The Things They Carried Analysis

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“The Things They Carried” is a unique piece of writing by Vietnam war veteran, Tim O’Brien. It’s not a novel, short story, or even a memoir. It can be better described as many sections, put together to give readers a view into the burdens of war. They are told in a mixture of third person narrative, and centralized first person narrative. O’Brien has structured this story to focus on emotions. He does this by putting its readers into the subconscious mind of Lt. Jimmy Cross, and his platoon members. To me, this is done in two layers; the first layer is the story of Lt. Jimmy Cross, and the second layer is the “weight” of what the men had to carry.
In the first layer, you get to know the story of Lieutenant Jimmy Cross, a “kid at war” (O’Brien 138). We immediately learn that the Lieutenant is preoccupied with thoughts of Martha, his love that he had been forced to leave at home. He’d often imagine what they’re life would be like if they were together. He wondered what her life was like at Mount Sebastian, and of all the things he could have done with her when he had the chance. “He had difficulty keeping his attention on the war” (O’Brien 135). Even during high stress situations, Martha was the only thing on his mind (O’Brien 137). While worrying about the life of one of his men, Lee Strunk, Cross was still able to think of her. Through …show more content…

He uses repetition in his writing of “The Things They Carried”, but he does it in such a well written way that none of it is redundant. While the story moves on, certain scenes are retold with more and more details. Within the first two pages, we know the fate of Ted Lavender. His death is brought up multiple times afterwards, each time with more a little more detail. This is something I struggle with in writing, and enjoyed the sporadic way O’Brien accomplished this. His way of telling you what happened, but still leaving you wanting more is captivating to the

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