Antivirals Essays

  • Rhinovirus - The Common Cold

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    Rhinovirus - The Common Cold Introduction: Rhinovirus, pictured above, is best known as the common cold. It is a member of the picornaviridae family along with more virulent viruses such as polio and hepatitis A. The viruses of this family are characterized as small (20-30nm genome) positive polarity RNA viruses consisting of one genome segment and a nonenveloped capsid. Unlike the its more lethal relatives, Rhinovirus is designed to attack a host numerous times during their lifetime. It is the


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    HEPATITIS C There is a disease spreading out in the world called Hepatitis C. It affects the liver and may cause the liver to fail. This disease is caused by a virus called Hepatitis C virus which is also known as HCV. About 32,000 people are affected with this disease per year only in the United States area. Some It’s a disease with many symptoms and many causes. of these symptoms are easy bruising, upset stomach and fever. These are just some of the many symptoms that come from the virus. Hepatitis

  • Antimicrobial Agents Essay

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    description of the categories of antimicrobial agents will be given and the differences between viral and bacterial infection will be exampled. Antimicrobial agents consist of antibiotic, antifungals, antiprotozoal, and antiviral. “Antibiotics are powerful medicines that fight

  • An Evaluation of the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine

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    allergic reactions and sometimes severe side effects as evidence. With the risk of side effects and unclear effectiveness in mind, many will elect to either not vaccinate or seek treatment after the flu hits; a common treatment for the flu, the antiviral, disintegrates the virus after it strikes, yet its effectiveness has increasingly declined. While the flu vaccination does not provide comprehensive protection against the influenza virus, the vaccine, in conjunction with other precautionary — not

  • hepatitis C

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    promising antiviral drug, sofosbuvir, brings hope to the eradication of all genotypes of HCV. This bibliography would evaluate the effectiveness and safety of sofosbuvir in treating chronic hepatitis C either in combination with other drugs or alone. In addition to that, this bibliography and the following literature review will highlight the impact of sofosbuvir in the global eradication of hepatitis C. Add citation Keywords: sofosbuvir, safety, effectiveness, chronic hepatitis C, antiviral 1. All-oral

  • Attention Getter For Informative Speech Outline

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    effects in the future, unlike prescription or over the counter drugs. III: Herbs heal your body slowly, resulting in little to no side effects in the future. A. Herbs that are thought to promote detoxification and are often used in conjunction with antiviral herbs to further enhance action in the immune

  • Analysis Of Herpes Zoster

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    Introduction Herpes Zoster (HZ), or Shingles, is a cutaneous disease, characterized by a unilateral, dermatomal, and often painful vesicular rash. Following the primary infection of varicella zoster virus (VZV), the virus remains latent in the dorsal or cranial sensory ganglia. The outbreak typically results from reactivation of latent VZV.1 Herpes zoster (HZ) arises years or decades after primary infection with VZV, which is known in clinical settings as varicella and, in many instances, as chicken

  • Essay On Herpes Simplex

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    .. ... to replicate.4 Other antivirals that affect HSV is valacyclovir and famiciclovir. For herpes labialis, acyclovir is not as effective as valacyclovir.7 However, acyclovir, valacyclovir and famiciclovir are all equally effective against recurrent genital herpes.7 The use of antivirals is most effective when used within the first 72 hours of onset. In the immunocompromised, it has been seen that the virus is acyclovir resistant.7 Unfortunately, these antiviral only affect the active version

  • Influenza Virus Prevention

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    cardiac, pulmonary, renal, hepatic and neurological disease and diabetics. The common symptoms of influenza are: fever or feeling feverish/chills, a temperature of 38°C (100.4 °F) or above, cough, sore th... ... middle of paper ... ...d receive antiviral treatment immediately while waiting for test results (Unknown, 2013). Influenza can be introduced and spread into an extended-care facility by newly admitted residents, health care staff and by visitors. Residents of long-term care facilities may

  • Organ Donation -Saving Lives

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    life. References Butts, J., & Rich, K. (2008). Nursing ethics: across the curriculum and into practice. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Wagner. S. (March 1, 2009). Liver transplant recipients with hepatitis b may need lifelong antiviral treatment. Retrieved February 3, 2010, from National Digestive Disease Information Clearance. (2008, December). Cirrhosis (NIH Publication No. 09–1134). Retrieved from NDDIC website: http://digestive

  • Influenza Research Paper

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    Influenza What is Influenza? Influenza is a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory passageways. Influenza causes a fever, severe aching, and catarrh. What is catarrh, you may ask? Catarrh is mucus. Specifically it is the build-up of mucus in the nose or throat. The build-up of this mucus makes it harder for you to breathe through these airways. What are the transmission routes of influenza? The influenza virus is a contagious virus. People with flu can spread it to others up

  • research

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    This international health crisis requires appropriate strategy in place to ensure effective and timely response. It is impossible to determine when an H1N1 pandemic will occur but the ability of a nation to effectively manage it (when it occurs) largely depends on how prepared they are. The World Health Organization (WHO) advises that since there is no way of knowing when the next pandemic will occur, it is necessary for governments authorities to prepare with strategic plans that will enable them

  • The Pathophysiology of Hepatitis B

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    Introduction Hepatitis B, an infectious disease caused by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV, a DNA virus), was formerly called serum hepatitis, inoculation hepatitis and post-transfusion hepatitis. Infection with HBV may result in acute, fulminant or chronic hepatitis, sometimes even resulting in a chronic asymptomatic carrier state, apart from hepatocellular carcinoma and liver cirrhosis (Davis 179). The disease is transmitted when an individual comes in contact with infected blood or objects. It may

  • Bell’s Palsy and the Herpes Simplex Virus

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    Bell’s palsy is a paralysis or weakness of the muscles on one side of your face. It results from damage to the nerve that controls movement of the muscles in the face, the damage may also affect your sense of taste and how you make tears and saliva. This condition can come on, often overnight and usually gets better on its own within a few weeks. This is not a result of a stroke or transient ischemic attack. This is referred to as a (TIA). Palsy simply means weakness or paralysis, What causes Bell’s

  • About Shingles

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    Shingles, herpes zoster, is a very contagious and painful rash, or blister that appears on the skin. These rashes most commonly appear on the sides of the body in stripes. The stripes are made up of many very painful blisters caused by a certain type of virus. The varicella zoster, most commonly known as the chicken pox virus attacks the nerve roots in that area. The herpes zoster virus is in the herpes family, including HSV, herpes simple virus, which causes cold sores, fever blisters, and genital

  • HIV

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    HIV Many eyebrows raised late in 1979, when the then unkown HIV virus raised its ugly head. The first two cases of the rare cancer, Karposis Sarcoma was diagnosed in two homosexual men in N>Y>C. About the same time in Los Angeles, several cases of the rare infection, Pneumocytis cariini pneumonia were being treated. Incidences of these strange diseases and infections were sky-rocketting around the country. The disease was effecting mostly young gay men in their 30's. There was no official name for

  • Alien Plant Research Paper

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    Cactus have great water retaining capabilities and collect rain and dew from the air around it. Cactuses have adapted to a very harsh desert climate where there is a minimal amount of water and storage and has many antiviral capabilities. Cacti have also been known to lower blood pressure and contains a high amount fibers. It can also be made into tea and known to cure diarrhea and have also been known to cure many diseases. Cacti also have a multitude of long and sharp

  • Primary Health Care

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    Part A Primary health care evolves from the economic, cultural, social, and political conditions of a country, and it is described as an essential part of health care that is universally provided to individuals in a community at the country's and community's expense (World Health Organisation [WHO], 1978). The goal of primary health care is to address the main local health problems, but it involves community education about these problems in addition to providing disease treatments (WHO, 1978).

  • Symptoms And Treatment Of Pneumonia

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    needed. The nurse will assess pulse oximetry readings, respiratory rate, and pain level. Pain will be treated with prescribed pain meds, fluids and electrolytes will be given as needed, and other meds such as bronchodilators, antibiotics, and/or antivirals will likely be prescribed. Pneumonia is very common illness but it can be fatal if not treated, so education regarding prevention and treatment is very important. Pneumococcal and influenza vaccines are available for prevention. Healthy eating

  • Varicella –Zoster Virus

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    with recurrent infection (shingles). In such cases, transmission occurs during exposure when the rash is in the blister-phase, not through sneezing or coughing. Treatments that are available consist of antiviral therapy such as acyclovir, famciclovir and valacyclovir (Stoppler, 2011). These antivirals help the severity of varicella and herpes zoster. An important vaccine that is available for people over the age of 60 is called Zostavax. Zostavax is available in the market which can reduce the risk