2004 American League Championship Series Essays

  • Descriptive Essay: My Trip To Boston

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    My Trip to Boston “ Everyone hold onto your seats this is going to be a hell of a ride” (Akeem). I flew to Boston, MA with a group of my classmates from Maumelle High last year to tour the beautiful city, go to the Boston Red Sox parade, and to watch the Boston Celtics go against the Milwaukee Bucks at the TD Garden Arena. Although, tourist attractions in Boston are ravishing, they're well-known for building the first subway in America. My classmates and I jumped off that plane rushing to find a

  • Descriptive Essay: A Trip To Boston Sandwich

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    “ Everyone hold onto your seats this is going to be a hell of a ride” (Akeem). I flew to Boston, MA with a group of my classmates from Maumelle High last year to tour the beautiful city, go to the Boston Red Sox parade, and to watch the Boston Celtics go against the Milwaukee Bucks at the TD Garden Arena. Although, tourist attractions in Boston are ravishing, they're well-known for building the first subway in America. My classmates and I jumped off that plane rushing to find a cab to take us to

  • Essay On New York Yankees Hat

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    draw criticism and hatred from many other fans saying that the fans weren’t real. The hat represented a fake culture, people who didn’t truly support a team, just the winning they were doing. The Yankees themselves drew hatred for “buying their championships.” The amount of money that George Steinbrenner put into the team caused rivals to get upset at the stars who would go to the team and the contracts that would be given to the players. Those who had huge contracts were despised and insulted every

  • Home Field Advantage In Basketball

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    are the road team. So, does this mean that road team is at a true disadvantage and win the series? That’s what I wanted to investigate. I took the last six years of postseason play from the American League and compared each playoff round home wins versus losses. I picked the American League just out of random and to use this to study

  • William Wordsworth: A Red Sox Fan Indeed

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    modern American baseball does not initially trigger notions of the sublime, natural scenes, and individual spirituality. Yet, what could be more poetic than the end of a curse, the greatest comeback in sports history, and the end of an 86 year drought without a championship? What is more poetic than all three of these occurrences happening in the same year to the same team? Less specifically, it is not hard to believe that a romantic poet would embrace the coming together of average Americans to cheer

  • Picking The Titans: A Career In Professional Sports

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    This is the latest in our series of all time starting nines for some of college baseball’s most successful programs. Players' professional careers were not considered, just their college careers — along with consideration given to their positional fits as well as a batting order that could provide a combination of a high batting average, speed and power. ALL-TIME STARTING NINES: Arizona | FSU | LSU | So. Cal. | Miami | Stanford | Texas | So. Car. Picking the Titans' all-time starting nine was no

  • Yankees and Red Sox Rivalry

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    Yankees –Red Sox rivalry History. A. Since before the start of the American Revolution, Boston and New York have shared a rivalry. 1. When the sons of liberty stirred up the flames of revolution in Boston, Tories in New York argued that America should stay loyal to the crown. 2. When the siege of Boston ended, the citizens of Boston celebrated, while people in New York faced defeat. B. For more than a century after the American Revolution the rivalry continued. 1. In the beginning of the 19th

  • Boston Dedication

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    comeback ever is; however, none can compare to the 2004 Red Sox American League Championship Series comeback. It is the greatest comeback of all-time. They are the only team to ever win a best of seven series after being in a deficit of three games to none. The only team ever to do this. They made history, and it most likely still haunts Yankees fans.. The ‘04 Sox comeback is the best of all time because it stunned the baseball world, led to a World Series victory, and has happened only once in history

  • Trading The Great Domino Persuasive Speech

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    that observed trade but continued long after the Sultan of Swat died on August 16, 1948. As you can see you can only blame Harry Frazee for a couple of the Red Sox’s subpar seasons and a couple of the Yankees’ historical seasons. 2004 American League Championship Series decided who would go on to the

  • Bill James Sabermetrics Movement

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    Bean’s Athletic team’s rewarded Beanes’ thinking with 4 straight trips to the playoffs in 2000 – 2003. Even though they lost every year in the opening round called the ALDS (American League Divisional Series.) The feat was impressive nonetheless. 2006 was an even bigger year for the A’s. They won their first playoff series against the Minnesota Twins only to be swept the next round by the Detroit Tigers. Yet again, this was impressive as the A’s had the 24th out of 30th highest payroll in the majors

  • Love of Baseball in Milwaukee: the Cream Citys, Bears, Orioles, Braves and Brewers

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    Through thick and thin, Milwaukeeans have supported their heroes and the heroes have given it right back; this is the story of Milwaukee and its main love, baseball. Eighteen years after the first game in Milwaukee, the Cream Citys joined the National League. On May 9, 1878, the Cream Citys beat Indianapolis by a score of 2-1. Sam Weaver tossed a no-no to get Milwaukee’s first win (Mishler 1). Managed by Jack Chapman, the team went 15-45 to finish 26 games back of the NL Champ Boston Red Caps. One of

  • The Ulitate Rivalry

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    Red Sox and the New York Yankees comes to mind. Their hostilities make the Hatfield and McCoy feud look like Jack and Jill at Sunday school (O'Connor, 2004). It is one of the oldest, most famous, and definitely one of the fiercest in all of American sports. This is a rivalry that is never boring, and played out over and over again with every series making the rivalry stronger. The rivalry between the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees is the ultimate rivalry, the history of this rivalry goes

  • Essay On Diana Tarasi

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    career has been active since 2004. Over the course of her career, Diana has put many accomplishments under her name. Diana was 3 times WNBA Champion in 2007, 2009 and 2014, she was named 5 times WNBA Scoring Champion in 2006 and in consecutive years from 2008 to 2011 and she

  • The Success Of Michael Jord The Game Of Basketball

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    North Carolina before he was one year old. He always loved to play sports as a boy. Although he played football and basketball as well, Jordan’s passion as a child was baseball. As a little league pitcher, he threw several no-hitters and led his team to as close as one game away from the Little League World Series. He was eventually named “Mr. Baseball” in his age group in 1975 by the Dixie Youth Baseball Association. Jordan’s talents continued to flourish as he transitioned into Laney High School in

  • Atlanta Braves

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    Wisconsin, and winning the franchise’s 2nd World Series only 4 years later in 1957. (Atlanta.braves.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/atl/history/atl_history_timeline.jsp) The Braves moved to Atlanta in 1966. The Braves didn’t have the best teams from 1966-1990, no World Series titles, just not up to where they had been in earlier years. In 1990 the braves had the worst record in baseball, and then in 1991, they went from worst to first, and went to the World Series. They went again in 1992, but unfortunately, they

  • History Of Prohibition And The Development Of The Sport NASCAR

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    became part of American life goes back to the early days of prohibition and how gangsters avoided the law. During this time temperance organizations wanted to restrict or abolish the consumption of alcoholic beverages. By the early 20th century, women’s groups throughout the country viewed the sale and consumption of liquor was disrupting family life, and destroying marriages. The “Anti-Saloon League”, established in 1893, led a wave of protests in 1906 against “saloon” culture. The league had support

  • Major League Baseball Business

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    professional baseball has developed: No other common activity resonated so regularly and intensely in American life as [baseball] . . . Played virtually every day over a six-month span and tracked religiously in the mass media, baseball offered its partisans a steady diet of entertainment, drama, and controversy. Americans routinely interspersed their language with baseball metaphors. (36) As you can see, Americans cling to baseball as something they can participate in by keeping track of and fixing it to

  • Research Paper on the Year 1969

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    "First, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth."- John F. Kennedy. On a warm July night in 1969, this dream came true. Millions of people sat captivated in front of their TVs witnessing one of the most monumental events in history, Neil Armstrong walking gracefully on the moon. This event in US history changed the way we look at space forever. Political issues such as

  • Mr. November for the NY Yankees: Derek Jeter

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    high school years at Kalamazoo Central. Jeter was heavily recruited by Yankees scout Hal Newhouser. After Jeter’s senior season, he received many awards. Among those awards was the 1992 High School Player of the Year for Gatorade, USA today, and the American Baseball Coaches Association. Jeter built up his great confidence through his parents help. Every school year, Derek’s parents would make him sign a contract on the dos and don’ts of Derek’s daily behavior. His parents always tol... ... middle

  • Jackie Robinson in Baseball

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    "The Jackie Robinson Foundation." The Jackie Robinson Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. . Robinson, Sharon. Promises to Keep: How Jackie Robinson Changed America. New York: Scholastic, 2004. Print. Robinson, Sharon. Promises to Keep: How Jackie Robinson Changed America. New York: Scholastic, 2004. Print. Swaine, Rick. "SABR." Jackie Robinson. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. .