Big Sister Essays

  • BigBrother Big Sister

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    grandmother was always telling me that it takes more then the immediate family to raise a child well, if a child is to be rear well it takes a whole community contribution. This paper is a comparison of two agencies, Big Brother Big Sisters of America and Compeer. Big Brother Big Sister of America focuses on youth that are from single parent homes. Compeer focus is on children with a mental disorder. The reason why I have chosen these agencies are to show how the success of both and how each is similar

  • My Big Sister, My Role Model

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    never a big as hers), taste in music, career choices. Ever since I can remember, my big sister Barbara has been my heroine, my role model and, when needed, my substitute mother. She's beautiful, sweet, intelligent, funny and loving. Whatever she did I wanted to do, and consciously or not I emulated her: from choices in men (she favored creative types: photographers, filmmakers and writers for her; writers and musicians for me), personal style (though my Afro was never a big as hers)

  • Big Brothers Big Sisters Essay

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    Juvenile Blueprint Program: Big Brothers Big Sisters of America The program Big Brothers Big Sisters of America is a successful community mentoring program that has been in existence for more than 100 years. In fact, this program started as two separate programs back in 1904. The two programs were the Big Brothers movement, which formed as the result of a court clerk’s concern for troubled boys he saw coming through the courts and the other program was the Catholic Big Sisters, which formed for the same

  • Father Figures: Big Brothers and Big Sisters

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    These children lack a father figure. People do not realize how detrimental the lack of a father figure can be to the child, both mentally and emotionally. Enrolling boys between the ages of 5 to 16 without father figures in programs, such as Big Brothers Big Sisters, that involve building a relationship with someone who can serve as a role model is essential to prevent males from depression, difficulty in expressing emotions, and other consequences of having an absent father figure. A father is someone

  • Big Brothers Big Sisters Program Analysis

    609 Words  | 2 Pages

    My school has a program for upperclassmen students to participate in called Big Brothers Big Sisters. It is a program within my school, among many other schools, where high school students get the opportunity to mentor elementary students who may be enrolled into the program for various reasons. Some students who are enrolled may need a friend. Other students need a positive mentor in their lives, or even a role model. Each student placed in the program has their own story of why there are. The only

  • Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Americ A Case Study

    778 Words  | 2 Pages

    Big Brothers Big Sisters The Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) has been around for over 90 years. This organization has supported one-to one relationships with adult volunteers and youths of single-parent homes. The volunteer and the youth makes substantial time and commitment, meeting two to four times per month for a least a year, meeting can last four hours. The Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring helps improve the lives of youth and strongly engages the community through involvement

  • Informational Meeting About The Expectations Of A Big Sister

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    intent of big sisters and little sisters is to foster sisterhood, mentorship, and provide new members with a stable, one-on-one relationship. It provides a friendly face, helpful guide, and confidante, which allows each new member to adjust to and meet the entire chapter at her own pace. New members who feel connected are better able to understand the values of the organization and the seriousness of its mission. The close, personal relationship formed between a big sister and little sister creates

  • Big Brothers Big Sisters

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    made me concerned for kids in my neighborhood in community. I was not really aware the programs that we’re offered to the community, nor did I seek these programs for help when I needed it most. Every now and again, I will drive past the Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) chapter that is just over the railroad tracks before you get on the highway. I realized that this nonprofit organization was in place to help but I didn’t know how it could help me. During my research I was able to answer questions

  • Becoming A Big Sister

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    As a big sister, I get to see my siblings grow up and follow my examples. I also get to boss them around of course. I never thought of what it would be like to have 2 younger siblings. I thought that I would forever be the baby. Things evidently change. I got my first baby sibling when I was 5 years old. It was amazing because I really needed someone to play with at the time due to the fact that my two older brothers never wanted to play with me or when they did, they found ways to get rid of me

  • Big Sister Policy

    1711 Words  | 4 Pages

    Big Sister Policy - This policy was created by James G. Blaine the secretary of state in order to rally Latin American countries to open their markets to American traders. This policy began the trust Latin America to American leaders. Great Rapprochement - Many American diplomats began to create new friendships and relations with people of Great Britain. Theses relations began in the end of the nineteenth century. Mckinley Tariff - This tariff increased taxes on Hawaiian sugar since at the time,

  • Snapshots of Love

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    photos" of the earliest things I can remember. For example, three days after my third birthday, Katherine Emily arrived. I remember my dad taking me to see my new baby sister; we stopped at a gas station on the way to the hospital and bought my mom candy and a cola. That day, the camera caught the tiny smile only a big sister could have as she holds one of the best birthday presents ever. I don't take up even half of a blue hospital chair as I cradle Katie in my arms. She is wrapped all in

  • Essay About Family: The Extraordinary Bond of Sisterhood

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    The Extraordinary Bond of Sisterhood “Since your sister moved out, aren’t you excited to have your own car without having to share?” This past year many friends and family have frequently asked me this question. I have not been able to fully answer it until now. Though she has been gone over a year, I often find myself walking into the empty room where my sister Fallon and I once spent countless nights lying on the small twin bed, watching movies, laughing and even crying. The room that was

  • Filling the Gap in My Heart

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    daughter? I kept asking myself that question repeatedly in my mind until we finally got the chance to sit down and converse. He informed me that I had three half siblings which consisted of one brother and two sisters. At that moment I felt left out like as if I didn’t do my role as a big sister all their lives. The hole in my heart seemed to get deeper as he spoke until he finally confessed the real truth to why he had abandoned me for all these years. He began explaining how he had been in prison

  • Free Admissions Essay - Discipline and Perseverance

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    achieve a new goal: becoming a doctor. I have had to learn to budget my time to meet the demands of school, training programs, and volunteer activities. Although I trained and ran at least thirty miles a week throughout college, I also served as a big sister to Kelly, an abused child, and worked in a hospital trauma unit and as a medical assistant in an OB/GYN clinic. My most satisfying volunteer activity, however, was participating in mission work in Mexico City. In Mexico City I continually saw

  • Only a Girl in Boys and Girls by Alice Munro

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    Only a Girl in Boys and Girls Alice Munro's short story, "Boys and Girls," explores the different roles of men and women in society through a young girl's discovery of what it means to be a girl. A close examination of the elements of a short story as they are used in "Boys and Girls" helps us to understand the meaning of the story. The story is set in the 1940s, on a fox farm outside of Jubilee, a rural area only twenty miles away from the county jail. The farm is a place that reflects the

  • Broken Hearts

    840 Words  | 2 Pages

    Broken Hearts My home has been a place of healing for many broken hearts, both literally and figuratively. My younger sister had two open heart operations before the age of two. I was three years old, and I tried to be the best big sister in the world. I thought that if I loved her enough, her heart would heal itself. My brother was three and thirteen when he had his heart surgeries. This time, I was older and much more fearful, but my brother is the proud new owner of Vinny the Pulmonary Valve

  • Happiness in Fences, by August Wilson, and A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansbury

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    Imagine for a moment it is your big sister's 17th birthday. She is out with her friends celebrating, and your parents are at the mall with your little brother doing some last minute birthday shopping, leaving you home alone. You then hear a knock on the front door. When you getthere, nobody is there, just an anonymous note taped to the door that says Happy Birthday, along with a hundred dollar bill. You've been dying to get that new video game, and your sister will never know. You are faced

  • Personal Narrative- The Real Me

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    ran into me, knocked me off my feet, while giving me the biggest bear hug ever. She rapidly ran away just after noticing Adam; she is very shy. Adam and I began to laugh as Gracie ran into the wall. Lacey, my five year old cousin also Gracie’s big sister, runs straight up to Adam and gives him a hug; she is very sweet. Finally, after Adam met everyone but my parents, they showed up. “Hey mom and dad, this is Adam. He has met the rest of the family and it smells like dinner is ready. Shall we eat

  • The Power of Babies

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    with you!" It was nearly 2 a.m. on Saturday, April 3, 1999, and my parents were about to go to the hospital. Five years later my memory of that day hasn't faded. At thirteen and a half, I would soon become what I'd always dreamt of being: a big sister. Excruciatingly long, cold hours in St. David's Hospital seemed to melt away at exactly 10:00 in the morning when my little brother, Alvand Kia Moini, was finally born. Nervous and jittery, I recall holding him for the first time and being the

  • Eulogy for Son

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    with a beautiful baby boy. We named him Mark Warren, after his two grandfathers--and two of the strongest men we know. By bringing the names together, Mark became the greatest little boy we know. A lot of people called him "Markie," including his big sister Madeleine. Together, Madeleine and Mark made us very happy. We had the family we always dreamed of and a home filled with warmth and love. We were devastated on March 25th when Mark was admitted to the hospital, where he stayed for nine weeks