Analysis Of The Turning By Tim Winton

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Through this essay I plan to analyse 3 short stories from Tim Winton’s book ‘The Turning’. The 3 short stories I have chosen are long, clear view, Immunity and damaged goods, through these short stories I will be focusing on the themes for each of them and seeing if these stories in some way link together through theme or story. A major theme in Tim Winton’s short story long, clear view is responsibility. Through the short story we follow a young boy Vic Lang, as he is raced with some tough challenges in his life. Winton’s perspective of the theme responsibility is that some young teens are given major responsibilities at a young age to step up and take more of a parental responsibility in the house hold. E.g. “I needed you to be responsible. You’re a good boy.” (Page 198) and …show more content…

Through this short story we are taken through one of Vic Lang’s memories narrated by his wife struggling to figure out why a memory of Strawberry Alison is effecting their marriage and why she won’t give up on their relationship. Winton’s perspective of the theme memory is that even as you get older your past will follow you good, bad or ugly, you can’t always forget. E.g. “He didn’t just rattle these memories off.” (page 55) and ( I always assumed Vic’s infatuation with Strawberry Alison was all in the past, a mortifying memory.” (page 57). Memories are relevant to today’s society because it is our past, things or previous events that have happened to you in which we remembered them as good, bad, sad, angry etc. memories that you can’t forget. Winton has communicated this to his audience by sharing with us how a memory from your past if it is good or bad can still have an effect on you even as you get older. From the description of Vic’s memory being the major theme is that it just goes to show that that your past can haunt or follow you but it’s spur choice whether you chose to let it affect you in the

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