To Whatt Extent Did the United States Fail to Implement the Policies Set Forth in the Monroe Doctrine during the Fifty Years after It Was Issued?

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A. Plan of The Investigation This investigation asks the question: to what extent did the United States fail to implement the policies set forth in the Monroe Doctrine during the fifty years after it was issued? The investigation will be carried out by evaluating the policies of the Monroe Doctrine as well as analyzing the shortcomings and the failures of it. The policies of the Monroe Doctrine will be evaluated by how effective they were overall and the extent to which they changed over time. The analysis of failures will consist of discussion of specific events in which the United States failed to implement the policies of the Doctrine. Word Count: 100 B. Summary of Evidence The Monroe Doctrine was created to ensure that European powers would have no influence over the independence of countries in the western hemisphere of the world. Whether the Doctrine was constantly implemented or not is debatable, but the commonly held opinion is that it was generally successful in preventing European colonization of the Americas. Over the time period the policies of the Doctrine have existed, it has created much conflict with other countries as well as with citizens of the United States. Gaston Nerval argues in his book Autopsy of The Monroe Doctrine that “There was no problem with Pan Americanism, political or economic, which had not been, in one way or another, at one time or another, related to the Monroe doctrine or one of its multiple derivatives.”(v). The reasons for the Doctrine’s existence as a center of conflict can be split into the issues of its transformation over time and the instances in which the US did or did not implement it. During the nineteenth century, the Monroe Doctrine had multiple additions “e... ... middle of paper ... ...and C°, 1916. Print. Pastor, Robert A. "Brazil, the United States and the South American Subsystem: Regional Polities and the Absent Empire." Political Science Quarterly 128.3 (2013): 583+. Student Resources in Context. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. Nerval, Gaston. Autopsy of the Monroe Doctrine: The Strange Story of Inter-American Relations. New York: Macmillan, 1934. Print. Reddaway, William Fiddian. The Monroe Doctrine. New York: G.E. Stechert, 1905. Http:// Hathi Trust. Web. 11 Mar. 2014. Russell, Greg. "Theodore Roosevelt's diplomacy and the quest for great power equilibrium in Asia." Presidential Studies Quarterly 38.3 (2008): 433+. Student Resources in Context. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. Tucker, George Fox. The Monroe Doctrine: A Concise History of Its Origin and Growth. Boston: G.B. Reed, 1885. Http:// Hathi Trust. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.

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