Aquatic animal Essays

  • Aquatic Animals In Captivity

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    Is aquatic wildlife kept in confinement for their safety or for human enjoyment? Animals have been used for entertainment purposes since television was invented and gathered controversy in 1993 when the film Free Willy was released (Evans). This scandal encouraged viewers to investigate the conditions of the whale, Keiko, and found that he began to rely heavily on humans even after his release (Evans). Aquariums are continued to be visited without researching about the harm that they are causing

  • Quebec City Research Paper

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    5 principal attractions for each of the targeted groups: A family of five from Finland; ages 38,37, 14, 11 and 8 • Whale watching – Quebec is home to some of the whale watching spots in the world. You can see whales in the St. Lawrence such as the blue whale and humpbacks while on the boat and in some places, you can even watch them from the shore. There are 13 different species of whales to see from. It is an unforgettable experience to witness such a large creature up close with family. Whale watching

  • Daphnia Heart Rate Lab Report

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    name of a group of small, aquatic crustaceans commonly called 'water flies'. Because their exoskeletons are clear it is possible to watch daphnia hearts without cutting them open. This also allows the changes in daphnia heart rate to be studied quite easily. Hypothesis I predict that a daphnia should have a heartbeat of 190 to 200 per minute. However this would also be dependent of the room temperature as daphnias are cold blooded animals, they do not thermo regulate

  • Sea Lions: Nature's Playful Aquatic Land Mammals

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    Sea Lions: Nature's Playful Aquatic Land Mammals Introduction Sea lions may look like sea creatures, but they also behave like terrestrial animals. Unlike whales, mammals that spend their entire lives in water, sea lions inhabit both the water and land throughout their lives. This aquatic land animal prefers the water for food, fun, and safety; while preferring the land for socializing, territory, and procreation. Being mammals, they share many behaviors common to humans and other mammals

  • The Evolution of Ichthyosaurs- Large Aquatic Reptiles

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    The Evolution of Ichthyosaurs- Large Aquatic Reptiles In the early 1800’s, a new discovery that left paleontologists in awe was the fossil finding of the immeasurable amount of species of reptiles, Ichthyosaurs. Greek for “fish lizards”, these fossils were found all over the world. Because these large aquatic reptiles migrated just as whales do today, paleontologists have had the amazing advantage of collecting fascinating bone fragments throughout the past 177 years. Ichthyosaurs swam the ocean

  • A New Species of Whale

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    information on this new species they had to murder nine other whales, one ‘accidentally.’ This finding was a great feat for science because it is important to learn as much as we can about a species before they become extinct. The rate in which large aquatic mammals are reaching extinction has been rising. So although there is much to be found and much that has been found about not only the new species of the baleen whale, but also the other two species that have risen to the surface, it was not done

  • Tetrapods: From Water To Land

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    for a long period of time is whether the anatomy for locomotion on land was developed in water for swimming purposes, or if it was adapted after the creatures became terrestrial. Recent findings of fossils indicate that the transformations of the aquatic creatures happened underwater in order to help them survive in the changing world. When looking for answers, they had to examine forearm, hip, wrist, finger, and other bones, as well as the lungs or gills of the early tetrapod fossils. This information

  • Behaviour of Wood Lice Experiment

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    to the biological class crustacea. Most of the animals in this class are aquatic, and though the terrestrial species can breathe with the aid of primitive ‘lungs’ they lack the features found in most other land-dwelling arthropods. They have no waterproof waxy cuticle on their exo-skeleton and are therefore more likely to suffer from dessication compared with other arthropods such as insects which have a well developed waxy layer. These animals excrete their nitrogenous waste as ammonia gas

  • Aquatic Invertebrates

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    Outline for a report Aquatic Invertebrates Used to Classify Stream Health Ecosystem All things contained in an environment Water (input and output) Climate Daylight Plant life Clear Cutting Clear Cutting seriously effects all aspects of an ecosystem Maine is, per capita, the most heavily logged state in the continental U.S. Why Clear Cutting is Used Simple Creates a uniform forest to harvest in 40 years or so Easy to replant Cheap to Maintain (pesticides) Clear Cutting Impacts on Streams Clear


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    general area. An community is a population located in a certain area living among different species. An ecosystem is a larger mass of a population, a community, and abiotic factors. Ecosystems can be aquatic or terrestrial. The earth's aquatic ecosystem makes up about 75% of the earth's surface. This aquatic environment is divided into marine and freshwater environments. The earth's earthly ecosystem is mainly made up of forests and deserts, which make up for 25% of the earth's surface. The role or function

  • Dead Sea

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    General Purpose: To inform Specific purpose: The audience will know that the Dead Sea is devoid of all plant and aquatic life, why the sea is so salty and the health benefits. Thesis or central idea: The Dead Sea has a unique environment Main Points: a.     The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest bodies of water anywhere b.     The Dead Sea is devoid of all plant and aquatic life c.     The Dead Sea area has become a major center for health research and treatment Introduction: You know why they

  • Savanna Theory Versus Aquatic Ape Theory of Human Evolution

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    Savanna Theory Versus Aquatic Ape Theory of Human Evolution The evolution of man is constantly in question. While we are reasonably sure that modern humans and primates are both related to the same common ancestor, there is constant debate over what initially caused the two species to split into early hominids and apes. According to some, our longest and most popular theory on the division of man and ape is profoundly wrong. However, those same individuals usually offer an equally controversial

  • The Effect of Light Intensity on the Rate of Photosynthesis in an Aquatic Plant

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    The Effect of Light Intensity on the Rate of Photosynthesis in an Aquatic Plant Introduction The input variable I will be investigating is light, as light is just one of the 4 factors required in the green-plant process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which green-plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, water & chlorophyll to produce their own food source. This process is also affected by the temperature surrounding the plant (the species of plant we experimented with

  • The Importance of Riparian Areas

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    between aquatic and on land ecosystems. It wasn’t until recently that riparian areas have been viewed as important places, rather than ‘sacrifice’ areas that could be given up for livestock and crops. They take up a small part of our earth, but they are vital to ecosystems and to the water they surround. The roles of riparian areas are rather simple, but they are extremely important to vegetation, wildlife, water, and us. Riparian areas are the “in between” places between on land and aquatic ecosystems

  • An Essay On The Ecosystem

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    Ecosystems vary in sizes and the living and non-living organisms that make them up. Ecosystems contain biotic factors such as plants, animals, and other organisms and also abiotic factors, such as rocks, temperature, and humidity (Coniferous Forest). Often times, ecosystems are divided into different categories based on climate patterns, soils types, and the animals and plants that inhibit them One example of an ecosystem is the coniferous forest. Coniferous forests are generally found in the far

  • Ecosystem Essay

    794 Words  | 2 Pages

    An ecosystem is a community of plants, animals and smaller organisms that live, feed, reproduce and interact in the same area or environment. Each individual plant and animal could not exist by itself on planet Earth. All living organisms need millions of other living organisms to survive. How these organisms interact with the sun, soil, water, air and each other in a specific are is called an ecosystem. In the following paragraphs I will be organization that make up an ecosystem and their organizations

  • The Importance Of Benthic Community

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    different benthic organisms have in our oceans. Benthos can be classified as either phytobenthos, or zoobenthos (Benthic, What is Benthos). Phytobenthos are primary producers such as algae (seaweed) and aquatic plants like seagrass. Zoobenthos, on the other hand, are consumers like benthic animals and protozoa. Sugars are able to leak out of phytobenthos tissues as they rapidly produce carbohydrate molecules, then it attracts zoobenthos that consume the sugars or the seaweed itself (Garrison 342)

  • How Acid Rain Affects the Aquatic Ecosystem

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    How Acid Rain Affects the Aquatic Ecosystem Abstract This paper shows that acid rain is a reality. It is destroying our freshwater ecosystems and must be stopped in order to save them. If the problem is not fixed soon the aquatic ecosystems will be destroyed. Table of Contents 1. What is acid rain? 2. Acidification of Freshwater 3. Effects of Freshwater Acidification 4. Where is Affected the most? 5. What is being done to fix it? 6. Conclusion 7. References What is acid

  • Adaptation and The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection

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    extensively and made a number of observations that were critical to the development of the theory” (Natural History Museum). The Biosphere, “the largest biological system” (Chiras), is comprised of distinct regions within two categories: biomes and aquatic life zones. Biomes are divided by their physical characteristics, chemical composition, and the types of organisms present. The primary biomes are Tundra, Taiga, Temperate Deciduous forest, Temperate grassland, Dessert, Tropical Rain forest, and Altitudinal

  • The Study and Applications of Nanoscience

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    degrade which may lead to accumulation in body or the environment ().... ... middle of paper ... ...system and the chemicals impacts on the ecosystem. () In aquatic ecosystem along with silver nanoparticle nanocopper also damages cell membrane and DNA at cellular level. Also affects fecundity, physiology and survival of many aquatic organisms including crustaceans, mussel and many fish species. ()Nanoparticle cause damages after chronic exposure. (8) when AgNP is present in salt water the toxicity