Art Museum Essays

  • Art museums

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    said that museums should not be free. He said people should care enough to pay for the admission. However, I personally do not think it is that simple. Craig has never been to an art museum. I know for a fact that if the Gibbes Museum of Art was free, we would have gone there together long time ago, and we would go there more than once. We have never been there because, even though $7 per student is not much at all, we always find another way to spend $14 when we have it. Should art museums be free

  • The Metropolitan Museum Of Art: The Metropolitan Museum Of Art

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    The Metropolitan Museum of Art Items displayed in museums hold historical significance and are representative of society’s culture. Preserving valuable collections for education and enjoyment is a primary role of museums. While fulfilling this role, the architecture of the museum is also an important factor. Historical buildings are converted into museums and architects must consider the use of the space and the museum’s purpose during their initial design. Other museums are built with a clear

  • The Metropolitan Museum Of Art: The Metropolitan Museum Of Art

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    The Metropolitan Museum of Art The Metropolitan Museum of Art came about as an idea from Jon Jay in Paris, France in 1866 with the idea of “national institution gallery of art” within the United States. Once this idea was proposed, it was immediately moved forward with his return to the United States. With the help of the Union League Club in NY they began to acquire civic leaders, businessmen, artists, and collectors who aided in the creation of the museum. For over 140 years, the visitors who

  • Art Museum Essay

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    If a local museum paid me to attract teens; I would have a lot of interesting activities planned. The activities would have to be appealing to the teenagers of course and they should be fun. The activities also should be educational and innovative. I would want them to bring out a person’s creativity and use their imagination. There could also be competitions and a prize for the winner of the activity. As a teen myself, I would find these type of activities very interesting and would want to

  • Philadelphia Art Museum

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    The exhibit that I viewed at the Philadelphia Museum of Art was one about European Art between the years 1100-1500. This was a series of paintings, sculptures, architecture, and tapestry of the Medieval and Early Renaissance as well as objects from the Middle East. This exhibit was an important part of the history of the Philadelphia Museum of Art because for the first time, Italian, Spanish, and Northern European paintings from the John G. Johnson collection were shown. It gave me a good idea of

  • Metropolitan Museum of Art Trip

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    trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. It was a long journey to get there, especially with having to walk all the way from Penn Station, but it was a nice day so I couldn’t really complain. Plus, it was worth it because I love museums. The Met is absolutely beautiful, inside and out. I could not believe how big it was and how many galleries there actually were. I can’t wait to go back and see all of them! Our trip mostly focused upon Greek and Roman art, and I found it to be thoroughly

  • Museum Observations: Whitney Museum Of American Art

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    Museum Observations: Whitney Museum of American Art When visiting a museum, most of the times the viewer will not stop to consider what the museum itself is doing for the art that it is housing, but it is something very important to consider because it can greatly shape the art experience. For instance, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, its colosseum feel with intricate details and exhibits dedicated to different countries and decades of art, it sets the visitor up for a more traditional, classic

  • Art And Art: A Reflection Of The Historical Museum

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    controlling an object on display, the historical museum acquires social authority (Karp, Kreamer, and Lavine 149). Value is awarded to this artifact by its very placement within the chosen space. By removing the object from its cultural and economic milieu, museums effectively turn these materials into objets d’art. This premeditated creation is often used in order to guide the viewer to reflect upon the curator’s intended message. When analyzing the museum of the past, one must consider all facets including

  • Metropolitan Museum Of Art Analysis

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    While roaming around The Metropolitan Museum of Art, I witnessed thousands and thousands of different paintings, sculptures, ceramics, and many other beautiful and famous works of art. Being my first time at the museum, I was very overwhelmed. The MET Gala, which is held every year on the first Monday in May, is an event to raise money for the Costume Institute of the museum and as a fashion major, this a very exciting affair that I’ve always wanted to witness or at the very least visit the place

  • A Day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

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    A Day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art I. Jan van Eyck’s “Last Judgment” Jan van Eyck was active since 1422 and died in 1441. He was the most celebrated painter of the fifteen-century in Europe. One of his famous works is “The Last Judgment”. At first sight this work immediately attracted my attention. The painting’s stunning colors and the fact that it reminded me of a previous similar work I have seen, triggered in my mind. The material that is used is oil on canvas, transferred from

  • The Lowe Art Museum

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    The Lowe Art Museum is located right off of the main entrance to the University of Miami on Stanford Drive. The museum had several visitors walking throughout on the day I visited, but as one gets away from the main lobby, the building becomes almost silent. The only conversation heard are whispers and the movement of the security guard through the rooms about every two minutes. The absence of sound allows one to fully take in the beauty of the artwork. Walking around the different galleries, I came

  • Art Museum

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    consideration of the phenomena we experience everyday. Art is something static which we might use to slow us in our perception of our world. It is not required that art be something static in motion but in thought. It is not something to be considered with only fleeting attention. A single painting could mean millions of different things to different people. It is the value of possibility and of perception that is so important. The Weatherspoon Art Museum at UNCG is a perfect example of the importance of

  • Montclair Art Museum Report

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    the Montclair Art Museum. Upon entering, I observed the beautiful neoclassical architecture and roman cathedral like columns outside of the museum. Located on Bloomfield Ave, just miles from New York City, the Montclair Art Museum holds some of the best American and Native American art works. The different galleries and collections along with the breathtaking sculptures, paintings, and carvings added to my positive experience and I look forward to further exploring the world of art. The white walls

  • Polk Museum Of Art

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    The Polk Museum of Art (PMoA), is a non-profit, private, and nationally accredited art museum based in Lakeland, Florida. This museum specializes in modern, contemporary, Asian, African, European, and American artwork. In addition, the museum also holds a student exhibit, sculptures in the outer garden, and other special exhibits. The museum boasts a variety of diverse artworks that come rom everyday people and life. However, the PMoA is not so big, it only offers a fraction of the artwork for viewing

  • LA County Museum of Art

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    LA County Museum of Art (LACMA) The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, or LACMA as it is commonly known, is among the world’s largest art collections in North America, and to be specific enough the most prevalent artwork in the western United States (Compton 165). This massive art museum has a collection of over 100,000 artworks, which extends from the ancient times to present days (Gilbert and Mills 174). These collections, which are mainly from Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin-America and America itself

  • Metropolitan Museum Of Art: Madonna And Child

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    The Metropolitan Museum of Art, or MET, is home to a variety of artworks ranging from pre-colonial pieces to contemporary works. Many of the paintings in the MET are lavishly enormous, covering the entirety of walls and ceilings. However, the most expensive piece in the museum is surprisingly a tiny twenty-one by twenty centimeters piece, worth over forty five million dollars. The Madonna and Child was painted by Duccio di Buoninsegna in 1300 CE with tempera and gold on wood in Italy. In the piece

  • Tampa Museum Of Art Museum Essay

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    The Tampa Museum of Art was not always the same museum that we see today. It went through multiple stages throughout the years. The works vary, creating a large spectrum from the old to the new. The social angles change with the exhibits in the museum, combining to create the diversity we see today. Visiting this museum in person helped me to appreciate it even more than I would have thought possible. Observing and analyzing the other visitors helped me to understand the museum’s impact on the

  • Whitney Museum of Art

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    The Whitney Museum of American Art has often been referred to a citadel of American Art, partially due to the museums façade, a striking granite building (Figure 1), designed by Bauhaus trained architect Marcel Breuer. The museum perpetuates this reference through its biennial review of contemporary American Art, which the Whitney has become most famous for. The biennial has become since its inception a measure of the state of contemporary art in America today. Since the Museum's opening in 1931

  • Kimbell Art Museum Essay

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    a building. One superb example is The Kimbell Art Museum located in Fort Worth, Texas. This Museum continues to hold prestige in the public eye. Kahn was able to successfully use natural light and material that emphasize his architecture, while not over shadowing the art work displayed. These are few reasons of why The Kimbell Art Museum is an ideal museum that has only contributed to the modern age. This work of art is what many buildings and museums have always longed to be. The language of architecture

  • The Museum of Fine Arts

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    The Museum of Fine Arts One pleasant afternoon, my classmates and I decided to visit the Houston Museum of Fine Arts to begin on our museum assignment in world literature class. According to Houston Museum of Fine Art’s staff, MFAH considers as one of the largest museums in the nation and it contains many variety forms of art with more than several thousand years of unique history. Also, I have never been in a museum in a very long time especially as big as MFAH, and my experience about the museum