Acquiring Knowledge Knowledge is a learning process that lasts a lifetime. According to Webster's Dictionary, knowledge is the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association; the acquaintance with or understanding of a science, art, or technique. Knowledge is gained in many ways; books, teachers, lectures, videos, communication, social interaction, and cultural awareness. There is a wide range of choices where knowledge can be acquired. Knowledge
Experiential Methods for Acquiring Self-Knowledge Do people ever know enough about themselves to determine the direction of their career journey? Various strategies have been developed to provide guidance toward this end; however, as the realities of work change due to such factors as global competition and new technologies, it is necessary to develop new awareness of self in relation to work. This Digest examines various processes by which learners of all ages, elementary to adult, can expand
effect of acquiring knowledge is best summarized by Victor Frankenstein as “ dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow.” Knowledge, its acquirement, and application, is a major theme in Shelly’s Frankenstein. It is through gaining knowledge and applying it to one’s life that characters develop and move the plot. However, acting upon gained knowledge is shown
intimidating methods of the teacher can repress the creativity of the student. Therefore, making the student into a uniform thinker, which is not the best way in acquiring knowledge. As Socrates would say, one must ask questions and challenge them to find the truth (the truth being knowledge) and that is the best way to acquire knowledge. I have gone through a similar experience in courses that I have taken in college. For example, When I did assignments for a feminist class I only wrote what the
Unit 1 assignment- Part one: Cognitive- acquiring knowledge Neurological- Nerves and the nervous system Birth to six months What a child experiences in the first few years of life largely determines how their brain will develop and how they will interact with the world throughout their life. Brains are built up over time, from the bottom up. The basic architecture of the brain is constructed though an ongoing process that begins before birth and continues on through adult hood. For children’s
what interested me in teaching. Throughout my elementary and secondary education I became even more interested in the teaching field. I thought that being a teacher would be the best thing in the world because a teacher has an immense amount of knowledge. Now I am in college where I am currently studying to be a secondary mathematics teacher. There are several reasons why I want to become a teacher, but the two most important reasons are to make a difference and to enrich the learning process
The process of learning and acquiring knowledge is a very interesting and complex task. The constructivist approach of learning was first expressed by Dewey (1936) in the early 20th century. Dewey has identified a progressive model based on philosophy Rousseau’s writing and on psychological knowledge. Piaget, J. (1973) study in early adolescent’s psychological development of discover, or reconstruct by rediscovery, Bruner’s (1973) theory of indicating learning as a social process which comprised
underlines a central question of a Hume-Descartes comparison: if Hume’s road to knowledge needs improvement, does Descartes know where to start or where he is going? The following discussion of Descartes’ Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy and Hume’s An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding will include an examination of Hume and Descartes’ divergent definitions of knowledge and methods for acquiring knowledge. This will be followed by a comparison of the philosophers’ thoughts on the
Constructivism, Educational Research, and John Dewey ABSTRACT: Schools are expected to transmit knowledge to younger generations. They are, however, also increasingly criticized for distributing so-called inert knowledge, i.e., knowledge that is accessed only in a restricted set of contexts even though it is applicable to a wide variety of domains. The causes of limited knowledge transfer are mostly attributed to the dis-embeddedness of learning situations in schools. Instructional procedures
best. Individuals who work extremely hard and acquire knowledge are judged to have the greatest nobility. Moreover, the Solarians have a Prince Prelate called Sun. Sun is elected by knowing a significant amount of information in diverse academic fields. For example, he must know all the mechanical arts and the mathematical, physical, and astrological sciences. In his dialogue, Campanella stresses the importance of acquiring knowledge in this ideal city. He demonstrates this by describing
Different Learning Styles Introduction What is learning? According to the thesaurus in the Eric database, learning is the “process of acquiring knowledge, attitudes, or skills from study, instruction, or experience” (Eric/Thesaurus database, 2001). A learning style is described as “a set of factors, behaviors and attitudes that facilitate learning for and individual in a given situation” (Reiff, 1992, p.7). There are many different ways that children learn. The purpose of this paper is to
students, assisting students with assignments and presentations, and answering any questions students may have about the material. Not only do I feel confident about my preparation in psychology, I am also working toward a minor in sociology, acquiring knowledge of the human relations that exist between the individual and the community. In addition to these activities, I have been involved in research under the supervision of Dr. Augustine Osman, clinical psychologist, University of Northern Iowa
Douglass, an American Slave,” by Frederick Douglass, one might notice a trend in what both writers regard as the key to happiness or self-fulfillment. Emerson and Douglass both imply that acquiring knowledge is what people should strive for throughout their lives. However, their perceptions on the kind of knowledge should be attained is where their ideas diverge; Emerson is the one that encourages one to develop the soul whereas with Douglass, it is the mind. One of the primary issues that Emerson
them to me I would make my younger brother play school with me. From the first day she gave me her old school books, there was no doubt in my mind that I would become a teacher of education. Education is defined as the lifelong process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and values through either formal or informal means. I believe that the purpose of education is to allow students to discover who they are through exploring what the future holds for them. Formal means of education should provide students
long distances, giving them greater opportunities to organize large collaborative projects. Although books and libraries shall continue to be the preferred and overwhelming choice of students, educators, and interested persons as a place for acquiring knowledge, weblogs, through the global network called the Internet, shall bring people ever closer together to inform the general public and to exchange technical and academic ideas. The influence that blogging shall have on the news industry and on
what the points of many of my classes have been. Now, as I prepare to enter the field of teaching, I again am evaluating why we need to educate children. I believe that some of the main purposes of education, other than the obvious purpose of acquiring knowledge, are to teach our culture, to develop social skills, to refine the use of our language, and to develop problem solving skills and logical reasoning. These are all important parts of our everyday life that are conveyed through the many things
Article Review Discourse and Real-Life Roles in the ESL Classroom Suggestions have been made (DiPietro, as cited in DiPietro J. R., 1981) as to how the ESL/EFL teacher can provide diverse learner personalities with strategically oriented material. Students get the chance to practice discourses in classroom settings but not always in the same way that the learners will use in real-life interactions. This article proposes a categorization for different roles of English
The Power of Teaching “To furnish the means of acquiring knowledge is...the greatest benefit that can be conferred upon mankind.”--(John Quincy Adams) I have never questioned what I wanted to be when I grow up. From the time as a small child I knew that I wanted to teach. Even at the end of many long school days, I would come home and play school with the neighborhood children. I had such a desire to help others learn and took pleasure in doing so. Still, to this present day I am teaching
Research Demonstration: The False Consensus Effect In science, we emphasize systematic, careful observation as a key to overcoming the limits of other methods of acquiring knowledge. That is, we trust systematic observation more than we trust our own intuition. We can actually investigate this issue. The following description provides you with the details necessary to conduct a simple study to investigate the accuracy of human intuitions. We often believe that others are more like ourselves than
how one goes about acquiring knowledge a daunting task. Language is the prevailing medium we use to impart and receive the information that we apply and add to our knowledge base. Since our language is somewhat arbitrary in its meanings, we require definitions so all members have the same (or nearly the same) understanding for the terminology used. We think of knowledge as definable and assessable. Yet knowledge is an ever changing and expanding notion. Look up the word “knowledge” in the dictionary