Bach Essays

  • Bach

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    Johanna Sebastian Bach was a composer of the Baroque era, the most celebrated member of a large family of northern German musicians. Although he was admired by his contemporaries primarily as an outstanding harpsichordist, organist, and expert on organ building. Bach is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time and is celebrated as the creator of the Brandenburg Concertos, The Well-Tempered Clavier, the Mass in B Minor, and numerous other masterpieces of church and instrumental

  • Bach

    551 Words  | 2 Pages

    Bach Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) was unlike most other composers of his time. “He wrote music for the glory of God, and to satisfy his own burning curiosity, not for future fame.” During the 1700s, people knew him as a talented musician, not as a composer, as we do today. He never left his country to pursue bigger and better things. Bach was content as long as he could play music. Traditions were very important to him. He wanted to carry on the musical tradition of his family, and

  • The Joy of Bach

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    The Joy of Bach The Baroque period was filled with the new idea that every issue had two sides. Great thinkers and masterminds left behind the idea that the world was either god- influenced or science-influenced. Most people embraced this notion, with the exception of a few. Johann Sebastian Bach was one of these few people. Bach, although the greatest composer of the Baroque period, led a life based on tradition and past influence, which left him virtually ignored for many years after his

  • Bach and Schoenberg

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    J. S. Bach was the first known composer to use a literal representation of his name in his music. He used the chromatic motive B-A-C-H , that is, B-flat, A, C, B-natural in American theoretical language in Contrapunctuas XIV from the Art of Fugue. Although Bach left this fugue unfinished, the third and last subject of the fugue was the B-A-C-H motive that composers after Bach have used to pay tribute to the great composer. There are a number of composers; including: Schumann, Liszt, Reger, Busoni

  • Johann Sebastian Bach

    1321 Words  | 3 Pages

    JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH Johann Sebastian Bach was born in 1685 in the town of Thuringia, Germany where he was raised and spent most of his life. Due to a shortage of expenses, he was confined to a very limited geographical space, as was his career. This greatly affected his, in that his music was not as widley known as other composers of the time. On traveling he never went farther north than Hamburg or farther south than Carlsbad. To look back on the life of Bach many have referred to him

  • Johann Sebastian Bach

    1092 Words  | 3 Pages

    Johann Sebastian Bach, a man who greatly contributed to Germany and many other specific regions of Europe during his life. Born in 1685 Eisenach on March 21, Bach was a member of one of the most excellent musical families of all time as, for over 200 years, the Bach family had birthed some of the most superb composers and performers, many supported by churches, the government, and nobles for their extraordinary works ("Wikipedia"). However, having been orphaned so early on, Bach grew up in the home

  • Johann Sebastian Bach

    1397 Words  | 3 Pages

    Johann Sebastian Bach Johann Sebastian Bach was a German organist, composer, and musical scholar of the Baroque period, and is almost universally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time. His works, noted for their intellectual depth, technical command, and artistic beauty, have provided inspiration to nearly every musician after him, from Mozart to Schoenberg. J. S. Bach was born in Eisenach, Germany, March 21, 1685. Bach’s uncles were all professional musicians ranging from

  • Bach Essay

    517 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mollie Lee Rowland Orchestra P. 1 March 10, 2014 Bach Bachs’ full name was Johann Sebastian Bach and he was born on March 21, 1685 in a small town called Eisenach, located in Thuringia, Germany during the Baroque period. Bach was the son of Johann Ambrosius and Maria Elisabeth Lammerhirt and the eighth and youngest child. Bach’s father worked mostly as a director of the musicians in Eisenach while his mother was unemployed. Bach’s mother passed away in 1964 and his father soon followed only eight

  • Beethoven and Bach

    893 Words  | 2 Pages

    Starting at a young age Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven have done just that with their musical compositions. Both musical composers changed the world of music and captivated the hearts of many. Their love of composing shared many similar traits, though their musical styles were much different. Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven both flourished in their compositions of classical music; however, their genre of music differed considerably. Bach was a German composer during the Baroque

  • The Bach Family

    1071 Words  | 3 Pages

    Light, playful but soft baroque music, this is what the Bach family name is famous for today. But J.S. Bach wasn’t the only composer in the family, and his uncle, all his brothers, and his father shared his exact first and last name. It’s only the middle name that made J.S Bach unique in his family, but today, he is extraordinary in his music composition talent. The Bach family was known for their musical positions in Thuringia. In the family there were organists, town instrumentalists, and Cantors

  • Technology and Music – Baroque, Boole, Binary, Beams, and Bach

    1835 Words  | 4 Pages

    Technology and Music – Baroque, Boole, Binary, Beams, and Bach Is this merely a clever alliteration or a deep connection between science, mathematics, and western culture entirely overlooked? The following seeks to join these five B's in an intimate manner, bringing to light this seemingly complex connection. Part I: Baroque and Bach Chromaticism and elaborate forms of ornamentation characterize the Baroque period of music. In fact, this period, lasting from the late sixteenth century

  • Beethoven, Bach And Bartok: Comparisons

    3266 Words  | 7 Pages

    Barouque Composers Still Being Played Frequently Monteverdi Lully Corelli Pachelbel Scarlatti Purcell Couperin Albinoni Vivaldi Telemann Rameau Bach Handel Gluck Baroque and Classical Orchestras – Differences <td width="50%">Baroque OrchestrasClassical OrchestrasString section and basso continuo central to the orchestra. Other instruments are occasional additions.Standard group of four sections: strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion. Different instruments treated individually.Fairly small; generally

  • Bach: The Baroque Period: Johann Sebastian Bach

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    time was Johann Sebastian Bach. It is also no surprise that he was an excellent musician and composer. Bach was born into a life of music. Musicians had been in his family for generations and continued with him, his siblings, and his children. However, he was one of the more well-known musicians in his family. His music became very prominent and defined an era. People from all

  • The Price of Freedom in The Children's Bach and Joan Makes History

    3738 Words  | 8 Pages

    The Price of Freedom in The Children's Bach and Joan Makes History It has been suggested that the "modern woman's quest for emancipation in contemporary Australian literature is shown to have been a failure"2. I believe that this suggestion is invalid. Not because the statement is true or untrue, but because the concept of women's emancipation is so fraught to begin with. To emancipate is "to free from restraint of any kind, especially the inhibitions of tradition"3. While it is obviously true

  • Johann Sebastian Bach

    1458 Words  | 3 Pages

    Johann Sebastian Bach was born into a family of musicians. It was only natural for him to pick up an instrument and excel in it. His father taught him how to play the violin and harpsichord at a very young age. All of Bach’s uncles were professional musicians, one of them; Johann Christoph Bach introduced him to the organ. Bach hit a turning point in his life when both of his parents died at the age of ten years old. Bach’s older brother Johann Christoph Bach took him in and immediately expanded

  • Dmitri Shostakovich and Johann Sebastian Bach

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    Dmitri Shostakovich and Johann Sebastian Bach Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975) was one of the greatest composers of Soviet Russia. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) is regarded today as the father of Western music. They came from opposite ends of music history and lived in entirely different environments, but Shostakovich was undoubtedly influenced by Bach’s music, and their respective musical styles came from the same core tradition of Western music. But most importantly, underneath the obvious

  • Johann Sebastian Bach

    2916 Words  | 6 Pages

    influential of all composers is Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach’s effect on music history can never be over-exaggerated. Bach played a crucial role in influencing many later composers, such as Mozart and Beethoven, as well as many modern musicians, redefined polyphonic music and musical form, and created beautiful works of canonic music that still resonate with listeners today, over 250 years after his death. Born in March of 1685, Johann Sebastian Bach was born into a family of musicians. His

  • Johann Sebastian Bach

    595 Words  | 2 Pages

    in Eisenach, Germany, one of the greatest composers in musical history was born. Johann Sebastian Bach would live on, and distinguish himself in music history and would one day be among the most remarkable musicians who ever lived. Some would designate him as the greatest of them all (Pogue and Speck 24). He was born into one of the most extraordinary musical families the world has ever known. Bach was a devoutly religious man and was acquainted with tragedy. His first wife had died suddenly while

  • Johann Sebastian Bach

    872 Words  | 2 Pages

    Johann Sebastian Bach Bach descended from a long line of distinguished musicians, and, after his death, several of his sons achieved musical prominence. He received his first musical training from members of his family, including his father, who was also a musician. He learned a great deal by studying the scores of other composers, assimilating the best musical practices of Germany, Italy, Austria, and France. Early on, he exhibited the work ethic that made him an extremely prolific composer.

  • Johann Ambrosius Bach: The Life Of Johann Sebastian Bach

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    On March 21, 1685, the son of Johann Ambrosius Bach, Johann Sebastian Bach was born. He and his family lived in Eisenach, Germany for ten years (Baroquemusic). When he was a young boy, Johann Sebastian’s father taught him how to play the violin and the harpsichord. Johann Sebastian’s uncle, Johann Christoph Bach taught him how to play the organ, proving to have an aptitude for learning these instruments. At the age of eight, Johann Sebastian went to the Latin Grammar School, where he was taught how