstorming for ideas on how to fight terrorism. Minds are collaborating on what can be done to reconcile the West in the minds of Islamic nations. Many strategies for attaining peace have been introduced, and steps are being made toward the appeasement of differences. The ideas for peacemaking that have already been set in motion will be discussed in Section 1, and new suggestions for reconciliation

  • Learning from Mother Teresa

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    Teresa is the most important peace hero of the 20th Century. Many have focused on bringing peace by political means, both violent and non-violent. Though these means may bring temporary relief, they treat only the symptoms of violence. Mother Teresa addressed the root of all violence which is in the human heart. She believed in an active peacemaking and taught that "works of love are works of peace." (Collopy 14) Her power came from three things: a radical understanding of peace, unwavering devotion to

  • The Pax Christi: The Christian Peace Movement

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    Peace is a major ideal in christianity as this religion greatly revolves around peace and about bringing it to others, while although Christianity has caused conflicts in the past it does not deter from what Christianity's main ideal is about, spreading the word of God through peace. The word peace is hard to define as the word’s definition can change depending on it’s use and by who is using it, but commonly used definitions of peace used throughout would be “tranquility, harmony, or security”

  • Review Of William James 'Essay The Moral Equivalent Of War'

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    the positive virtues which can be put in bringing about peaceful and prosperous coexistence among diverse nations let alone a single country or nation. Commenting upon James focal point in his essay, Jane Roland Martin comments that James’s proposal is that, “ war of man against nature be substituted for that of man against man” (32) and further says that, “James' contribution to our understanding of peace and war lies not in the particular formula for peace he develops in ‘The Moral Equivalent of

  • Peace Like a River, by Leif Enger

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    those decisions made by others. Take, for instance, the choice that someone makes to drink and drive while under the influence. If that person kills someone, then his decision impacts the lives of everyone involved and not just himself. A theme in Peace Like a River, by Leif Enger, is that people must accept the consequences of their actions because it influences the direction they go in life. This theme is developed through the character of Jeremiah, the conflict between Davy and the law, and the

  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau's The State of War

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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau's "The State of War" Jean-Jacques Rousseau's "The State of War" elegantly raises a model for confederative peace among the states of Europe, and then succinctly explains its impossibility. Rousseau very systematically lays out the benefits of such a "perpetual peace" through arguments based only in a realism of pure self-interest, and then very elegantly and powerfully turns the inertia of the self-interest machinery against the same to explain why it can never come to be.

  • St. Augustine: The Theory Of Just War

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    The theory of Just War can be found back over centuries to the philosophy of St. Augustine and beyond. Augustine was one of the first important figures to be challenged by the concerns raised by justified warfare. Christianity, despite significant prosecution, grew out of the Roman Empire, which was Pagan. The evolving Christianity was fundamentally pacifist, giving rise to the refusal of Christians to fight in the Roman army; violence was against Jesus’ teaching to turn the other cheek, never seek

  • Woodrow Wilson's Hope for International Peace

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    Woodrow Wilson’s Hope for International Peace “There must be, not a balance of power, but a community of power; not organized rivalries, but an organized peace.” (Cooper 366). These words of wisdom from the twenty-eighth president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, truly expressed his ultimate goal of world peace and international collaboration. This honorable American leader used his powerful influence as president to encourage cooperative world associations and negotiations in order to maintain

  • Pacifist Vs. Pacifism

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    war. Going against pacifism has led to military protection for the United States. Every citizen in the United States has the duty to protect their citizens. It does not matter that pacifist are motivated by respecting the human life and a love of peace. Pacifist refuse to participate in war but people who are failing out to carry out important obligation. The United States was founded upon war. In 1771 people believed in their individual freedom, Britain then came along and suppressed the colonist

  • The Moral Equivalent of War by William James

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    stead in bringing the proper characteristics to our people. However, my stance is that of opposition to James and his views. I believe that war, while beneficial in various ways, is unnecessary and should be avoided at all costs. James begins his proposition with a hypothetical example. There would be a poll for all of the US citizens to take part in. They would vote to either keep the Civil War in our history, or to expunge it entirely and replace that time with a period of peace. He claims

  • Arguments Against Just War Theory

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    World War I were 10 percent of the deaths, while in moderns wars like the United States invading Iraq and the conflict going on in Syria, with noncombat deaths range from 80 to 90 percent. (Rynne, 2016) The Archbishop, theologians, and Christians are bringing light to this topic and asking the question if Catholics should continue support the Just War Theory due to modern advancement in militarization and

  • One Proposal for Peace Based on A Modest Proposal

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    One Proposal for Peace Based on A Modest Proposal There is a grave national crisis occurring all across the nation. Children everywhere are committing acts of hostility in their schools. Schools are no longer a safe haven for children but are now considered war zones where victims are abundant and violence is the enemy. Fifty-seven percent of public elementary and secondary school principals reported that one or more incidents of crime or violence occurred in their schools and were reported to law

  • Pacifism

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    as it is, but nuclear weapons should never be used. A nuclear deterrence pacifist, on the other hand, believes that one can only achieve peace through a position of strength and nuclear deterrence provides this peace. Many Christians are pacifists and many pacifists are Christian. They believe that, as stated in Mathew 5, “happy are those who work for peace; God will call them His children”. They claim that Christ’s teachings are very clear on the matter. “Do not take revenge on someone who wrongs

  • Peace Reflection Paper

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    We all hear the word peace, but how can we define it? It may sound easy but, it is far more complicated than one may think; we cannot just have a blunt answer. My view of peace, different from another person’s, would be a Marxist and Realism view. Marxism is the view that control should be given to us and not the government, while realism is the view to see the actual truth. I believe peace in our society should be as negative peace with no violence, basically a pacifist type, which would be no

  • Damien rice analysis

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    My Eyes Bringing Desire to Christina’s World: Dependency and Hope in the World of a Handicap “I can’t take my eyes off of you.” is repeated many times in the song “The Blower’s daughter”, which means quite a bit. With the poem and to the painting, the song expresses the feeling in both of the eyes of a handicap person and in the eyes of another person who loves them. Handicapped people require all the attention in the world, and even when they aren’t being attended to, someone is thinking about

  • How Does Christianity Contribute To World Peace

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    Christianity has significantly contributed to world peace. Through organizations, interfaith dialogue, public statements, and more Christianity is working towards a supportive world, but also allowing others to contribute therefore creating world peace. Adherents of Christianity draw from the New Testament for guidance on how to live a harmonious life. As a model for peace, Jesus Christ is represented in the New Testament as someone who advocated for the absence of violence and serves as a model

  • Dufay's Piece for Peace: an Ironic Battle Between Structure and Word

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    Dufay's Piece for Peace: an Ironic Battle Between Structure and Word On April 8, 1433, the Pope Eugenius and Sigismundus, King of the Romans, united to sign a treaty of peace. The king was crowned Holy Roman Emperor and there was much celebration. To commemorate this joyful occasion, Guillame Dufay wrote the motet "Supremum est mortalibus bonum" ("The highest good for mortals is peace"), including the names of these two honored men in his great sustained chords near the piece's conclusion (Bent