Baroque Era Essays

  • The Baroque Era

    1278 Words  | 3 Pages

    THE BAROQUE AGE Social and Cultural Background Baroque is a term borrowed from the visual arts and one that is used in many different senses. The Baroque Era applies to the years between 1600 and 1750. The most famous composers of this time were Bach, Handel, Vivaldi and Teleman. Politically it was an age of magnificent absolute Monarch’s. The most magnificent of all was Louis XIV of France. Louis ruled from 1634 until 1713. During this time the need to create a national culture or a regional

  • The Baroque Era

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    The Baroque Era The Baroque era was a unique period in music that began during the 1600's and ended around 1750. The word "baroque" is define by Merriam's Collegiate Dictionary as, "of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a style of artistic expression prevalent esp. in the 17th century that is marked generally by use of complex forms, bold ornamentation, and the juxtaposition of contrasting elements often conveying a sense of drama, movement, and tension." The word "baroque" has

  • Baroque Art: The Era Of The Baroque Period

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    The 17th century was the era of the baroque style, characterized by energy, drama, and movement. The church in Rome needed art that spoke to its resurgent power even as the conflict between the protestant and Catholics continued. Baroque was basically a counter movement to the rising Protestantism. A visual language was needed to reemphasize and reestablish the catholic belief amongst people. Baroque art was an attempt to gain control over peoples thinking, to basically make them think and feel more

  • The Baroque Era

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    have been the Baroque, the Rococo, and the Romantic eras. The Baroque era was the start of large important musical concepts such as melodies and harmonies, contrasts with dynamics, and different instrumental sounds and tonality. Before the Baroque era, standard music was a single melody or many melodies that were played simultaneously by a single

  • Baroque School And The Baroque Era

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    The Effect of the Venetian School and its Composers on the Music of the Baroque Era Introduction The Venetian school of the sixteenth century firmly influenced many composers from all musical genres after the renaissance. In term “venetian-school” refers to composers who were active in the city between 1550 and 1610 and whose creative musical accomplishments are the reason why Venice became a significant cultural centre in the sixteenth century (Димитриу, 2012). The Venetian music school whose style

  • Baroque Era Thesis

    680 Words  | 2 Pages

    Baroque Era called my attention a lot. Many facts of this era of the music make the history of the music more interesting and enjoyable. I always have love music, but in class I have learn a lot of fun facts about music history and more little detail about music eras that I didn't know. Also, I have learn by the baroque era how big impact music can have on people and why it make that impact in people too. When we talk about the Baroque era we talk about many important details that gives vibes to

  • The Era of Baroque Music

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    Occurring between 1600 and 1750, the era of Baroque music was an astounding, inventive and foundational period of classical music. Following the Renaissance period, the Baroque period preceded the Classical era. Originating from the Italian word “Barocco,” which means bizarre or exuberant, the title of the Baroque period was well suited to its composers and music ( Many instruments used by the Baroque composers and musicians reached their peak during this period. Using all of these

  • The Baroque Era of Music

    527 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Baroque period of music lasted from approximately 1600 – 1750 AD. It falls into the Common Practice period and was the most predominant style of writing after the Renaissance period and before the Classical period (the Classical period uses many elements from the Baroque period). The word Baroque means highly decorated and essentially gives us an insight into what the music of the time was like. Many pieces in the Baroque style have three or four different parts which work together to produce

  • Baroque Era Essay

    832 Words  | 2 Pages

    THE EVOLUTION OF CLASSICAL MUSIC OVER THE ERAS The Middle Ages (476 AD - 1500) was when the first ever plainsong was recorded down in the Christian Church. It was mostly written with four line staff and notes shaped as circles, diamonds, triangles and squares indicated the rhythm without any regular rhythm divisions. Instead, the melodies followed the rhythm of the words and had no beat at all. Unlike today’s church music, back in the Middle Ages, Church Authorities thought that strong emotions

  • Baroque Era Research Paper

    794 Words  | 2 Pages

    Essay Topic: The Baroque era was a period of development and innovation in the field of music. Give a detailed description of three music genres that developed during this time period. Describe the stylistic characteristics of these new Baroque music genres as well as the names of composers and titles of compositions that represent them. The Baroque genres you can write about include opera, oratorio, cantata, organ chorale, concerto, and concerto Grosso. Concerto Grosso, is a

  • Three Phases Of The Baroque Era

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    The baroque period from 1600 to 1750 was filled with “bizarre, flamboyant, and elaborately ornamented” creations (Kamien, 2015, p. 99). According to the New World Encyclopedia, “the original meaning of ‘baroque’ is ‘irregular pearl’ a strikingly fitting characterization of the architecture and design of this period; later, the name came to be applied also to its music” (2017). There were three phases of the baroque period, which consisted of the early period which was from 1600 to 1640. The middle

  • Comparing the Baroque Era and the Classical Era

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    Comparing the Baroque Era and the Classical Era There are two distinct eras in music that have impacted it immensely throughout time. They are known as the Baroque era and the Classical era. These eras have helped mold and elevate music, building creative pathways that still hold a strong effect in present day music. The differences in both the Baroque and Classical eras are quite immense but they both hold equal importance to the history of music and are high in their overall influential worth

  • Opera During The Baroque Era

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    started in the late renaissance era and continued through baroque, classical, romantic, and modern era. Opera became one of the most significant new genres in the Baroque Era. A well known composer in the Baroque Era was Henry Purcell, he wrote the glorious opera Didos and Aeneas. Early operas would be used to honor royal weddings and similar celebrations. In the classical era operas were affected by extensive social changes

  • Evolution of Music: From Renaissance to Baroque Era

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    According to Greenberg (2009), the musical Renaissance by estimation began around 1400 and ended in 1600, marked by the first opera that was historically recorded which is used to begin the Baroque era. The Baroque era spans from 1600-1750 with Sebastian Bach’s death marking its end. As discussed by Greenberg (2009), the Renaissance saw many changes and advancements over a two hundred year span of evolution in music. The intellectual and social trends strayed from the absolute power of the church

  • Art From Baroque Period Through The Postmodern Era

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    Art from Baroque Period through the Postmodern Era Renaissance art history began as civic history; it was an expression of civic pride. The first such history was Filippo Villani's De origine civitatis Florentiae et eiusdem famosis civibus, written about 1381-82. Florentine artists revived an art that was almost dead, Villani asserts, just as Dante had restored poetry after its decline in the Middle Ages. The revival was begun by Cimabue and completed by Giotto, who equalled the ancient painters

  • History of World Architecture: Renaissance and Baroque Era

    1736 Words  | 4 Pages

    Renaissance, Mannerism, Baroque. The Renaissance Period is one of the well known periods in the history of architecture which is later followed by another known period called the Baroque Era. The Renaissance Era in architecture begins when artists sought to create a new style which is totally different to those of its predecessor at the same time also reviving the styles of which the Romans and Greeks had done before them. This period saw the birth of many new architects that are notable for the

  • Gentileschi’s Judith Slaying Holofernes: An Example of the Baroque Era and Its Art

    670 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Baroque era was born out of the Roman Catholic Church’s Counter Reformation, during which the church made considerable efforts to strengthen the relationship between the secular world and the religious order. In an effort to engage the common people and create piety, the Catholic Church wanted art to appeal to human emotions. Gentileschi successfully accomplishes this in her painting, Judith Slaying Holofernes. By infusing the Apocryphal tale of Judith with dramatic techniques such as chiaroscuro

  • Antonio Vivaldi During The Baroque Era

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    As one of the most prominent composers of the Baroque era, Antonio Vivaldi contributed a number of significant works and stylistic innovations during his lifetime. Music was a constant in his life. Both as an violin player and composer, Vivaldi centered his career around music. By his immense skill as a violinist and as a composer, he gained fame and popularity in his own time in the Baroque era. He also produced a legacy that has lasted into modern times. Vivaldi had humble beginnings in Venice

  • How Has Music Changed During The Baroque Era?

    618 Words  | 2 Pages

    around for a profuse amount of years, changing the lives of people along the way. Music has changed throughout the decades and is characterized by that era. How exactly has it changed and why? The Baroque era, is generally known as a period of artistic flourishing. Known for the intellectual, classical style and much like the Renaissance era, Baroque was a rebellious stage in history. Artists weren’t exactly accepted in this period. They were considered lower than most monarchs. Musicians were only

  • Baroque Era Music Compared to Modern Rock

    994 Words  | 2 Pages

    When comparing Baroque era music to any modern day rock band, one most listen to the music with open ears. It is hard to identify the similarities of Baroque music and that of modern day rock. Although, the advances made in music during the Baroque era (1600-1750) are still noticeable in modern day rock. A perfect example of the noticeability of modern rock influenced by Baroque music can be heard in the Baroque music of Johann Sebastian Bach’s, “Brandenburg Concerto No 4 G major BWV 1049”(Classical