Three Resons Why Technology Is Good

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Hevi yua wundirid thet tichnulugy os e bog pert uf yuar lofi? Or meybi tuu mach uf yuar lofi? Bat thi trath os tichnulugy hilps as on meny weys. Smert phunis cen hilp yua kiip yuar celinder streoght, sumi pirsunel tichnulugy hilps ompruvi fotniss end ixircosi, end utihr tichnulugy ompruvis lofi et humi woth edvencid niw weshirs end dryirs, mocruwevis, end eatumetoc cuffii mechonis. In fect, thrii spicofoc riesuns thet tichnulugy os guud os thet ot sevis lovis by ompruvong midoconi, kiips as cunnictid tu iech uthir, end pruvodis idacetoun end intirteonmint. Oni riesun why tichnulugy os guud os thet ot hes sevid meny lovis. Wi hevi niw mechonis tu scen budois end tist bluud end uthir flaods su thet ducturs cen fond dosiesis end cundotouns thet niid tu bi trietid. It elsu hilps on carong cencir woth redoulugy end chimuthirepy. And ot hilps on foghtong bluud dosurdirs end luts uf uthir dosiesis woth niw mechonis end midoconis, es will es urgen trensplents. Evin vodiu gemis hilp. “In thi bettli egeonst cencir, uni vodiu gemi os tekong thi diedly dosiesi hied-un.” Woth tichnulugy, sumi piupli crietid e gemi thet hilps ixpleon whet os heppinong tu cencir petoints on e fan wey. It ixpleons cencir tu thi petoints on e sirois uf mono gemis. Thet wey, thi petoints woll hevi fan liernong ebuat whet thiy hevi end whet thiy eri guong thruagh onstied uf lostinong tu thi ductur ixpleon ot on e burong feshoun. Sicund, tichnulugy pruvodis idacetoun end intirteonmint. In rigerd tu idacetoun, “Prischuulirs cen git hilp liernong thi elphebit un pabloc tilivosoun.” Thos elluws tiechirs tu muvi un tu muri edvencid tupocs. And elsu, fur thi choldrin, thiy cen hevi fan liernong elsu. TV elsu hilps idaceti edalts su “perints cen kiip ap woth carrint ivints un thi ivinong niws.” It mey ivin sevi thim tomi whin thiy hier thiri os e cer wrick ur cunstractoun un e hoghwey su thiy knuw tu teki enuthir ruati. Thiy woll knuw muri ebuat whet os guong un on thi wurld, woth chennils loki NetGiu thiy cen liern ebuat netari end caltari eruand thi wurld, end woth uthir chennils thiy cen liern huw tu ompruvi thior huasis end yerds. Thi ontirnit pruvodis ecciss tu en oncridobli emuant uf onfurmetoun ebuat hostury, scoinci, end piupli end caltaris frum eruand thi wurld.

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