Bastard Essays

  • Bastard Out of Carolina

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    One of the most complex and elaborate characters in Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison is Bone. Throughout the story Bone has to live a life where she thinks that she is the leading mystery of the trouble being caused. She has numerous unhappy situations and is in no way self-satisfied with herself. She doesn’t appreciate who she is physically. She constantly thinks she is the most homely and dull person who causes the most inconvenience in the family. This sense of selflessness is mainly

  • Love in Allison's Bastard Out of Carolina

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    Love in Allison's Bastard Out of Carolina "Love" is a word, a signifier, tied to many meanings, all different in context, cultures, and ideologies. Love is used numerous ways in Allison's Bastard Out of Carolina, by many characters. In the character of Bone, love is a confused thing, always changing, as Bone uses it to fit her life on the fly. In relation to parental love, Bone wants Daddy Glen to love her. However, early in the book, Bone's conception of "love" is that of a child, obviously.

  • The Bastard Of Istanbul

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    The Bastard Of Istanbul is, at heart, a story about coming to terms with one's identity. Almost all of the characters in this book face an identity crisis of some sort. This can be specifically followed by exploring the connection between the idea of the character's identity and their actual, concrete name. Some characters hide behind pseudonyms, while others have multiple names. The theme of names as a reflection of a character's identity is prevalent throughout the book. Characters in both the

  • Bloody Mary

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    history. Her reign as queen was filled with many trials and tribulations that were not accepted by most of England. Many of Mary’s rash decisions were most likely do to her upbringing and her lack of will power. Whether it is being declared a bastard as a young child by her tyrannical father, Henry VIII, or her marriage to Phillip of Spain, Mary was easily influenced by others and it showed as she grew older and took over the thrown. Mary was born the daughter of Henry VIII and Katherine

  • Motifs in Shakespeare's King Lear

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          (Act II, Sc ii, Ln 289-290) They both were interested only in getting Lear's land, and used any means necessary to get it. Edmund, in the other plot of the play, deceives his father in order to gain his favor. Edmund, the Earl of Gloucester's bastard son, tells his father that Edgar, Gloucester's legitimate son, is plotting to ruin Gloucester. This causes the Earl to banish Edgar and give his title and land to Edmund. The ironic misuse of power used by the Earl of Gloucester shows up in

  • Oedipus the King: Where Lies the Blame?

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    the fact that did not die, but was adopted by the king and queen of Corinth. Oedipus was never informed that he was abandoned at a young age, found by a shepherd and adopted. One day while attending a dinner, a drunken man accused him of being a bastard. “And I went at last to Pytho, though my parents did not know. But Phoebus sent me home again unhonoured in what I came to learn, but he foretold other and desperate horrors befall me, that I was fated to lie with my mother, and show to daylight an

  • Toomer's Seventh Street, Depicts Life and Issues in the Prohibition Period

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    point that they are driving down the street-car tracks in Cadillacs. It seems as though he is making the distinction between the elite and the people of lesser means. In the beginning of the prose section, Toomer describes Seventh Street as the "bastard of Prohibition and the War." Seventh Street is a product of Prohibition and World War I merged together. He goes on to describe how Prohibition and World War I affect the events and the people who live on this street. The people feel as if too

  • Queen Elizabeth I

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    didn’t really love her sister, she would have let them kill her and allow the Duke of Norfolk to take over as king. The Duke of Norfolk was Elizabeth’s cousin and wished to be king more than anything else. On the other hand, Mary called her sister a bastard and other bad names. Elizabeth and her cousin Mary Queen of Scots often clashed, both personally and politically. Eventually, they wanted one another dead. Mary Queen of Scots wanted to be the queen of England and was ready to attack them. French

  • Essay on Villains in Much Ado About Nothing and Othello

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    through a town called Messina. They had been to the town before, and this time Claudio confesses his love for the governor’s daughter, Hero. Because Leonato is so fond of Claudio, the wedding is set to be a few days away. This gives Don John, Claudio’s bastard brother, a chance to show his true hatred for Claudio. He comes up with a scheme to make Claudio think that Hero is cheating by dressing Margaret in her clothing and perching her near the window with another man. When Claudio sees this, he says that

  • The Earl of Gloucester's Castle

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    nature, art my goddess; to thy law My Services are bound. Wherefore should I Stand in the plague of custom, and permit The curiosity of notions to deprive me, For that I am some twelve or fourteen moonshines Lag of a brother? Why bastard? Wherefore base? When my dimensions are as well compact, My mind as generous and shape as true, As honest madam's issue? Why brand they us With base? With baseness? Bastardy? Base, base? Who in the lusty stealth of nature take More

  • Don John is a Credible Villain

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    Don John is a Credible Villain Don John is a believable villain because he is a bastard which means that in Elizabethan times Don John would have been seen as evil. Don John’s legitimate brother on the other hand is wealthy and well respected by everyone. Don John hates Claudio because Claudio has taken his position as Don Pedro’s right hand man. Don John even acknowledges his own evil and he also shows no mercy. Don John’s character doesn’t alter throughout the play, meaning he is only there to

  • Mysteries

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    are centuries of ghost stories and tales that have been passed down from generation to generation. From the Bermuda Triangle mysteries, phantoms of the ocean, ships, and glowing ghosts of little boys, to the curse of James' Deans' car, The Little Bastard and the Amityville Horror. A little background history of this bone-chilling horror may help one decide whether or not to believe in the existence of the beyond. "Everywhere on earth and all through history, people have believed that there is more

  • Catcher in the Rye Essay: The Judgmental Caulfield

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    an idealist; a negative, judgmental person. Holden's idealism is first brought forth when he describes his life at Pency Prep. It is full of phonies, morons and bastards. His roommate, Stradlater, " was at least a pretty friendly guy, It was partly a phony kind of friendly..." (26) and his other roommate, Ackley is "a very nosy bastard" (33). Holden can't stand to be around either one of them for a very long time. Later, he gets into a fight with Stradlater over his date with Jane. Holden is upset

  • Shakespeare's King Lear - Poor Edmund

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    Poor Edmund of King Lear I initially felt bad for Edmund.  It must have been difficult growing up constantly second to Edgar and being referred to as "the bastard."  No one would envy him that. But let's take a second look at poor Edmund.  I'm sure that there were many bastards in his time, but how many of them ended up indirectly gouging out their fathers' eyes and trying to take over the kingdom?  Was the Earl of Gloucester really that rotten of a father that he drove his son to do all

  • Free Glass Menagerie Essays: The Character of Tom Wingfield

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    know this is a painfully big deal and he has intentionally hurt his family at this point. He knows he has put himself in a position of no turning back. Now, he has to go. As if to make it okay in someway, he says, ""I'm like my father. The bastard son of a bastard! See how he grins? And he's been absent going on sixteen years!" Now we know, he doesn't plan to come back. He has justified his not feeling obligated to his family by saying he gets it naturally. He is his father's son. Of course we have

  • Charles M. Manson

    1991 Words  | 4 Pages

    Skelter”. Page 1 Charles M. Manson was born in Cincinnati on November 11, 1934. His mother Kathleen Maddox, a teenage prostitute, his father was a man remembered as “Colonel Scott.” In order to give her bastard son a name she married William Manson. He quickly abandoned the both of them. In 1939 Kathleen Maddox was arrested for robbery and Charles was sent to live with his aunt and grandmother. Charles remembered his aunt as a harsh disciplinarian and

  • Despair in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

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    could not see the good side of Mr. Flint, the father of her mistress. He showed his care for her in many ways, most notably in that he never allowed anyone to physically hurt her, he built a house for her, and he offered to take care of her and her bastard child even though it was not his. Mr. Flint tries to take care of Ms. Jacobs as well as he can. He always protects her from physical abuse that anyone would wish upon her. She states this fact explicitly many times. She writes, "Sometimes I so

  • Holden's Phonies

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    knees and pray to God. Ossenburger kept on rambling bout how you should always pray to God and to talk to God wherever you were. Ossenburger said think of him as your buddy. Holden got a kick out of his speech. Holden could “just see the big phony bastard... asking Jesus to send him a few more stiffs.” Holden next went to this night club called Ernie’s. Holden was going there for a few drinks. Even though it was so late, the club was jam-packed.

  • Fear of Failure in The Catcher In The Rye

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    Fear of Failure in The Catcher In The Rye Holden Caulfield, the main character in J.D. Salinger's novel, The Catcher In The Rye, feels that he needs to protect people around him, because he failed to protect his brother Allie from death. Holden feels that he has to care for those close to him. He watches over Jane, Phoebe, and even Mrs. Murrow when he meets her on the train. Holden tries to shield these people from distress. He does not want to fail anyone else. Returning back home

  • South Carolina in the Fifties

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    Most stories depict a world full of misconception and over scrutinized facts which deal with an indirect narration of the past. The story is drawn out and over dramatized to the point of disbelief. Bastard out of Carolina is just that. On the contrary, this book is nothing but realistic. Comparing world sufficiency established by Dorothy Allison’s idea of the fifties to that of today’s standards, one would see it as if that world is one out of a fairytale; not so much a fairytale, but as more of