Black Community Essays

  • Black Community Reparation

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    The question of reparations for black communities as a way to repay for the wrongdoings and discrimination towards them in America is an extremely controversial subject and it is a question that has been lingering for decades. Morally, African Americans, and black communities in general, are owed reparations for slavery and segregation, which left a legacy of lost wealth and opportunity. Although I believe every black individual who faces injustices should be dealt reparations, not only is it not

  • The Black Community and Colorism

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    The Black Community is suffering from the oppression of history. The issues African Americans are facing today are a direct result from slavery and is a major significance to American society. Slavery, racial discrimination, and Aryan hierarchical mentality, has an effect on the African American community today by causing and influencing negative circumstances educationally, economically, and socially based on skin color, closed minded perceptions of beauty, and skin tone division as a whole. “Color

  • Colorism in the Black Community

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    Introduction The Association of Black Psychologist (ABP) (2013) defines colorism as skin-color stratification. Colorism is described as “internalized racism” that is perceived to be a way of life for the group that it is accepted by (ABP 2013). Moreover, colorism is classified as a persistent problem within Black American. Colorism in the process of discriminatory privileges given to lighter-skinned individuals of color over their darker- skinned counterparts (Margret Hunter 2007). From a historical

  • Summary: The Black Student Community

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    of the black student population. Black students only make up 5% of the undergraduate body ( Despite this small number, black communities on campus are active and prominent at UCLA and the greater Los Angeles community. Through our video our goal was to convey that although the black student community is oppressed and mistreated by the education system, the student groups on campus bring the community together for black collegiate success. By interviewing various black figures

  • Harlem Renaissance In The Black Community

    896 Words  | 2 Pages

    February 10, 2017 The Harlem Renaissance Was Very Important In The Black Community “The Harlem Renaissance was a movement in the 1920s through which African-American writers, artists, musicians, and thinkers sought to embrace black heritage and culture in American life.” Because so many people thought they shouldn’t have the right to express themselves , The Harlem Renaissance was very important in the black community because Visual Arts gave them a way to express themselves through their

  • Racism Within The Black Community

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    the black community has faced this problem with racism within the same race. In the black community, it is said that if a person have a lighter skin complexion, than they are superior to those with a darker skin complexion. Racism within the black community is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. In the black community, African-Americans are discriminating against each other, putting those with lighter skin complexion against ones whose skin is darker. In the African American community it’s

  • How The Black Community As Depicted In Langston Hughes Poem Freedom Train

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    Oppression of the Black Community as Depicted in Langston Hughes' Poem, Freedom Train The poem, "Freedom Train" not only demonstrates the state of oppression the black community faced in 1947 but uses historical events and movements of the era. Langston Hughes wrote this poem in response to the train called Freedom Train that carried historical documents across country on September 17, 1947. On board the train was the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and a draft of the Constitution

  • The Black/Coloured Community In To Kill a Mockingbird

    1961 Words  | 4 Pages

    How Does Harper Lee Present The Black/Coloured Community In To Kill A Mockingbird? To Kill a Mockingbird tells the story of a white lawyer who defies all others to defend a black man in a rape scandal. This may not sound so strange in present day society; however, in the 1930’s (where the book is set) this was considered a great crime. The book was written by Harper Lee during the 1950’s in America, and coincided with the civil rights movement. At this time in history, racism played a

  • The Negative Effects Of Colorism In The Black Community

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    Colorism has existed in the black community for some time now, and continues to devastate our community. Likewise, all around the world, people face the effects of colorism, and show that colorism is not an American born issue. From Brazil to Korea, people are not getting jobs or losing their self-esteem over something as minor as skin color. To fully understand colorism, the definition must be clear; colorism is prejudice against people with darker skin, typically among the same racial or ethnic

  • Marcus Garvey's Impact On The Black Community

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    of great figure and leader organization of the largest black nationalist movement in history, the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). As a journalist and publisher, Marcus Garvey had published many papers for the black cause. “The declaration of the right of negro people”, where the author protest against the wrongs and injustices the black community are getting from the white community and “An appeal to the conscience of the black race” in which Marcus states that in order to change the

  • Food Deserts: Healthy Living In The Black Community

    1036 Words  | 3 Pages

    10/3/13 P.4 Healthy Living in the Black Community Food deserts are places where healthy foods are not produced nor sold. Unfortunately, Chicago is filled with food deserts. Approximately 600,000 people reside in areas that consist of food deserts (Gallagher, 2006). Nearly 200,000 of those people are children. These children do not have the opportunity for healthier options, which shows an increase in obesity rates (News One Staff, 2011). There are 77 Chicago communities and out of that 77, 23 are food

  • Braids In The Film 10 And African-Black Communities

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    piece. Braids have been around for thousands of years as a means to maintain and protect one’s hair, scalp, and edges. Over time, different ethnic groups came up with different techniques on how to braid hair. In the African and African-American communities, cornrows became a popular technique because of its protective value and versatility. However, in mainstream media, cornrows were not nearly as accepted. There have been several instances where cornrows have been dubbed as on trend, edgy, and/or

  • The Power Of The Black Community In Toni Morrison's Beloved

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    In Toni Morrison’s Beloved, each time Beloved dies the cause is directly related to the community. Beloved’s two deaths illustrate the power of the black community of Cincinnati to harm the family of 124. These people are instrumental in the lives of Beloved and her family, however they do not use their power to help. The community believes they know what is best and their actions go against the best interests of the family of 124 by killing Beloved twice. Each death of Beloved drives first Baby

  • Parenting Styles: Discipline and Abuse in the Black Community

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    physical discipline and abuse, and many times in the black community, that line is crossed. This topic is centered on discussions found in both Brittney Cooper’s article published on The Salan entitled “The Racial Parenting Divide” and Ta-Nehisi Coates’ novel “Between The World and Me” . Both parallel one another in the ideas exhibited in their pieces. The article written by Cooper confesses the often times TOO authoritative parenting style that black parents use to discipline their children while Between

  • Justice For The Black Community In Song Of Solomon, By Tony Morrison

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    Title. Justice for the black community during 1929-1964 in America was a long and torturous journey. The Great Depression, The Brown v. Board of Education, and the Civil Rights Movement are clear demonstrations of the atrocities, struggles, and violence that the black community had to unfortunately endure during those massive cultural shifts that were occurring in the United States at the time in order to survive. Here in the book Song of Solomon by Tony Morrison, the character Guitar Baines is

  • The History of Harlem - Cultural Epicenter of America’s Black community

    2256 Words  | 5 Pages

    life. Therese stereotypes of a whole nationality label Blacks as, “superstitious, lazy, ignorant, dirty, unreliable, (and even) criminal,” (“Stereotypes”). Such generalizations are products of the public’s perception, which has been diluted by rooted historic and current prejudice as well as the media’s conveyance of a well-known African American cultural center: Harlem. Despite negative connotations associated with it, Harlem stands as a community that strives to flourish and maintain its strong cultural

  • The Strife of Black Communities in John Singleton’s film Boyz n the Hood

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    Boyz n the Hood is a portrayal of a struggling black community in South Central, California. The film most closely follows the lives of Tre, Doughboy and his brother Ricky, all of which are young black men who are presumed to be in their senior year of high school. While the 1990’s may have been a time of economic prosperity for the masses, the underbelly of the country struggled. The film aims to carve out a place for the strife of black communities in the cinematic canon by shedding light on the

  • Montgomery Bus Boycotts: Role of Women in the Civil Rights Movement

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    of 1955 that would lay precedent for years to come that all people deserved equal treatment despite the color of their skin. The WPC, NAACP, and the Montgomery Churches provided the channels to organize the black public into a group that could not be ignored as well supported the black community throughout the difficult time of the boycott. The 20th century brought a tidal wave of tolerance and equal rights for a diverse variety of people in the United States. When the century opened, women did

  • The Afro-Cuban Struggle for Equality

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    the Afro-Cuban community was the formation of the Directorio Central de las Sociedades de la Raza de Color in 1887. This was the first black political party within Latin America. "The main focus of the struggle led by these Afro-Cubans and the Directorio was equal rights and equal protection under the law." [35] The Spanish did not see the Directorio in the same manner. They thought it was a tool, used by blacks and mulattos that used racism against whites in order for the black population to take

  • KWANZAA: Rediscovering our African Culture

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    to study ways that they could help themselves and each other. Dr. Karenga wanted to unify his people and instill a pride in their joint culture. He felt that there should be a special time of the year set aside to reflect upon and reaffirm the black community. He studied the harvest and "first fruit" celebrations on many African tribes, and although they all celebrated differently there were similarities in many ways. These similarities are some of what Dr. Karenga incorporated into the celebration