Aluminum Essays

  • Aluminum

    1227 Words  | 3 Pages

    Aluminum, symbol Al, the most abundant metallic element in the earth's crust. The atomic number of aluminum is 13; the element is in group 13 (IIIa) of the periodic table. Hans Christian Orstead, Danish chemist, first isolated aluminum in 1825, using a chemical process involving potassium amalgam. Between 1827 and 1845, Friedrich Wöhler, a German chemist, improved Oersted's process by using metallic potassium. He was the first to measure the specific gravity of aluminum and show its lightness. In

  • Aluminum

    579 Words  | 2 Pages

    Aluminum Aluminum is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. It has a concentration of about 8.2 percent (Craig et al 264). Aluminum “is malleable, ductile, and easily machined and cast; and has excellent corrosion resistance and durability” ( It is evident in everyday life. Aluminum is a very useful abundant metal. A large fraction of the mineral products we seek are metals, such as aluminum (Halleck, 1/20). The major uses of aluminum are transportation

  • Bauxite/Aluminum and the Environment

    955 Words  | 2 Pages

    Bauxite/Aluminum and the Environment Aluminum is the third most common element in the earth's crust, with reserves guaranteed to last hundreds of years, and, in its ore, bauxite, one of the most economically significant minerals in the world. It is, perhaps, more easily recycled than any other mineral substance used by man, but mining operations still continue and are enormously valuable. Aluminum companies have been at the forefront of environmental progress and effort in the minerals industry

  • Toxic Effects of Aluminum and Their Probable Association with Dialysis Encephalopathy

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    Toxic Effects of Aluminum and Their Probable Association with Dialysis Encephalopathy Reports on the neurotoxic properties of Aluminum (Al++), as well as those of many other heavy metals, date as far back as the end of the nineteenth century. In 1965, Al was found to induce the formation of neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) in animal brains. These NFT’s were similar to those found in brains of patients suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Vast research thus, was targeted at defining the possible

  • Aluminum Bats vs. Wooden Bats

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    Aluminum Bats vs. Wooden Bats Is baseball America’s pastime? For the major leaguers maybe, but for college athletes it seems more like a new age video game. The introduction of high dollared aluminum bats produce football like scores, higher statistics, and a percentage of danger to each and every player on the field. The NCAA has changed the regulations of the bats so far and should look further into to making another change to wooden bats. High tech aluminum baseball bats aren’t quite as

  • Aluminum

    1590 Words  | 4 Pages

    Aluminum Aluminum is one of a number of soft metals that scientists call "poor" metals. It can be shaped and twisted into any form. It can be rolled into thick plates for armored tanks or into thin foil for chewing gum wrappers. It may be drawn into a wire or made into cans. Aluminum is a generally popular metal because it does not rust and it resists wear from weather and chemicals. (Bowman, 391) Aluminum is an element. Its atomic number is thirteen and its atomic weight is usually twenty-seven

  • The Physics of CDs and DVDs

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    manufacturing, this plastic is impressed with microscopic bumps arranged as a single, continuous, extremely long spiral track of data. Once the clear piece of polycarbonate is formed, a thin, reflective aluminum layer is sputtered onto the disc, covering the bumps. Then a thin acrylic layer is sprayed over the aluminum to protect it. (Brian 1) After that, you have a final product called a CD. Often, you will hear about bumps on a CD. These bumps are what the laser reads. They are also sometimes referred

  • How To Make Tobacco Bongs

    600 Words  | 2 Pages

    little holes in the aluminum foil. And that is how you make the gravity bong. To use it all you have to do is put the 2-liter bottle in the water and push it all the way down, but dont push it to far down just push it to where the water is almost up to the aluminum foil and then put the tobacco in it and hold the lighter close to the tobacco and pull up on the bottle. The suction pulls the smoke inside the bottle and when you get the bottle almost out of the water, pull the aluminum foil off and put

  • The Concept and Measurement of Density: Lab Report

    520 Words  | 2 Pages

    width, and height of aluminum and iron cubes to the nearest 0.5cm. 2. Use the balance to measure the mass of each item listed above to the nearest 0.1g. Part 2 Water Displacement 1. Obtain a 50.0mL graduate cylinder and determine its mass to the nearest 0.1g. Record in the appropriate space on your data sheet. 2. Fill the graduate cylinder to the 30.0mL mark with tap water. Remember to read the bottom of the meniscus. This is the initial volume, V initial. Place the aluminum cylinder and note the

  • Tin

    541 Words  | 2 Pages

    that tin is mentioned in the old testament of the bible. Tin had a great effect on the world because of its low price, high electric conductivity, and because tin protects against rust and weak acids in food if the can is made out of tin instead of aluminum. Some common compounds of tin are organtin a combination of carbon and tin. When tin is formed with carbon to make organtin it can make more than 500 organtin compounds. These compounds are used in everyday things. One is toothpaste containers and

  • Beryllium

    6071 Words  | 13 Pages

    Vauquelin,a French chemist, was doing work with aluminum and noticed a white powder that was nothing like that of aluminum or any of its derivatives. Vauquelin named this mystery powder, gluinium because of its sweet taste was like that of glucose. In 1828, Wohler, a German metallurgist reduced it to its metallic form and renamed it beryllium.(figure 2) There was no commercial application of beryllium until 1918 when Cooper patented a beryllium-aluminum alloy, which turn into the 'jump-start', into

  • George Sugarman a sculpture

    3321 Words  | 7 Pages

    Sugarman a sculpture Best known today for his public art, George Sugarman began his career with formally eccentric painted-wood sculptures. In a revelatory New York exhibition, early pieces were shown alongside the 86-year-old artist's more recent aluminum work. In the course of 1998, there were a number of important sculpture exhibitions in New York galleries and museums, including the Museum of Modern Art's Tony Smith retrospective, Dia's presentation of Richard Serra's Torqued Ellipses, and a

  • Preliminary Design of a Robot

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    people(most probably with poor motor control), it is necessary that the robot is durable, and safe to use. The outer shell will be made out of aluminum, since it is a relatively light and cheap metal. It is important that the robot weighs as little as possible, so it does not require large motors, which will increase the cost and overall size of the robot. Since aluminum often has sharp edges, the robot will be covered in padding to reduce the risk of injury from operation, and act as a shock absorber

  • Living In Space

    964 Words  | 2 Pages

    intercept enough sunlight to replace five nuclear reactors or coal plants. The stations could be as big as nine miles long and four miles wide and it would only weigh twenty thousand tons. It would be built with hollow triangular girders made of aluminum that is very fast and easy to build . Solar power satellites are a pollution free way to generate electricity and cost no more than coal or nuclear energy. There has been twomajor designed stations made so far. One is designed by Peter Glaser of

  • Solenoid

    1226 Words  | 3 Pages

    relationship between the force created in a wire (or solenoid) when current flowed through it and the force from gravity. This was investigated by connecting a solenoid up to a variable power pack and then placing a light ring of either copper or aluminum around the solenoid. When the current flows through the solenoid, a magnetic force created from the solenoid should make the ring 'jump' up or levitate. When carrying out the experiment, the assumption was made that there will be some movement from

  • Aluminum Recycling

    2032 Words  | 5 Pages

    Introduction: Aluminum is an element in the boron group with a symbol of Al, and an atomic number of 13. Aluminum is a very soft metal when pure but becomes strong and hard when alloyed, a malleable metal with a silvery gray color. Aluminum is a very reactive element so it is found in nature combined with other elements. Aluminum resists corrosion by the formation of a self-protecting oxide coating. Aluminum is the third most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, following oxygen and silicon. It

  • Overview of Aluminum

    886 Words  | 2 Pages

    Aluminum (Al) The Element The name comes from the Latin word alumen, for the mineral alum. The electron configuration is [Ne] 3s2 3p1. The element looks solid at room temperature and is a classification of other metals. Its crystal structure is cubic. Aluminum is not an element found in nature, it is found in the earth’s crust which is 8.2 percent of it. Aluminum is obtained from rocks called bauxite. It is the most available element. In the beginning, scientist suspected it was in the earth’s

  • Essay About Family: The Family Road Trip

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    outward from the rail lines in model-T's full of brushes and cheap vacuums in search of the previous generations of wanderer/homesteader now in need of household accessories. The airstream contingent twentieth century sun gleaming off their polished aluminum westering hulls. Ernest Bourgnine at the wheel of the converted Greyhound Motor home, his Boswell of the interstate, Jeff Krulik, in close formation. Jack Keroac, I read that book - borrowed it from a friend who warned me it wasn't as good as it

  • Aluminum Essay

    1581 Words  | 4 Pages

    Aluminum, or Aluminium, as the British call it is considered one of many “poor” metals. Being very malleable, it can be made into any shape. It is often pressed into thick aluminum plates of armor for tanks or into thin pieces to make wrappers and foil. Aluminum is extremely popular because it does not rust and can withstand all kinds of chemicals and weather conditions. Aluminum is number thirteen on the periodic table and it’s atomic weight is twenty seven. The melting point of aluminum is 660

  • Tin vs. Lumber Baseball Bats

    984 Words  | 2 Pages

    metal or aluminum bats have been used. This has caused great change in the college game, some say for better, some say for worse. For as long as I have been around aluminum bats, there has always been the question of safety. Each year we hear about a college pitcher being injured from a line drive off of an aluminum bat. Some say this is because the aluminum bats allow the ball to come off the bat quicker, but studies have shown that the exit speeds' of the balls coming off a wood and aluminum bat