Athenian Women Essays

  • Athenian Women

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    ATHENIAN WOMEN It is ridiculous to assume that the Athenian women of Ancient Greece were respected and revered by men. These women were not held in high regard. Men controlled all aspects of their lives, beginning with their fathers and continuing with their husbands once they married. Most girls were married in their very early teens to men that were usually much older (Xenophon’s Oeconomicus), sometimes as much as twice the age of their wives. The age difference was considered a moot point since

  • The Lives of Athenian Women

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    Women in classical Athens could not have had an extremely enjoyable experience, if we rely on literary sources concerning the roles of women within the Greek polis. The so-called Athenian democracy only benefited a fraction of the entire population. At least half of this population was female, yet women seem to have had very little influence and few official civic rights. `The position of a subject which has provoked much controversy.' (Lacey: 1968, 151). Studies concerning the lives

  • Female Deception in Aristophanes

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    Female Deception in Aristophanes The sly, deceptive nature of women in Ancient Greece is a prominent theme in the comic plays of Aristophanes. Like many other Grecian writers, his depiction of crimes committed by women slanders their reputation and reinforces the negative female stereotypes of the times. Yet when one looks at the issue through the eyes of the female characters in his plays, women’s deception appears to be not only natural, but even praiseworthy for its reliability and aide

  • Essay on Sophocles' Antigone

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    In ancient Greece, men who died in war fulfilled the civic ideal to the utmost.  The women, destined to live out a degrading life, died in bed.  Certainly, not all men died in battle, but every epitaph shows in one way or another, the city would always remember the men who died in war.  Additionally, not all Athenian women died in bed; nonetheless, it was left to her family to preserve the memory of her not the city.  No matter how perfect a woman was she would never receive the same status or level

  • Similarities Between Sparta Women And Athenian Women

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    Sparta and Athenian women History Authors Name Institutional affiliation 1. How do the women of Athens seem to be depicted compared to the women of Sparta? Compare the similarities and differences between the women and their lifestyles, at least as imagined/prescribed by Lycurgus of Sparta and Apollodorus of Athens. The women of Sparta were given both physical and scholastic training. Athenian ladies, then again, were educated just how to compose and read and fundamental family employment

  • Similarities Between Spartan Women And Athenian Women

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    document, I’m going to write about women in Sparta and Athens. I realized, they are similar as well as different in several ways. Also, I’m going to study Plutarch’s account of Spartan women in which he supports or doesn’t support the textbook’s presentation; in addition, I’m going to present my opinion of Plutarch’s ideas. And I’m going to talk about any similarities between women then and today. Spartan women and Athenian women had many differences. While Spartan women were able to do multiple activities

  • Spartan Women Vs Athenian Women Essay

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    From what I learned about male and female conditions in Ancient Greece during my years of study, I should decide first if I would be a woman or a man in both Athenian or Spartan situation. My destiny would be deeply different, and in consequence, my decisional power would change as well. By the way, I decided to imagine myself as a woman in order to be more objective and concrete on my impressions. At first glance, this direction seemed to be asking whether one would prefer to rule in Hell than

  • Differences Between Sparta And Athenian Women

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    rights and roles in the system. Athenian and Spartan women both were considered to be second to their male counterparts. Spartan women had more rights than Athenian women. Through, research realizing that the Spartan women were slightly greater role than Athenian women. In their youth, Spartan women were allowed to train with Spartan warriors. This was done in the belief that their training would give them the power to bear warrior sons (Robert R. Edgar). In fact, women in Sparta formed a military

  • Prostitutes in Ancient Athens

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    rights and splendors of the city. A citizen controlled influence over slaves, foreigners and most importantly women. Athenian women were relegated to the status of child bearers and keepers of the household. There was no room for personal expression or freedom and the strict moral code in many cases restricted these women from even leaving their homes. There was a select group of women however who overcame these obstacles to achieve greater sexual, economical, and social freedom. They were the

  • Role of Women During the Time of Lysistrata

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    The True Role of Women During the Time of Lysistrata Aristophanes’ significant contributions in the development of the theater arts and his standing in the Athenian community are well documented. His hilarious comedy, Lysistrata, reflects the disgust with war prevalent at Athens after the disastrous expedition to Sicily. It is ripe with sexual innuendo and provides much insight into the timeliness of human sexuality, desire, and the war of the sexes, yet it was intended to make a political statement

  • Analysis Of The Essay 'Athenian Women' By Sarah Ruden

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    Lysistrata In her essay on, “Athenian Women,” Sarah Ruden points out that Aristophanes in Lysistrata portray women as supportive of Athenian institutions and eager to save them. But she cautions, “To do this now they must flout law, religion, and every notion of public decency – and this is definitely no reflection on women’s attitudes, but mere satirical farce and fantasy” (Ruden 107). An important element of “satirical farce” in this spirit would be a heavy use of repetition to make people laugh

  • Plato & Medea

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    In ancient Greece women were viewed as many things. They were not viewed as equivalent to males by any means. Women were portrayed usually as submissive domestic, and controlled. They played supporting or secondary roles in life to men, who tended to be demanding of their wives, but expected them to adhere to their wishes. In the tragedy Medea, written by Euripides, Medea plays the major role in this story, unlike most Greek stories with women playing only minor roles, but she also demonstrates many

  • Lysistrata Essay

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    takes place during the Peloponnesian War and the women of Greece are tired of their men being at war. Greek women want to preserve the traditional way of life in their community. With this in mind, Lysistrata calls all the women of Greece together and devises a plan. She argues that if the women all participate in two activities, their men will end the war. Her proposals are that the women hold a sexual strike against the men. She urged the women to dress in sexy clothing but refuse sexual activity

  • Women vs. Pericles’ Ideal of Athenian Womanhood

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    Throughout history, men have traditionally been perceived as superior and prevailing over women. Although women have held many different roles in society, women had always been considered inferior both physically and intellectually. Pericles, a general of Athens, gives his opinion of women’s role in society in his famous funeral speech. He first shows that he views women to be the weaker sex by stating, “…to those of you who will now be in widowhood, it will be all comprised in this brief exhortation

  • role of women in ancient greece and egypt

    2395 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Role of Women in Ancient Greece and Egypt Throughout history, most societies held women in an inferior status compared to that of men. This was often justified as being the natural result of biological differences between the sexes. In many societies, for example, people believed women to be more emotional and less decisive than men. Women were also viewed to be less intelligent and less creative by nature. However, research shows that women and men have the same range of emotional, intellectual

  • Essay On The Parthenon

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    major sociocultural motifs. In Ancient Athens, the Parthenon was an architectural phenomenon built around mid 5th century that represented the integrity and cultural values of being an Athenian. Prior to the existence of the Parthenon, the Persians raided the acropolis and Pre-Parthenon in 480 BC, causing Athenians to pledge to defeat the Persians before rebuilding the fallen temple. The elevated acropolis continuously showcased the ruins of the

  • How Effective was Athenian Democracy?

    1945 Words  | 4 Pages

    investigation will examine the effectiveness of Athenian democracy in Greek society. Relevance of Athenian democracy can be seen in foundation of many democracies found worldwide. In this investigation the right to vote, protection of minorities, use of social class, the structure of democracy and how Greek democracy has influenced the world will be addressed. The place investigated will be Greece, specifically the capitol Athens. The effectiveness of Athenian democracy can be seen in social structure

  • Athens-Greece

    618 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ancient Greece the city-states of Athens and Sparta represented two very different forms of living. Spartans directed their time towards their military capabilities while the Athenians were interested in comfort and culture. Sparta’s and Athens’ political and environmental differences along with their different views on women caused the two city-states to be very dissimilar. Two major forms of government existed during Ancient Greece: oligarchy and democracy. The government in Sparta was controlled

  • Athens vs. Sparta

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    major forms of government existed, democracy and oligarchy. The city-states of Athens and Sparta are the best representatives of democracy and oligarchy, respectively. The focus of the times was directed towards military capabilities, while the Athenians were more interested in comfort and culture. It was the oligarchy in Sparta that put a war-like attitude as its first priority and best met the needs of Ancient Greece. These factors empowered Sparta and led to the development of an authoritative

  • Advantages Of Democracy In Athens

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    themselves. However, not everyone was a citizen. To be a citizen one must be born in Athens, male, landowning, and free-born. After meeting all the requirements they were able to vote on all bills and legislation. The assembly was a main aspect of Athenian Democracy, they had many jobs such as making public announcements, and voting on the primary issues of Athens. Another important part of the democracy was the council of 500, who were drawn randomly and could only serve once. They knew that all citizens