Bad Faith Essays

  • Jean-Paul Sartre - Problems with the Notion of Bad Faith

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    Jean-Paul Sartre - Problems with the Notion of Bad Faith In Being and Nothingness, Jean-Paul Sartre presents the notion of "bad faith." Sartre is a source of some controversy, when considering this concept the following questions arise. "Of what philosophical value is this notion? Why should I attend to what one commentator rightly labels Sartre's 'Teutonically metaphysical prose' (Stevenson, p. 253), in order to drag out some meaning from a work so obviously influenced by Heidegger? Is

  • Existentialist Perception Of The Human Condition: With Special Reference To Sartre

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    has no escape from anxiety and despair. We are always under the shadow of anxiety; higher responsibility leads to higher anxiety. The pursuit of being leads to an awareness of nothingness, nothingness to an awareness of freedom, freedom to bad faith and bad faith to the being of consciousness which provides the condition for its own possibility. Concluding his thought, Sartre says that existentialism is not pessimism. He says that existentialism does not aim at plunging us into despair: its final goal

  • Sartre and the Rationalization of Human Sexuality

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    "nothingness" and "being." This irreducible dualism is the key to the trouble human beings have with existence. Humans try to deal with the tensions implied by this dualism by trying to pretend people are not subjects but objects. Sartre calls this "bad faith." He begins by attempting to take human sexuality seriously as a fundamental category, but ends by abandoning the effort in favor of other substitutes. Akin to Plato in his rationalization of sexuality is Jean-Paul Sartre. Sartre is probably the

  • Bad Faith In Insurance

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    of good faith and fair dealing to the persons they insure. Insurance bad faith is a legal term unique to the law. It describes a tort claim that an insured person may have against an insurance company for bad acts. Generally speaking bad faith is intentional dishonesty by neglecting contractual obligations. If the court rules in favor of the claimant, the insurer could be liable  for substantial compensation. This could include

  • Jean Paul Sartre's No Exit And Its Existentialist Themes

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    interactions are many Sartrean philosophical themes. Personal attributes serve to demonstrate some of the more dominant ideas in Sartre's writings. Each of the three characters in the play show identifiable characteristics of sexual perversion, bad faith, and interactions of consciousness.This play takes an interesting setting, that of the afterlife. The plot centers around three main characters, Joseph Garcin, Estelle Rigault and Inez Serrano. Hell, as portrayed in this work, is no more than

  • the hell of 1984

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    The Hell of Nineteen Eighty-Four. ). Did Orwell realise quite what he had done in Nineteen Eighty-Four? His post-publication glosses on its meaning reveal either blankness or bad faith even about its contemporary political implications. He insisted, for example, that his 'recent novel [was] NOT intended as an attack on Socialism or on the British Labour Party (of which I am a supporter)'.(1) He may well not have intended it but that is what it can reasonably be taken to be. Warburg saw this immediately

  • The Concept of 'Bad Faith' in the Philosophy of Sartre

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    The Concept of ‘Bad Faith’ in the Philosophy of Sartre Jean-Paul Sartre was the French philosopher and a versatile thinker and writer. He is today known for two systematic and extraordinary works in the field of philosophy. Besides these two phenomenal works- ‘Being and Nothingness’ and ‘Critique of Dialectical Reason’- Sartre developed some shorter philosophical versions including; several screenplays, plays, and novels; essays on art and literary criticism; short stories; an autobiography; scores

  • Sartre's Philosophy

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    according to Sartre is to act in bad faith. Consequently, to act in bad faith, according to Sartre is to manifest our freedom inauthenticaly. Sartre assessed how when man acknowledges and accepts that he is a living being with a biological and social past. He can transcend beyond that to nothingness, the realm of the etre pour soi (the “being-for-itself”). At this point he is, according to Sartre, clearheaded and in good faith. Because he is acting in good faith, he is not pursuing a fundamental

  • Lender Liability and the Duty of Good Faith

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    Lender Liability and the Duty of Good Faith I.     Introduction From time to time, lenders and their attorneys announce that lender liability is no longer an issue with which the lending community needs to be concerned. What usually prompts this proclamation of the death of lender liability is a recent case in which a court has summarily rejected a borrower’s claim that the lender violated the duty of good faith and fair dealing. Many courts have rejected borrowers’ lawsuits which are based on

  • The Outcasts Of Poker Flat Analysis

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    The person who has done both good and bad things in their life is the person everyone struggles to categorize as truly good or truly evil. They have displayed two opposite sides of themselves; Therefore,deciding if they are truly good or truly evil is impossible. There is a word for this these people,morally ambiguous. The idea of people being morally ambiguous is now a popular idea among authors. The authors are now making their characters morally ambiguous to be more relatable to real people in

  • Personal Narrative Fiction

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    Michael: “Yes, I thought I’d try it out.” Shere: Raises eyebrows “Hmmm” Michael: “Ah...” Fidgets nervously “I was wondering if you wanted to get tea?” Sounds hopeful Shere: “Yes, that would be wonderful!” Michael: “Really?!” Shere: “Yes. Black, two sugars, a little bit of cream.” Looks at dirt under the microscope. Michael: “Sorry?” Michael looks confused. Shere: “Black, two sugars, a little bit of cream. That’s how I like my tea.” Looks at Michael “Well, go on” Michael: “Right.” Michael

  • Transgression In The Storm And We Real Cool

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    Transgression is any violation of the law, principle or duty. It is exceeding boundaries and limits as well as sinning. These different acts can affect people in many different ways; they may be detrimental to relationships, families, and friends. ‘'The Storm'' by Kate Chopin, ‘A Good Man is Hard to Find ‘' and "We Real Cool'' are similar in that transgression impacts the characters in theses stories/poems in different negative ways and serve a different purpose. Adultery, lying, underage drinking

  • Weather And Bad Weather

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    in relation to their productivity to it. The point being bad weather does, as supported by Armitage C. J., Conner M. and Norman P. (1999) research, Denissen J. J. A,Penke L, Butalid L. Aken M. A. G. van (2008) experiments and mainly Lee J.J., Gino F.,& Staats R. B. (2012) research on the subject ,as well delving into the false belief that good weather can be a factor of productivity. Thi Weather In Relation to Student Performances: Bad Weather Increases Productivity When a student wakes up it

  • The Problem Of Being A Dangerous Neighborhood

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    Especially as young teenagers we are always told to not to talk to anyone in the street or to not be out too late. Parents are constantly reminding us to be safe but not everyone listens. Not listening to your parents can lead bad consequences. Speaking from experience, I got into a bad situation for not following what my parents told me about safety. Now I am more aware of my surroundings, but I still can not forget the day I learned my lesson. It was Tuesday and the day was draining away. I wanted to

  • The Role Of The Narrator In Greasy Lake

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    The narrator in “Greasy Lake” is a very interesting character and really changes throughout the story. The narrator thought that he was “bad” until an interesting night that had which changed all that. “We were dangerous characters then. We wore torn-up leather jackets, slouched around with toothpicks in our mouths, sniffed glue and ether and what somebody claimed was cocaine.” The narrator did things that were wrong and he didn’t care what his parents thought. He even took his “parents’ whining

  • How Should I Tarnish Your Reputation?

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    continues throughout your entire life. If you make a bad decision, you could crack or tarnish your reputation. As Ben Franklin said, “Glass, china, and reputation are easily cracked, and never well mended.” Keeping your reputation clean is a very important part of getting to high school, getting a job, and succeeding in the future. If you sully your reputation, it can cost you in the long run. Looking back on my personal life as a teen, I made some pretty bad decisions that definitely had a negative effect

  • Alexander's Bad Day: A Lesson For All

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    “I am having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day,” Alexander continuously reiterates throughout the classic children’s book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. The author, Judith Viorst, presents a particularly awful day in the life of a child named Alexander. The moment Alexander wakes up with gum in his hair, he presumes that it is going to be a terrible day. The story continues with Alexander tripping on his skateboard, losing his best friend, and singing too loud

  • Curl Your Hair

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    When it comes to curling your own hair, does it seem to not curl or even worse drop after a few minutes? Have you ever desired nice bouncy curls that looks fresh and not stiff? If so, then this is the essay for you. There are several different ways to curl your hair, you could use flexi rods, wand curlers, or even a flat iron. This essay will demonstrate three easy steps on how to achieve curly, fresh, and bouncy curls by grooming, moisturizing, and styling. To achieve nice, bouncy, and long lasting

  • "The Princess and the Goblin": Don't Waste Your Time

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    it belonged to the Galadriel/Grandmother figure from the first book, he sets his life back on the right path. The fairy godmother sends him on a journey to the capital of the kingdom. She grants him a few boons: the ability to tell good people from bad by holding their hands, and a big ugly monster, Lina, who is really a good person inside. As he travels to the capital he and Lina recruit more unique and ugly monsters, which will of course come in handy later. Curdie gets to the capital, and is

  • Let Kids Be Kids Research Paper

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    Let Kids Be Kids “A lot of parents will do anything for their kids except let them be themselves." (Banksy) All the time, you hear adults say they wish they were children again. It’s because children get to have fun, they don’t have to worry about so many responsibilities. As adults, we have to provide for ourselves and maybe even our families. We have to make sure our priorities are taken care of before we can do what we actually want to do. Children on the other hand, do not have to do this