Balkans Essays

  • Balkans, History On Geographic

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    The Balkan Peninsula has many physical features, but there are three main ones, they are the fact that it is a peninsula, its mountains, and its rivers. Within the Balkan Peninsula there are a good majority of ethnicities. There will be a majority of instances that the geography has helped or hindered certain peoples in the Balkans history. The mountains had a few of different effects on the early people living in the Balkan Peninsula. The mountains of this area, helped certain ethnic groups, and

  • First Balkan War Research Paper

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    The First Balkan War Taking advantage of its preparedness and smaller size when compared to the other members of the Balkan League, Montenegro declared war on the Ottoman Empire on October 8, 1912. Within 10 days, the other members of the Balkan League, Serbia, Greece, and Bulgaria, joined the war. Spread thin by previous campaigns and financial difficulties resulting in a shortage of military equipment, the Ottoman defeat by the Balkan Alliance came easy. The Balkan forces outnumbered the Ottomans

  • Naive Art: Southern United States and Balkans Region of Southeastern Europe

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    Southern United States and the Balkans region of Southeastern Europe, to explore where their similarities and differences stem from, and to ask the question, what is it about their environment that impacts their art? My theory is that many of the similarities in style and content are due to these artists’ rural and impoverished existences as well as their Christian upbringings. For centuries we've seen chaos and order ebb and flow amongst the ethnic groups of the Balkans. From the Adriatic to the West

  • Why It Proved to be Impossible to Solve the Problems Created by Balkan Nationalism Before 1914

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    Created by Balkan Nationalism Before 1914 Balkan nationalism was apparent in the years leading up to 1914 in two forms: The desire for expansion, or rather, self-determination, within the immediate region, and also in the support of Pan-Slav nationalism (a Russian idea). In the years from 1900 to 1914, this nationalism caused the key problems of mistrust and suspicion between the two great powers of Austria Hungary and Russia, who’s conflicting national interests concerning the Balkan states

  • World War I Serbia Essay

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    conflict in the Balkans. The name itself referred to a large peninsula sandwiched between four seas: the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, the Adriatic and the Aegean. On this land mass was a cluster of nations and provinces, including Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Bosnia. At the turn of the century the Balkan region was less populated and under-developed, in comparison to western Europe; it had few natural resources, so was hardly an economic prize. The importance of the Balkan peninsula lay

  • Formation of the Triple Alliance

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    recovery of the lost provinces of Alsace and Lorraine. 2 Germany had allied itself with Russia and Austria-Hungary in the Three Emperors’ League, but Austria-Hungary and Russia were not the best of friends, partly because they were at odds over the Balkans and partly because Russia represented the Pan-Slavic movement, whose program threatened the very existence of Austria-Hungary. The Treaty of San Stefano (1878), following the Russo-Turkish War, furthered the cause of Pan-Slavism through the creation

  • Analysis of Bulgaria

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    and the Turkish border was 240 kilometers long. Bulgaria covers approximately 110,550 square kilometers. Its topography is mostly hills combined with plateaus, with major flatlands to the north and the center of the country. Its main mountain ranges Balkan and Rhodope include two major ranges, Pirin and Rila. The climate is divided by mountains into continental and Mediterranean. The rainfall is very variable, with largest amounts in higher elevations. Its population estimate is 8,989,172. Its 1990

  • Arthur Birling's Outlook on Life Socially and In Business

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    Arthur Birling's Outlook on Life Socially and In Business In the play, Arthur Birling was one of the Predominant characters that portray an unsophisticated and Pompous man, but on the other hand Mr. Birling was one of the wealthiest businessmen in the area (Brumly) and was very involved in local politics. His success brings him hopes of achieving Knighthood and thus making him closer socially to Lady Croft and Sir George. “….there’s a far chance that I might find my way into the next Honours

  • Ambition

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    That is ambition.Ambition has been the backbone of every army! Through those great ancient Egyptian wars, through Persia, through Hastings, through Waterloo, through the native American/greedy colonist battles, through the world-wars, through the Balkans, and through every other great conflict that has ever existed but that I am unable to cite, each party was blessed by pure and passionate ambition...ambition to win at whatever cost necessary. Surely only the collective force of ambition found in

  • Germany's Responsibility for World War I

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    Germany's Responsibility for World War I After World War I fingers immediately began to be pointed as to who caused the war. At the Versailles Peace Conference, 1919 the victorious powers, the Triple Entente, placed entire fault on Germany, forcing them to admit blame and pay the huge war debts. However even in this day and age who is to blame for the First World War is still a much-debated subject, as historians presented new interpretations to the events, which lead up to WWI. This

  • What were the major causes of the First World War?

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    for the outbreak of the War. In this essay I will question that statement by emphasizing the attitude of the main powers and take into account other causes historians assume, especially the current ideological ideas in Europe and the events in the Balkans. Nevertheless, I will conclude that none of these reasons were solely the cause of the outbreak, but the combination of them all, and especially hegemonic ambitions and the lack of diplomacy. The ideological disposition in Europe’s society was greatly

  • Causes of World War I

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    Causes of World War I The Balkan Peninsula has long been known as the “tinderbox of Europe” because it has been an area of conflict and political unrest for centuries. The countries and people that occupy the peninsula are constantly in chaos and at war with each other. This trend continues today with the problems in Bosnia and the recent international crisis in Kosovo. Throughout history, small local incidents in the Balkan Peninsula have escalated into large international crises. World War

  • Emperor Justinian: Builder of the Byzantine Legend

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    time of decline. With Justinian?fs visions, he was able to lay out a foundation that would help the Byzantine Empire live for many years to come. Justinian (Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Justinianus) was born in 483 AD at Tauresium in Illyricum in the Balkans of what is now central Europe. He was the nephew of Emperor Justin. His uncle Justin had passed over the duties of governing the Empire to his wife Lupicina, and nephew Justinian (Fortescue-Justinian I, Roman Emperor). Justinian worked hard and rose

  • The City of Thessaloniki (Salonika)

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    center of Macedonia and one of the few Greek cities to have constantly developed culturally. Early History; Roman Era: During the Roman era, Thessaloniki was a free city and was considered the capital of Roman Macedonia and of the Southern Balkans (4).? In 130 BC the famous Via Egnatia, an important Roman road that linked the East and the West, and the city?s harbor were constructed, both which contributed to the growth and prosperity of the city (5).? In 50 AD, Saint Paul founded the second

  • Explain The Reasons In The Treaty Of The Dual Alliance In 1879-1914

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    but may be because of other factors, like trying to prop up Austria and preventing it from becoming the new sick man of Europe. An example of this motive being shown is at the Congress of Berlin in 1878, where Russia lost a lot of influence in the Balkan countries and Austria gained in it by being allowed to occupy The last major alliance signed between 1879 and 1908 was the Anglo French entente. The main reasons for the signing of the treaty was the competing imperial ambitions of the countries.

  • Ulysses’ Gaze, by Theo Angelopoulos

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    of paper ... ... everyone in the Balkans, Europe, and the world. Works Cited Angelopoulos, Thodōros, and Dan Fainaru. Theo Angelopoulos : interviews. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2001. Web. December 2013. Fox, Margalit. “Theo Angelopoulos, Greek Filmmaker, Dies at 76.” New York Times. 25 January 2012. Web. December 2013. Grunes, Dennis. “Ulysses’ Gaze.” Grunes. Wordpress. Web. December 2013. Iordanova, Dina. “Conceptualizing the Balkans in Film.” Slavic Review. 55.4 (Winter

  • Imperial Ideology in the Ottoman Empire

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    formed a powerful interest group, which allowed them to project their power to the Sultan as well as the people. The Devirshirme were recruited through the child levy system to serve as statesmen and soldiers. They were recruited primarily from the Balkans, but also from other Christian European territories within the Ottoman Empire. This made them a foreign influence in the Islamic government. Therefore, they were forced to convert and Islam. Those that showed intellectual promise were educated in

  • The Mending Wall

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    These neighbors have a conflicting view of the wall. One doesn’t see any sense in the wall, and the other insists that it be fixed, without giving any sensible reason. In 1991, the European country of Yugoslavia, located in southeastern Europe, in the Balkan Mountains, split into eight different nations, due to an “ethnic cleansing”. The countries formed from the split are Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Vgivodina, and Serbia. The main reason for the split is the

  • Causes of WW1

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    mismanaged Balkan Crisis because it was these rivalries that led to the Balkan Crisis. The Balkan Crisis may appear mismanaged because previous crises such as those in Morocco in 1905 and 1911 did not result in war. In the July Crisis Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (the heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire) despite not having conclusive proof. Austria-Hungary asked for German support to "eliminate Serbia as a power factor in the Balkans". Germany

  • Ww1 Causes

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    people who fought in the war and over seven million civilians who died. WW1 ultimately paved the path of major political changes. The three most important causes of WW1 were the Balkans, Imperialism, and Alliances. The Balkans were one of the main causes of World War 1. Bosnia, Serbia, Romania, and Bulgaria (The Balkans) wanted to be freed from the Ottoman Empire. Russia needed warm water ports for industrialization and Russia was located too far North to have any warm water ports. Russia’s plan