Let Kids Be Kids Research Paper

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Let Kids Be Kids
“A lot of parents will do anything for their kids except let them be themselves." (Banksy) All the time, you hear adults say they wish they were children again. It’s because children get to have fun, they don’t have to worry about so many responsibilities. As adults, we have to provide for ourselves and maybe even our families. We have to make sure our priorities are taken care of before we can do what we actually want to do. Children on the other hand, do not have to do this. They get to enjoy life and have fun without so much pressure on their shoulders. Competitive sports do not let kids be kids. Competitive sports are not what is best for children because the children ae being pushed too far by their parents, their bodies are not developed enough to endure so many collisions, and their losing can harm their self-esteem.

As a child, I did cheerleading, and I would watch how hard the other parents would push their children. They would push them to try to be perfect, which is something no one can be. Parents of children …show more content…

An adult getting hit can be much less detrimentally than it happening to a child. A lot of doctors do not recommend children to do competitive sports. According to Dr. Vani Sabesan, “Children that are thrill seekers often attempt stunts that are too dangerous for them, which can lead to serious injuries or even death” (1). Children yearn to make others happy, if they see what they are doing excites people they will only try to do it bigger and better the next time. They will do things that they may not necessarily be comfortable doing or fully trained in just to show of in front of others and become hurt. They are also easily influenced by other so something they see someone else do they will try to conquer that same task. They fail to realize that the other person is bigger and has had more training than

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