To Start Looking at Pizza in a Different Perspective

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Pizza? Who doesn’t love pizza? Pizza is often loved by everyone and pretty much ate in any occasion. Through time, it has become a widely popular food. It is commonly viewed as a food that brings people together in harmony in one setting to eat and enjoy. Pizza has always been my family’s favorite for all occasions; whether I’m home alone, having a party, or just hanging out with my family on a Friday night. Pizza definitely brings people together. Although pizza is traditionally viewed as food, in our society pizza can also be used to understand rhetorics that have to do with bonding, culture/lifestyle, and health.

Pizza is often used to bring people together in one setting to enjoy and bond. It is very common to have pizza at parties and sports showings. One example would be the Super Bowl, which is when most pizza deliveries are made. As it is easy to order a pizza and mostly everyone enjoys a slice of pizza. In other instances, people may go to the mall to hang out and have some laughs together as they engage in a conversation while eating a slice of pizza with friends or family. The same may occur after going to a concert or an event, people tend to go eat a slice of pizza after and talk about what they enjoyed the most out of the event they attended. Pizza brings people together in one setting; it creates bonding moments and memories. My family usually orders pizza and we watch movies on Friday nights or Saturday nights. During the week, we are usually caught up with work or school so we don’t have much time to spend together. That being, we use this opportunity to bond with each other while enjoying pizza, which we all enjoy.
My little brother is usually picky with food and the only food we’ll usually c...

... middle of paper ... a lifestyle for many Americans and we are not always aware of this. We consume pizza more than we think and many locations of pizza are around us. It can be considered a huge risk factor in our health, but in reality we don’t realize the huge amounts of fattening foods we consume in general. We don’t usually take time to look deeper on an issue or object and when we do we can realize how much more is within it.

Works Cited

Hendel, Amy. "Is Pizza Public Enemy #1?" Remedy Health Media, 8 July 2013. Web. 23 Oct. 2013.
"Pizza Fun Facts." Fun Facts., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2013. .
Darell, Richard. "Pizza Around The World: The Amazing Statistics [Infographic]." Bit Rebels. Bit Rebels, 2011. Web. 24 Oct. 2013.

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