Bolsheviks Won Essays

  • Why the Bolsheviks Won the Civil War

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    Why the Bolsheviks Won the Civil War The Russian Civil War raged from 1918 until the start of 1921. During this time the Bolsheviks faced massive opposition to their rule in the form of the White Armies, led by the former officers of the Tsarist state, and also from intervention by the forces of foreign countries. The Bolsheviks were surrounded, and often outnumbered by their opponents, and had no experienced military commanders. At times, their situation seemed hopeless. Yet, by the start

  • The Rise Of Communism

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    There were many events that lead up to the Bolshevik Revolution. First off, in 1848, Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels published a thought-provoking book. The Communist Manifesto expressed their support of a world in which there was no difference in class. A world in which the workers and commoners ran the show and there was no high and supreme ruler. Many intellectual Russians began to become aware of this pamphlet as well as the advanced state of the world compared to Russia. Other countries were going

  • The Disagreement Between Lenin and Zinoviev/Kamenev

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    disagreement between Lenin and Zinoviev and Kamenev was that Lenin believed that Russia was ready for a Bolshevik revolution, whereas Kamenev and Zinoviev did not. Zinoviev said that ' to stake on one card not only the fate of our party … Russian and international revolutions.' Here he is saying that a revolution attempt at this time would in fact fail and that its failure would cause the Bolshevik and Marxist movement, not only in Russia, but also across the world to collapse. Lenin on the

  • Ekaterina Olitskaia: A Social Revolutionary Against Russian Political Beliefs

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    Imagine yourself in prison. You are awakened one day by the guard, who orders you and others to the prison yard. You are being moved, but no one has told you where. If you move to the left or the right, you will be shot on the spot. You and 50 other prisoners are loaded into small trucks- There is little room for you to move, the air hot with the breath of the other prisoners. After an incredibly long journey, you are moved from the trucks to a train, specifically a cattle car. Where will this train

  • The Bolshevik Consolidation of Power 1918-21

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    The Bolshevik Consolidation of Power 1918-21 The Bolsheviks under Lenin, when they came into power in October 1917, faced immense problems in trying to consolidate their hold over the ex-tsarist empire. Firstly, how were the Bolsheviks, in view of their military resources, to extend their hold over the nation at large? The second, was how could they achieve a speedy end to the war and effect a rapid withdrawal of the German army, which was currently occupying the western part of Russia

  • The Success of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917

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    The Success of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 Part 1 Karl Marks was not Russian and he died 34 years before the Russian revolution, he was a German who spent most his life in England. He worked as a journalist but wrote books on history, religion, economics, society, and philosophy. Marx hated the system of capitalism because he thought that it was capitalism that had produced the problems of industry, poor living conditions and the social gap of the rich and poor. He thought that the

  • The Reasons for the Second Revolution in Russia in 1917

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    government and the problems caused by the dual government and the previous revolution in February which had allowed the Bolsheviks to make a leap to power in this revolution. If the February revolution had not taken place, the Czar would most likely still be in power, there would be no provisional government and therefore it would have been almost impossible for the Bolsheviks to plan an uprising. The February revolution left Russiain a state of confusion over who was in power, and most people

  • Stalin in Power

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    new level by killing off anyone who he felt could beat him. Lenin then denounced him saying that he had too much power but it was too late because he died and Stalin started eliminating his competition to become the leader. “Stalin was the only Bolshevik sitting on the Central Committee, the Politburo, the Orgburo, and the Secretariat, the party’s four main power centers (Kort 152).” Lenin gave him too much power and seemed to finally notice when it eventually became too late. Trotsky and Stalin

  • Leon Trotsky Essay

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    committee to take the highest office, and yet in hindsight historians ‘cannot conceive how he would be in a position to do so’ (Pipes) . Despite Trotsky possessing talent and ability to lead as demonstrated in his career as Commissar of War where he won the Order of the Red Flag , his political position limited his influence in the power struggle between himself and Stalin. Moreover, Trotsky lacked the public image Stalin had, ‘he lost to the man with a superior understanding of Soviet public life”(Service)

  • Trotsky’s Contribution to the Success of the Bolsheviks Up to 1922

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    Trotsky’s Contribution to the Success of the Bolsheviks Up to 1922 The relatively brief period between approximately 1917 and 1922 was an extremely strenuous, yet glorious and successful time for the Bolshevik Party. With the great help of his right hand man Trotsky, the party leader, Lenin was soon able to deflect support from the current provisional government, and turn heads towards the far more organised and dedicated Bolsheviks. Despite having once been a Menshevik, Trotsky was soon

  • Stalin vs. Trotsky

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    Stalin vs. Trotsky I. Dzhugashvili and Bronstein Joseph Stalin, born Dzhugashvili, and Leon Trotsky, born Bronstein, were the same age, and both had been from early youth members of the Russian Social Democratic party. As dedicated Communists, they had common basic outlook: they were philosophical materialists, committed to the unity of theory and practice and bent upon spreading Communism throughout the whole world. While Lenin was alive (at any rate until 1922) both men had a

  • Tsar Nicholas II in Russia

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    worse. Revolutions continued and the Tsar’s favour continued to fall. In March 1917 a spontaneous ... ... middle of paper ... to power and implemented War Communism. Communism on its own is a salacious subject. It is the manner in which he won victory in comparison to Tsar Nicholas II who was repeatedly defeated and yet with both rulers the people of Russia still suffered, this is what drew my attention. However Lenin is humble enough to realise the problem and corrects it with the New Economic

  • The Transformation of Bolshevik Position Between February and October 1917

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    The Transformation of Bolshevik Position Between February and October 1917 Most historians think that the Bolshevik’s position went from playing almost no role in February 1917; they had only 150 members in the Pultilov Works which had 20,000 workers, to taking control of the country in October by a combination of luck and skill. It was said of the Bolshevik party in early 1917 that “The Communist Party existed solely in the leaders.” Many historians think Lenin’s leadership was the joint

  • Red Scare Essay

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    legislatures and the press. Their basic aim was to break the power of organized labor, institutionalize the open shop in the American industry and halt or even roll back the growing government regulation of the economy. The widely publicized warnings of a Bolshevik threat to the US and the charges of subversion and treason leveled against unions and reform measures were all parts of this offensive by the conservative elite to regain its once uncontested and preeminent position of power. With riots and strikes

  • Comparative Analysis: Marxism in Soviet Union and India

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    socialist states. One such comparison would be the Bolshevik Party of Russia or what is today known as the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1917) and the Aam Aadmi Party in India (2012). This discussion

  • Why Stalin, and not Trotsky, Emerged as Lenin’s Successor

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    attacks from older party members who distrusted him. His domination of the Red Army, combined with his extreme communist views, led them to become suspicious that he might use their support to become a dictator. The fact that he only joined the Bolshevik party in 1917 caused them to doubt his loyalty, unlike Stalin, who had been a trustworthy member for over 20 years. Trotsky found himself in a rather difficult situation, after becoming a sort of victim of his own success with the Red Army

  • Gulag History

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    known as Stalin’s Gulag, the Russian Gulag was in actuality started by Vladimir Lenin, Stalin’s predecessor, in 1918. Lenin, considered one of the most influential revolutionary leaders in history, established Soviet Russia. He was the head of the Bolshevik Party, which he eventually renamed the Communist Party, and also the creator of Leninism, which later combined with Marxisim; Marxisim-Leninism is the basis of Communis... ... middle of paper ... ...). As a main part of the de-Stalinization process

  • Stalin and Trotsky: Patrons of World Domination

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    World Domination One of the most well known countries in the world is Russia. Since the Paleolithic Period, Russia has faced misfortune and difficulties through its brutal leaders. Every change that has made this country more inclusive has been won with toil, tears, and blood. The year of 1879 was the beginning of another "great new chapter" (Flachmann p. 357) in Russia's history. It was the year two patrons of world domination were born. These patrons were Joseph Stalin, born Dzhugashvili

  • Why Stalin was Able to Win the Power Struggle with Trotsky

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    Why Stalin was Able to Win the Power Struggle with Trotsky The Bolsheviks, the ruling party of the Soviet Union, was lead by the Lenin. When Lenin died in January of 1924, he left behind no clear successor, and vague indications of his intended plans for the Bolshevik party. A power struggle for control of the party ensued, one in which many historical figures arose. Within this plethora of names, two of the most important names in Soviet history arose, Leon Trotsky, and Joseph Stalin. As

  • Reasons Behind the Failure of the Provisional Government

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    gullibility that let him down. The first error he made was that he made no attempt to make the provisional government legitimate. It never held a democratic election for fear of losing status. Even though at the start of their reign they could have won the election and become legitimate, Kerensky’s lack of judgement made him decide against it. When the soviets issued ‘Order No1’ he should have taken the chance he got to remove it as it caused him to partially lose control of the army – one of