Ad Campaign Essays

  • Ad Campaign: Clinique

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    beautiful? What Clinique is trying to say is, “We are a makeup company that can give you lashes that are not just glamorous and dramatic but also simplistic, water proof and smudge proof.” You the consumer shouldn’t want anything less. If Clinique’s ad was any busier, what could that say about their product? Sure some consumers would be attracted to it, but to other consumers it would make Clinique appear to be another cheap line of makeup like N.Y.C or Bon Bon, which often has overly busy advertisements

  • Calvin Klein’s Ad Campaign

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    These are just a few ways in which Calvin Klein’s ad campaign tries to attract costumers. Attempting to convince the public that Calvin Klein clothing will look as impressive on anyone and will have people staring in envy like many do at the ads is the technique being used in this ad campaign along with many other aspects such as the setting, the outfits, and the models, which all play a big role in the ads effectiveness. The model on display in each ad appears to be showing them self off and the women

  • Dell Ad Campaign

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    Dell Ad Campaign The biggest area of expansion for Dell is the consumer market. In order to develop more sales in this market Dell needs to focus more advertising on the needs and wants of the consumer. Currently Dell promotes its direct model, which is a key factor Dell needs to create a better position for itself in the consumer market. With all of the PCs in the market being more or less equal, Dell needs to focus on what differentiates its products from the competition, namely service and

  • Ad Analysis- Beauty Campaign

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    by launching the Dove “Real Beauty Campaign,” one of many social missions planted by the company. The prominent message throughout the campaign is for women to see beauty in their imperfections, to celebrate the natural beauty and variation women embodied and inspire people to gain confidence and be comfortable in their own skin (Dove). The campaign raised ultimately both the self-esteem of women world wide, as well as Dove’s revenue (Dove). Although the campaign sends an important message, that triumph

  • scent of women

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    The scent of women It is safe to say that most women like to smell good. Perfume holds the power that woman are what they wear. Women’s magazines everywhere show ad after ad about perfume and what she will be able to do once they wear it. However, not all women have the same tastes and interests. In order for perfume ads to be successful, advertisers cannot just use one kind of formula to appeal to attract women. Sporty women compared to high class conservative women probably do not have the same

  • Analyzing the Priceless MasterCard Advertisements

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    you guess which advertisements I am talking about? That’s right, MasterCard commercials; The commercials titled: “Spending Quality Time with Your Family”, “Leaving Your Cash At Home”, “One Stadium Down, 29 To Go” from MasterCard’s “priceless” ad campaign, just reel you in with that priceless moment. Well you would never guess just how many tactics they use in one commercial just to suck you in. They use many little clever details in order to appeal to people and convince them that they want to

  • Smokey the Bear

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    tree. This cub, later named 'Smokey,'; was taken to the National Zoo where he lived out the rest of his life. Smokey was soon used to create an animated bear aimed at informing people of forest fires and fire prevention. The 'Smokey the Bear'; ad campaign was extremely effective and is still being used today as a way to inform the public of campfire do's and don'ts. Advertising is a $125 billion industry that attracts the attention of the public. Advertising is used as a tool of persuasion in television

  • Impact of Cosmetic Advertisements on Women

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    of the beauty product companies advertise their products as a "need" which ultimately appeals to a vast majority of women. Estee Lauder’s beauty product is one such advertiser. In an August 2004 issue of Vogue magazine, enclosed was a two-page ad campaign intended to sell Estee Lauder’s “Future Perfect Anti-Wrinkle Radiance Moisturizers SPF.” This advertisment is appealing to the consumer because it stresses the importance of remaining young by the use of this product. This advertisement then goes

  • Compare Dawson's Creek and Felicity

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    opera storylines, dashed with a vocabulary that could only be achieved by attending an Ivy League school, and an attractive cast. Before its premiere “Dawson’s Creek'; had a large nation campaign that consisted of television, newspaper, magazine, and billboard ads. Due to the ad campaign the show has become a global success being showing around the world in several different languages. “Felicity'; currently airs on the Warner Brother Network at 8pm on Sunday. “Felicity'; like

  • How Should Prisoners of War be Treated?

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    Bush and the United States government to “Just find out who were the cabinet, C.I.A. and military officers on whose watch these 26 homicides occurred and fire them. That will do more to improve America's image in the Arab-Muslim world than any ad campaign, which will be useless if this sort of prisoner abuse is shrugged off.” Friedman counter poses the present-day United States’s treatment of prisoners of war against the more compassionate way that Washington and his soldiers dealt with British

  • Skippy Ad Campaign Paper

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    and started advertising the brand. According to the Hormel Foods website, the last big ad campaign [the first Hormel had put together] was the “Skippy Yippee” campaign. This campaign stressed the fun and enjoyment of peanut butter and spreading the yippee of Skippy. Around a month ago, Hormel released a new ad campaign. This campaign features the trademarked phrase “Be Smooth Like Skippy”. The makers of the campaign additionally licensed the Bruno Mars song, “Uptown Funk” and it features the line “smoother

  • Rosie The Riveter Ad Campaign

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    icon. Before then, the poster was not known as “Rosie the Riveter” nor was the name “Rosie” associated with it. It was mistakenly called that and it stuck with it over the years. It has been used several times in recent campaigns. One such example is during Sarah Palin’s 2008 campaign running to be the Vice President of the United States. Famous singer Beyoncé also recreated it recently by dressing up as Rosie and striking the same iconic pose in front of a bright yellow background for Instagram. Her

  • Ad Critiqual Analysis Of Skyy Vodka's Ad Campaign

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    The ad I have chosen to use for my Ad Critique assignment is one from Skyy Vodka’s ad campaign. This ad shows a young Caucasian man and woman spread out on a velvety quilted red couch, with money falling all around them. The man is holding a martini in his right hand, while his other hand is nowhere to be seen. The woman is thrusting her breasts into the man’s face, while holding a handful of cash. Both parties seem to be extremely elated, and there is a bottle of Skyy Vodka sitting on the table

  • Frontier Airlines Rebranding Campaign

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    Airlines Rebranding Campaign After baseline studies indicated that Frontier Airlines was unrecognizable in its own core business area, they decided a new image was in order. Frontier released their new ad campaign “A Whole New Animal,” that built on their solid old brand, but conveyed their new goal – that they are affordable, flexible, accommodating, and comfortable. Frontier Airlines launched their new rebranding campaign calling itself "a whole different animal." The campaign uses the animals

  • Imagine This Is Yours Ad Campaign

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    recycling trash, conserving energy, and protecting animals. This organization calls for action to many people through its creative advertisement campaigns. One of the most shocking campaigns of WWF illustrates a series of situation where children dressed as animals are killed or dead. This campaign, also known as the “Imagine This is Yours” ad campaign, appeals to families with little children through appalling imagery and clear positioning. The WWF encourages people to be aware that animals need

  • Chevron Ad Campaign 'We Agree'

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    tries to convince people to endorse in a brand by withholding the truth and committing fallacies in the process of doing so. The advertisement that will be discussed is part of a Chevron ad campaign titled “We Agree” that has come out in order to promote the company’s positive external affairs

  • Media Campaigns in the SUV Debate

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    Media Campaigns in the SUV Debate The American consuming public has a long history of imposing patriotic consumption decisions upon the marketplace. They may be small things, like choosing to consume “freedom” fries over french fries or looking for the “Made in USA” label on products, or they may be forceful actions, like revolutionary era boycotts of British tea or holding foreign food and drug products to American standards. Recent anti-SUV campaigns have grown out of this legacy of consumption

  • Evolution of Television Ads in Presidential Campaigns

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    For over 60 years, presidential campaigns have used television ads to communicate ideas and campaign plans to the American people. With hopes of influencing people to vote, politicians have used various tactics and strategies to persuade. After observing television campaign ads throughout the years, a few themes are observed. For the 1952 presidential election, Dwight D. Eisenhower ran against Adlai Stevenson. Dwight D. Eisenhower was a member of the Republican party, while Adlai Stevenson was

  • The Failure of Anti-Smoking Ad Campaigns

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    studying on the impact of anti-smoking advertising campaigns .As a result of some research , main question arises : “do anti-smoking ads really have an impact on people’s decision about quitting smoking?” or “do they really work?” It is a controversial issue and plenty of studies and investigations support that there is no clear evidence to prove they have a significant influence on adults’ or youth’ decisions. The most striking reason of why anti-smoking ads fail is that there is not enough attention to

  • Dr. Pepper 10 Ad Campaign

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    In 2011, Dr. Pepper 10 released a new ad campaign. Their new commercial’s primary purpose is to present a soda that is both healthy and still “manly.” In doing this, Dr. Pepper addressed a longstanding notion that Diet Dr. Pepper and Dr. Pepper Zero sodas are inherently unmanly. They attempted to reconcile this societal belief by creating a character that is extremely manly and still enjoys their 10 calorie drink. The average man is the target audience. They were hoping that they could target men