Band Competition Essays

  • Regional Band Competition

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    Regional Band Competition The situation was insane. Not only did I have to make time in the busy schedule of my junior year to take a few days off from school to attend the District One East High School Band Festival, but I actually had to audition to get a decent seat. Don't get me wrong; I was thrilled about attending. I just wasn't looking forward to having to make up two day's worth of schoolwork. For once, I would be attending a festival where the seating arrangement wasn't based on

  • Narrative Essay On Marching Band

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    Personal Narrative- Marching Band Competition This season was only the second year that I had been in marching band, even though we did do parades in middle school. The year before, I was selected to be drum major of the upcoming marching season. I was excited to meet the challenge of getting back to the state championships. It was also nerve-racking because I felt if we didn't make it to state, it would be my fault. To be truthful, later on I experienced both sentiments from some of the most

  • Life in Colors

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    on the uniform for the brigade which I serve proudly. The color silver did not become appealing to me until that night when we (the band) were in Statesboro, Georgia, at the first competition, and we (the band) marched out on the field for our performance and the crowd went crazy. That night when the awards were announced and we came in second out of twenty-two bands, that color silver was the most awesome color ever. Then, we came home and the next weekend we went to Palatka, Florida, and did the

  • Personal Narrative: Springtime Carnivore

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    along with her band, performed songs that transported me to a white-sanded beach with pink waters and bright green clouds. Morgan’s music is dreamlike and exuberant; one can imagine his or herself somewhere totally different when listening to it. Morgan’s music sounded somewhat familiar, but had a modern distinction. Utilizing fuzzy guitars, roaring drums, and keyboards enhanced Morgan’s bubbly vocals. The excitement was only just beginning as Springtime Carnivore and her band kept the audience

  • Analysis Of It Takes A Tribe By David Berreby

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    very popular boy band thats known all over the world and very successful. This community meets everywhere , concerts, schools, and social media etc., since one directions fans are everywhere .In the One Direction

  • Beach Boys

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    first number on hit with, "I Get Around." On August first of the same year, the Beach Boys had their first concert at the Memorial Coliseum in Sacramento, California. From there, the Beach Boys ratings went up dramatically. As with almost any other boy band today, girls from all over the world swooned over each and every one of the members of the Beach Boys. As for the world young men, they idolized the Beach Boys, not only because they had a carefree life style, but also because all of the girls wanted

  • Section Leadership Essay

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    reed section to me is not just my section, it is my family, and I would love to have the honor of calling myself mom. However, Lauren will always be the original mom and my biggest role model in band. She was the first one to give me hug whenever I was upset, she made sure I didn't get sunburned during band camp, and was overall the most loving, caring section leader I most likely will ever have. As section leader, I would like to devote all my time, love, and leadership to my section and show what

  • Graduation Speech : The Music Festival

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    my face, and went to my band director to confirm the news. First alternate meant I would receive the festival music, but I can’t attend the festival unless someone in my section is unavailable. A week later, an email came in announcing that I could attend. My eyes widened at the news and I couldn’t express my emotions like others who would jump up and scream with joy, but my grin and eyes expressed it all. Everyone clapped and congratulated me. “Wait, wait, wait,” the band quieted down as the only

  • Music in the Information Age

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    category? Can music even be considered information? The rising popularity of mp3's proves that people value music as a source of information. Hundreds of groups are advertising their band on the web at, from popular music groups to those struggling to make a name in society. The web sites serve as a vehicle for bands to display their message to the public in an uncensored atmosphere. This atmosphere cannot be presented solely through record labels because the labels monitor what the public sees

  • Political Advocacy in Anarchist Punk Music

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    counterproductive outcomes. Nature of Study The bands selected to represent the United Kingdom from the late 70s and early 80s are Crass, Gang of Four, and the X-Ray Spex. Contemporary American punk is represented by Against All Authority, Against Me!, and Strike Anywhere. The British bands are well-known, archetypal early punk bands, from three distinct geographic areas, making them a fair cross-section of the subculture at the time. The American bands represent three different styles of punk music

  • Narrative Essay About Drum Majors

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    your band ready?” The announcer questioned as we finally settled into our places. Our drum majors nodded, and gave each other their signal that they were ready. We got into our starting positions, and began our show. It went smoothly the whole time. I didn’t think any band members made any errors. All I could think about was how itchy my uniform was. We left the field to watch other bands perform their last shows. Alayna and I sat down next to Dreyton and patiently waited for all the bands. She

  • Norman Greenbaum Disappearance

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    April of 1970, it managed to stay in the top 100 rock songs for 15 weeks. Norman Greenbaum’s “Spirit in the Sky” is very similar in style to those in the same genre of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. It is a mix of country and rock which several bands and artists had done at the time. Singing lyrics of which would be considered country or gospel, but adding more instrumentals in the back ground creating a diverse sound and adding uniqueness to Norman Greenbaum’s

  • American Indian Dance Competition

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    The Competition that Changed Me I have been participating in Native American Indian dancing for around 4 years. I have competed in numerous other competitions like section Conclaves and other small competitions. I have become known in the native community because of the competitions I have competed in, but none of those competitions would or could prepare me for what I would come to face in the summer of 2016. All throughout my dancing career I’ve heard of NOAC, which stands for the National Order

  • Essay About Competition

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    Competition Competition is defined as a contest between two or more individuals, groups for the prize, honor, or advantage. When education is combined with competition, it arises many arguments whether sports should exist in the school. People also make argument that without sports, students will raise their academics higher. Also, when students compete in school, they will have self-esteem issues. However, I feel school is a place for learning; competition in sports are school activities, and they

  • Free Narrative Essays - The Battle of the Bands

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    The Battle of the Bands The best and worst two days of my life took place at Bogarts with my band Radioactive Weasel last month.  We had practiced daily for near three years, and our group decided to pull together again and enter "The Battle of the Bands."  This was the first time we sparingly paid fifty dollars to perform anywhere. All the other competitions we had entered were mail in tapes and then wait for a response. We got out of bed at five in the morning, then raced to our drummer's

  • Analysis Of Competition And Happiness By Theodore Isaac Rubin

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    In Theodore Isaac Rubin’s essay, “Competition and Happiness”, he summits about how in today’s society its always the battle eat or be eaten. Therefore our parents always tried to get us involved at an early age to help with our self-development, well being, and health. Since our culture has made us believe that competition brings out the best of us. Yet, it simultaneously brings out a stressful, isolating, and paranoid ambiance at a very young age. I agree with Rubin’s notion since the use of our

  • E-Commerce Impact on Wine Industry

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    Topic and rationale: The wine industry has faced many legal stumbling blocks as it evolves with consumer’s preferences of buying wine on-line. The shipment of interstate wine is finally coming to terms with the consumer market, through compliant solutions and by changing the legal environment in which it operates. Many companies are making their services available to facilitate the wine industry’s needs to sale wine through E-commerce channels. This journey has been hard fought and contains a rich

  • The Story of Yasmin

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    The Story of Yasmin – 1989 + As the years elapsed, the room the two sisters had shared upstairs of their old wooden farmhouse, had gained a different status in Eva's mind. It became the precious object of memories, where private conversations and dreams were once revealed. Eva gazed with nostalgia at a faded color portrait of the smiling faces of the two sisters. As adolescents they had been complicit in following the intrepid adventures of Don Quixote de la Mancha and his sidekick, Sancho Penza

  • What Is Swot Analysis In Staples

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    The SWOT analysis is an extremely useful tool for understanding and decision-making for all sorts of situations in business and organizations. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. STRENGTHS 1. Staples has the second-largest Internet retail revenue in the world  This means that it dominates most of the internet retail market 2. Increase in customer satisfaction. 3. Ability to bring differentiating services and programs to market more rapidly and efficiently 

  • Nirvana, Music and the Industry

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    slickly produced, monotonous and insipid music that ruled the 1991 airwaves was finally getting some real competition from bands like Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden and others. It was okay to mosh. But where has that passion, that feeling gone to again? Where it began (enter Nirvana) Although the late 80's were sprinkled with great guitar rock bands like the Pixies and Husker Du, these bands were little known on a global level. Popular music was concerned more with image and superficial entertainment