Arab Women Essays

  • Arab Women and Their Spouses

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    Arab Women and Their Spouses In many societies, the relationships between people differ and in some ways are all alike. None so obscure as the relationship between man and woman. It is especially intriguing to witness the compatibility of both especially in marriage. Using the three novels Pillars of Salt, by Fadia Faqir, A Woman of Five Seasons, by Leila Al-Atrash, and A Balcony over the Fakihani, by Liyana Badr one might begin to analyze the different relationships between men and women in Arab

  • Arab Women and Education

    7537 Words  | 16 Pages

    Arab Women and Education Whether it was the impoverished desert village, the war torn hills of Beirut, affluent Barqais, the jet set in London and Paris, or the enclosed lives of women in a harem in Morocco, the female characters in these novels all shared five common threads that dealt with the family and the search for identity. In my reading of five novels about Arab women from backgrounds and in situations as diverse as I thought possible, I was surprised to find this common thread running

  • Alienation in the lives of Arab Women

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    Alienation in the lives of Arab Women Alienation: al·ien·a·tion ( l y -n sh n, l - -) n. The act of alienating or the condition of being alienated; estrangement; isolation or dissociation. Alienation is a concept that is universal to all people of all cultures in the world and throughout all time periods. These feelings of alienation, in some form or another, have affected every human begin that has ever taken a breath and will until the race is extinct. It is these feelings of alienation

  • The Community of Female Voices in Arab Women Literature

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    The Community of Female Voices in Arab Women Literature In her memoir, Dreams of Trespass, Fatima Mernissi remembers asking her grandmother Yasmina how one can discern a true story from a false one. The wise old woman, Yasmina, told her granddaughter to relax and not look at life in extreme polarities because "there are things which could be both [true and false] and things which could be neither" (Dreams, 61). "Words are like onions," Yasmina explained further and "the more skins you peel off

  • Towards Arab Human Renaissance: The Rise of Women

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    Ages and the Modern Era. This bridge contributed to the prosperity and the development of Europe. Unfortunately, the Arab world is still lagging far behind. This gap can’t be filled unless an Arab human renaissance occurs. And this rebirth can’t be successful unless the status of women in the Arab world is improved. In fact, I believe that the rise of women is a prerequisite for an Arab renaissance. This transformation must be based on a peaceful process of negotiation for redistributing power and building

  • Arab Women

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    desperate poverty make Afghanistan the world’s most dangerous country in which to be born a woman” (Lisa Anderson). Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns is both an epic and horrendous account of two young Afghan women, Mariam and Laila. Blinded by the atrocious tragedies practiced on women in Afghanistan, Nana instructs her daughter, Mariam, that there is “only one skill a woman like you and me needs in life… And it’s this: tahamul. Endure” (Hosseini 17). What’s more, the reader sympathizes with the

  • Gender Roles and Ideas

    5515 Words  | 12 Pages

    Gender Roles and Ideas The Male Character in Arab Women’s Novels: Often in literature authors, particularly men, are criticized for falsely or inaccurately portraying or "writing" women. This debate has been historically confined to male authors, but is on occasion reversed and female authors are criticized for inaccurately writing men. Although it may sound like a fair trade—or at least the beginnings of one in the world of critics—these situations are limited to primarily European and predominately

  • Women, Work, and the Arab World

    687 Words  | 2 Pages

    finance as well as the cost of finance. Since women are perceived to be more “risky” as entrepreneurs, collateral requirements for women are much stricter in comparison to men. Oftentimes, the collateral necessary for a loan is land or a property deed, which women tend to have little of. Moreover, it is difficult for women to provide collateral because they are often under the supervision of male relatives and cannot freely manage their assets. Women are also less likely to provide collateral because

  • Gender And Gender Inequality In Arab Women

    2155 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Arab world is traditionally and originally a male-dominated culture, where male authority is the norm throughout most Arab countries. Subsequently, even with the introduction of Islam and the acknowledgement of women’s rights coming about in the early 20th century, as will later be described, there still remain those traditional components that affect male-female interactions and relationships in Arab societies. Gender and gender inequality are present in Arab societies still today and are at

  • Vathek's Portrayal Of Arab Muslim Women

    1162 Words  | 3 Pages

    narratives stereotype her for the sake of imperial purposes. William Beckford for example, is one of those Western writers, who stereotypes Arab Muslim women in his novel Vathak, but not for imperial purposes. He was greatly accused of stereotyping oriental people, and especially oriental woman, to support imperialism. Rasoul Aliakbari says that Vathek’s women “are put under a collective and thus pejorative framework… his representation show the inefficiency of the author in the

  • Fadia Faqir's Pillars of Salt and Leila al-Atrash's A Woman of Five Seasons

    5008 Words  | 11 Pages

    Five Seasons The portrayal of the Arab woman has always been through several different perceptions. Some believe that these women are weak, dependant and victims of a hyper patriarchal tradition and culture. They live their lives as if caged from one man to another. First it is their father and brothers and then their husbands and sons. It is true that Arab women do live within patriarchal traditions and cultures but the same can be said for majority of the women around the globe. A much more accurate

  • Frontiers of an Arab Woman

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    Frontiers of an Arab Woman “When you spend a whole day among the trees, waking up with walls as horizons becomes unbearable (Mernissi, 59).” One would assume that in the face of woman’s liberation-access to an equal and higher education, choice of a husband and access to a prosperous/independent future-that a woman would be positioned to escape gender oppression. However, this is not the case for the Arab women of Fatima Mernissi’s Dreams of Trespass and Ahdaf Soueif’s In the Eye of the

  • Representation Of Arab Muslim Women In William Beckford's Vathek

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    the Arab Muslim woman in William Beckford’s Vathek and in its contemporary Oriental fictions, we need, at the beginning, to trace her development in the Western fiction long before the 18th century. This chapter examines the representations of Arab Muslim woman in Western literary texts , covering the period from the eleventh century to the seventeenth century ,and examines how these representations pave the way to her representation in the eighteenth century, and to what extent Vathek’s women can

  • Self-Determination in Arab Society

    5933 Words  | 12 Pages

    Self-Determination in Arab Society Since World War Two, much of the developing world has been in transition. One such idea that saw a re-birth was that of self-determination-- be it on the national level or on the personal level. Self-determination on a national level means the independence of a country; on a personal level, it is the determination of one own fate. This can be seen in various ways with our five women characters, Maha, Um Saad, Nadia, Yusra and Suad. In the forward of Daughters

  • Gender and Diversity

    1275 Words  | 3 Pages

    Although Women position in the labor market of the MENA region has improved in the past few years, female participation is the MENA region is still ranked as the lowest in the world (World Bank 55). Many reasons behind that lag were highlighted in the readings. Even though several structural reforms took place, the phenomena of female limited participation persists. Thus it seems that the problem does not lie in the demand side of female labor or the structure of the institutions, as much as it lies

  • Nonverbal Communication: A Notion to Motion

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    article will be very useful when trying to compare cultural similarities and differences when as it relates to gestures. U.S. Army. (January, 2006). Arab Culture Awareness: 58 Factsheet. Retrieved from This United States Army handbook illustrates a number of facts on how to communicate within the Arab culture. This book is a great source as it will help me to gather supporting evidence that will be used in the body of my paper.

  • Arab Culture Essay

    1665 Words  | 4 Pages

    Birth and death in the Arab culture has being one of the most interesting topics that is being discussed more frequently. When people talk or hear about the Arab culture they tend to think about different things about them like they are being considered as terrorist, they oppress their women and many things like that. But we tend to forget that this people, the Arabs are also human beings that they have normal day-to-day activities like people in the other part of the so-called westernized world

  • The Crowded Clinic: The Importance of Office Duties to Help the Patients

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    Alleviate the Angst of Waiting and Keep Patients Happy. Retrieved from Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence US Army Training and Doctrine Command Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. Arab Cultural Awareness: 58 Factsheets. (2006, December). Retrieved from‎ Marohn, K., & Dickrel, S. (2012, December 09). Medical Interpreters Help Patients, Doctors Communicate. Retrieved from http://www.usatoday

  • Arab And Meals

    772 Words  | 2 Pages

    With Arabs Arabs enjoy inviting guests to their homes for meals; you could be a guest at meals any time. Meals provide the host and hostess with a perfect opportunity to display their generosity and demonstrate their personal regard for you. Arabs usually invite guests through an oral invitation and by sending a written invitation. If you plan to visit a family in Bethlehem, for example, you must know the time of the invitation and how to act during and after the meal. Most of the Arab families

  • negative depiction of muslims in hollywood

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    color of everywhere it has been, but the final print of this reel project is black and white. Hollywood over the years, has continued to misrepresent the enriched Arab culture and the religion of Islam and it’s people with degrading stereotypes shown in movies which a tremendous amount of viewers watch, questioning the integrity of arabs and muslims. I have been researching this topic due to the complexity of power behind these images we see throughout movies. The question bounces around in my head