14th Century Essays

  • The British Church in the 14th Century

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    The British Church in the 14th Century In the summer of 1381 a large group of peasants led by Wat Tyler stormed London. These peasants, unwilling to pay another poll tax to pay for an unpopular war against France and discontent with unfair labor wages, freed prisoners from London prisons, killed merchants, and razed the home of John of Gaunt, considered the creator of the poll tax. Perhaps more important, however, was the rebels attack on the Temple, a symbol of the British Church’s wealth

  • Reflection Of Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

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    and entertaining situations which are described in well-chosen detail, each story provided by the pilgrims. Additionally, as each of the chosen tales (as stated in the course reading syllabus) provided a lesson that is still relevant after five centuries, the “instruction” comes from these universal morals. Therefore, in the As Chaucer wishes to fulfill Horace’s rule of great poetry, as stated Ars Poetica, to both “delight and instruct”, the entertaining changing in narration and implication of morals

  • Why Is Robin Hood Bad

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    spanned centuries into the modern age. There are many speculations on who exactly Robin Hood is or what he did, but one thing that is certain is that his legend of being a hero who helped the poor by stealing from the government and the rich has evolved in different manners throughout time, whether it be through small or large changes. Robin Hood is most known for stealing from the government and the rich to give to the poor which stems from his original incarnation during the 14th century which marks

  • 14th Century Tapestry Essay

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    and undertake our lives in the best way. In 14th century tapestry, narrative’s role feels more relevant to me as an image maker than narrative in modern day. To understand narratives power and influence i will explore tapestry in the 14th century as i feel that it embodies so many similarities with the way I use narrative in my current practice. If i can understand how narrative was used as a vehicle for religious and political views in the 14th century, i can better formulate my own narratives more

  • The Eucharist and the Pater Noster: Early Drama’s Missing Link?

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    Bloomfield does in his work. Although he expressly states that he will not treat the drama in his book (xiii), he adds a rather cryptic paragraph to his discussion of “De Festo Corporis Christi,” a verse-sermon dating from the first half of the 14th century and included in the Vernon and Harley 4196 Manuscripts: This work, which links together the paternoster, the deadly sins, and the Eucharist, would bear investigation as a document casting light on the early drama. The paternoster play was

  • History of Fireworks

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    rocket fuel, and they made hand carved wooden rockets in the shape of a dragon, in the sixth century. These rockets shot rocket powered arrows from their mouth, and were used against the Mongol invaders of 1279. The principle behind these rockets is still used in rocket powered fireworks today. Through adventurous explorers, the knowledge of making fireworks spread west, through Arabia in the seventh century. The Arabs called the rockets Chinese arrows. The Mongols are credited with taking Chinese

  • The Role Of Morality In Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

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    from London to Canterbury to visit the shrine of St. Thomas Becket. Many of the pilgrims are discussed at great length, from their physical appearance to their personality traits. Many of these pilgrims represent a paradigm of their role in the 14th century when this set of tales was written. For example, the knight represents chivalry and honor to the highest degree, while the pardoner embodies Chaucer’s view on several negative aspects of the religious system at the time. These characters are the

  • English Society in the 14th Century

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    English Society in the 14th Century The Canterbury Tales, written by Geoffrey Chaucer, is recognized as the first book of poetry written in the English language. This is because poetry was often written in Italian or Latin not English, even writers from England wrote in the other languages because English was considered low class and vulgar, but after Chaucer's writings were published they became a recognized and legitimate work. The Canterbury Tales gives modern readers a good judgment of language

  • A Feminist in the Medieval Era: Margery Kempe

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    to say what influenced Kempe to go through such lengths to have her book written. Many think she wanted others to understand and witness how difficult it was to live through the social norms and expectations as a typical wife and mother of the 14th century. Little did she know, her life story would travel through history and show how molding of society influences social norms and self-identification, which are prominent, combating issues today. Kempe’s story has a typical beginning. She is married

  • Essay On Heroism In Beowulf

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    The concept of heroism has been explored by every author in every generation of writing. The earliest heroes were “self” described heroes that existed within Greek mythology and gained the actual title “Hero” by completing feats that, while they were humanly possible, were only accomplishable by those at peak human form, both physically and mentally. For as long as heroism has been used in literature, and spoken word, they have all had the common theme of humanity. The most prominent heroes were

  • The Years of Plague by F. F. Cartwright

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    existing in Britain at the beginning of the 14th century and examines the impact of plague on subsequent changes to social, political, and economic systems that took place during the following centuries. He also provides a detailed discussion of the causes, occurrence, and disappearance of plague, effectively debunking the myth that the Great Fire of London in 1666 led to its disappearance in Britain. He concludes on a sobering note, observing that eight centuries lay between the Justinian plague and the

  • Sheri S. Tepper's Novel, Beauty

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    argues that the guiding theme throughout the novel is "the presence of magic and beauty in the world, and the risk we run of allowing them to disappear." As Beauty lives through the 20th century, her new experiences cause her to view life from a different perspective. Her once peaceful and simple life in the 14th century at Westfaire was now changed into a life where famine, drugs, violence, disease, overpopulation, and pain were all too common. In this world, beauty and magic are non-existent, so much

  • Essay On Pinta

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    The History of a Piñata A piñata is known to be a container that is made of a few different materials. They are mostly made of pottery, cloth or paper maché. Piñatas are usually decorated, filled with candy and toys so that when they are broken during a celebration or ceremony, the goodies burst out for everyone to enjoy. Piñatas come in a lot of different colors and shapes. When the piñatas were first made, the Chinese piñatas were in the shape of an ox or cow and used for the New Year celebration

  • 14th Century International Travel

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    International Travel in the 14th Century International travel was a dangerous affair during the 14th century. Without the conveniences of modern luxuries, traveling was often difficult and expensive. Most people of the 14th century did not travel further than their villages, but in the Islamic world international travel was expected by every able-bodied Muslim through the haji. The hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, brought thousands to the arabian peninsula from all corners of the Islamic world. Ibn

  • Career of a Beauty Therapist

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    things we do in these generations are nothing compared to what women did for beauty back in the day. For example, to remove unwanted hair from the 14th through the middle of the 17th centuries, women used quicklime...aka that stuff that gangs use to dissolve bodies! It's hard to believe, but being pale has been all the rage throughout history - until this century. And women did everything they could to make their skin a lovely white shade, the things they did too make... ... middle of paper ... ..

  • Medieval Food Essay

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    hall where great banquets are held. In “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”, the poem begins in the banquet hall and the Green knight first appears before King Arthur and his guests at a feast. Since most of the recipes which I used are from the 14th century I focused most of the literary aspect of my presentation on Geoffrey Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales.” First of all the whole reason that the pilgrims tell their tales is because the inn keeper agrees to give the teller of the best story a free dinner

  • Sir Gawain and the Green Knight as Modern Fantasy

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    Sir Gawain and the Green Knight as Modern Fantasy Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, written by an unknown author in the 14th century, can be called a timeless work of poetry. It exudes a certain fantastic quality that, despite its age of over 500 years, still appeals to modern audiences. Because of this application to all eras, would it be reasonable to state that this poem could be classified with modern fantasy fiction? Because of the similarities in plot and style with so much modern fantasy

  • Joseph Stalin Crime Analysis

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    During the 14th century in England Feudalism took place which left many europeans poor and with very little freedoms. Avi demonstrates what life is like to be living in this time period through the voice of Crispin, a thirteen year old boy that is wanted for a crime he did not commit. The life of Crispin demonstrates how political, social and economic aspects were when the nobles provided protection for the lands that was not owned but used by the citizens. During this time many people lost their

  • How Guns Work

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    opening. This is known as the calibre of the gun. Anything with a calibre up to and including . 60 calibre(0.6 inches) is known as a firearm. The precise origin of the gun is unknown, although they were in use by the early 14th century and were common place in Europe by mid-century. These early guns were nothing more than large calibre cylinders of wrought iron or cast bronze, closed at one end and loaded by placing gunpowder and projectile in the muzzle, or open end. Nowadays firearms are a little

  • Foissart Chronicles Analysis

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    covering events from this time onward up to year 1400, hence can be significant in the study of the first part of the Hundred Years’ War. This source is also of vital importance in the study as well as the understanding of the chivalric culture of the 14th century England and French as chivalry and knighthood are the central ideal of