Alistair Macleod Essays

  • Alistair Macleod

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    this eleven year old east coast boy, from Cape Breton, it is a source of conflict and a coming of age. In the short story “To Every Thing There is a Season”, Alistair MacLeod makes three arguments that captures the main themes and conflicts within the story, ignorance to knowledge, innocence to reality, and  idealization to realism. MacLeod short story is a metaphor for growing up and a rite of passage. The narrator is in a tug of war with his beliefs past and present about Christmas. The character

  • The Boat, by Alistair Macleod

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    A household is a precious and sensitive system of a group. Everyone has a role and responsibilities and even if someone took a sliver of more than the rest the balance could be broken. In the short-story “The Boat” written by Alistair MacLeod, the mother controls decisions in the house and abuses them even if they are not for the better of the house. She refuses to accept the daughter’s gifts, she discourages her family towards getting a better education and she married their father and pressured

  • In the Fall, by Alistair Macleod

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    A misconception that we often have about family is that every member is treated equally. This fallacy is substantially portrayed in Alistair Macleod’s short story, “In The Fall”. Typically speaking, in a family, the Mother is the backbone for kindness and provides love and support with no unfair judgements. However, when we relate to the portrait of the Mother in Macleod’s short story, we perceive the portrait as a self-centered woman whose affection is only shown upon what interests her. The Mother’s

  • Theme Of The Boat By Alistair Macleod

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    Alistair MacLeod has a unique style of writing in the story, “The Boat”, which is composed of fairly simple words to present the reader with a smooth read. The context of the passage is witnessed in the eyes of the narrator, and it voices the dedication of his father; whom works diligently as a fisherman with his son following his footsteps. The excerpt from the story relates to the story as a whole since his father carried on the tradition of fishing at sea from previous generations - despite his

  • Analysis Of The Boat By Alistair Macleod

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    This passage defines the character of the narrators’ father as an intelligent man who wants a better life for his children, as well as establishes the narrators’ mothers’ stubbornness and strong opposition to change as key elements of the plot. Alistair Macleod’s “The Boat” is a tale of sacrifice, and of silent struggle. A parent’s sacrifice not only of their hopes and dreams, but of their life. The struggle of a marriage which sees two polar opposites raising a family during an era of reimagining

  • Themes in The Boat by Alistair MacLeod

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    wood and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” At some point in life one is faced with a decision which will define the future, but only time will tell whether or not the choice was right or wrong. The Boat by Alistair MacLeod demonstrates that an individual should make their own decisions in life, be open to new experiences and changes, and that there is no way to obtain something, without sacrificing something else. The story describes the protagonist who is coming

  • Summary Of The Boat By Alistair Macleod

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    The short story “The Boat’ by Alistair Macleod, takes place in the roughly around the 1940’s in Cape Breton. It is about the harsh reality of the lives fisherman in Nova Scotia lead. The narrator is faced with numerous tasks. His decision that he has chosen not to live by the ocean and to pursue the life of a fisherman was the right decision for him in the beginning. The narrator is constantly trying to decide if he has chosen in the right career and life style for himself. He contrasts his past

  • The Boat By Alistair Macleod Analysis

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    in our day and age, that children often feel burdened by the expectations that one’s parents have. Blinded by their own pretences, parents pressure their children to follow a path which they themselves think is best. As seen in “The Boat” by Alistair MacLeod, the narrator endures a tremendous amount of pressure from his parents. In comparison to my own life, my parents also put a lot of pressure on me because they want me to be successful. However, I find that the pressure exerted by my parents onto

  • To Everything There Is A Season By Alistair Macleod

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    we follow the life of a young boy finding his place growing up with his family, and finding out where he fits in. Not only with his family, but in society as well. We learn all of this in the story To Everything There Is A Season written by Alistair Macleod. Throughout this story, the Narrator/Protagonist guides us through a time when he was 11 years old and shows us his journey from innocence to understanding. The protagonist is shown realizing that he is growing up and cant get younger which is

  • The Boat Alistair Macleod Analysis

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    that these professions they wished upon us have the littlest to no interest towards many young individuals. This is evident in The Boat by Alistair MacLeod, which tells us that many adolescents have been shut down without a proper statement about our future, this is because our future was either influenced by our parents

  • The Mysterious Author of “The Return”: Alistair Macleod

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    without a doubt that “The Return” was written by author, Alistair Macleod. The mother character in “The Return” shows resemblance to the female characters in other stories written by Macleod. Also the tense of the story is also the same as most of the stories Macleod had written. As “the return” is a story based around a family, just like many of Macleod’s stories,. After reading this essay, it will be clear and obvious that Alistair Macleod did write the short story “the Return. One of the main

  • Analysis Of The Boat By Alistair Macleod

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    Consider this question: Is it better to follow your dreams, or to forfeit your dreams for the needs and wants of others? The Boat by Alistair MacLeod and The Two Kind by Amy Tan are two contrasting stories where the protagonists are confronted by the same question. However, the stories become disparate as Jing-Mei from The Two Kind chooses to rebel against her mother’s reign to turn her into a prodigy while the father from The Boat sacrifices his dream of attending university for the sake of what

  • Alistair MacLeod's No Great Mischief

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    Alistair MacLeod's "No Great Mischief" In No Great Mischief, Alistair MacLeod proves to the reader that it is impossible to talk about the Scottish-Canadian heritage without mentioning tradition, family and loyalty. MacLeod wrote this book about loyalty to family tradition. It is common to talk about these three things when one describes his family or his past in general, but in this book, MacLeod has included every single intricate detail about each one of the three aspects. Family plays

  • Fork Of A Road

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    what has happened has happened and there is nothing we can do to change the past. Such is a case in Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken';, and Alistair MacLeod’s short story “The Lost Salt Gift of Blood';. While the persona in Frost’s poem has knowingly come to a dilemma, in contrast, the narrator in MacLeod’s story makes a decision without glancing to the future. Everyone is a traveler, choosing the roads to follow on the map of their continuous journey, life

  • A Rose For Emily And The Boat By Alistair Macleod

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    be fishermen. The narrator states “and it has been like this for six generations and sixty-five years. Before his father and grandfather and before his great-grandfather and his great-great-grandfather. Before them all, they had fished the sea." (MacLeod,2024) This indicates that the narrator feels a generational pressure and responsibility to continue and follow his family's lineage. This pressure that the narrator feels due to the generational tradition that all the men in his family lineage were

  • Analysis Of 'The Boat, And Simple Recipes' By Alistair Macleod

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    The reading of “The Boat” by Alistair Macleod, and “Simple Recipes” by Madeleine Thein, both display many components that draw attention to different family dynamics, as well as how each member is tested when if comes to love. The reading of “The Boat” by Alistair Macleod is an interesting and sad story that displays many elements figuratively and literally. The first figurative element is the boat. At a literal perspective, the boat is used for fishing and boat rides, although these are not the

  • Book Review: The Star Fraction by Ken MacLeod

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    have their own private communities. A way of containing everyone who would threaten the stability of the region into harmless sub-regions. The book's setting becomes much more interesting when the later American edition's introduction is added. MacLeod describes that he is a socialist, and believes that any science fiction novel's story must be derived from author's beliefs on the nature of history and the future. MacLeod's socialistic background gives him the Materialistic view of history. The

  • Sunrise On The Veld Symbolism

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    child that must find a way to cross the bridge between innocence and experience by themselves. For some people it is the small events like death that can trigger or push them to change their perspective on life. Doris Lessing, Sandra Birdsell and Alistair Macleod use symbolism to signify that the pathway from innocence to experience involves an encounter with death in the stories “A Sunrise on the Veld”, “Stones” and “To Everything There Is a Season”. Doris Lessing integrates symbolism to portray that

  • The Use of Irony to Manifest Unfortunate Events

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    Alice Munro, irony is used to demonstrate the unfortunate outcomes that can come about as a result of underage alcohol abuse. The story has irony because the narrator’s parents rarely drink alcohol and are strongly against the thought of alcohol. Alistair MacLeod uses irony in his short story “The Boat” to unfortunate events can happen even though the characters do not make it clear that they are soon to happen. In this short story the narrator’s father suffers a tragic death that is not expected by the

  • "Skipper" and "As Birds Bring Forth the Sun" Analysis

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    protagonist, Skipper. Skipper’s mother Ethel yearns for a better life for her and her son outside of their mining community. In the short story “As Birds Bring Forth the Sun”, Alistair MacLeod introduces a young dog named cù mòr glas. Cù mòr glas is saved by a family man who lives by the sea. Aldan Nowlan’s “Skipper” and Alistair Macleod’s “As Birds Bring Forth the Sun” appear to have little in common, but both stories show the same series of events that lead to Skipper and cù mòr glas inflicting unintentional